A Guy Called Gerald Unofficial Web Page: Article

A Guy Called Gerald Interview
Mix #3 Magazine - A Guy Called Gerald Interview Mix
October 1990
Page: 32
Mix #3 Magazine - A Guy Called Gerald Interview

Manchester-born house creator "A Guy Called Gerald", who was introduced in the MIX # 1 interview, came to Japan for the first time. He performed a wonderful live performance at PAX Theater PSYCHER. The overwhelming techno beat produced by Gerald Sipson, which combines the groove feeling peculiar to black people with the European bran, can be arguably located at the highest peak of the current UK house.

- What kind of music have you listened to so far?

"I've listened to jazz and all sorts of music, and I've established my own dance music out of it."

- You mentioned that you received a gift when you saw Kraftwerk live in a previous interview.

"Yes, it's an electronic sound bassline, so-called synth bass. I was really impressed."

- I heard you were a Clap DJ in Manchester.

"At first, I longed for DJs and started collecting equipment myself. It wasn't a big club, but there was a youth club where young people gathered and I was playing there. Of those, on two turntables. I realized that it might be better to put rhythm and bass on one record than to mix, and the line started from normal DJ play. ”

- Did you expect the hit of" Voodoo Ray "?

"I wasn't conscious of hits, I was thinking of creating a satisfying electronic groove. I'm thrilled." '

Mix #3 Magazine - A Guy Called Gerald Interview

- After the hit of "Voodoo Ray", there was released a sample of your sound like "Voodoo Doll," by Frankie Bones.

"I was shocked at first. I wondered why they were stealing my sound, but now it's inevitable that it will be sampled, and it's because you like the sound that you can sample it ... I'm used to it. "

- There is also 808 state "Pacific state" and used your baseline. I heard that there was a trial.

"I didn't know much about the current state of the music business in the UK. I thought I was a friend for a long time, but I soon realized (laughs). Well, I made" Voodoo Ray "after I left them. If I didn't do it, "Voodoo Ray" wouldn't be born. "

- The first album "Hot Lemonade's jacket design had a molecular model drawn on it ...

"Yes, I used it in the jacket design of my first album with the meaning that everything starts from there. And it represents the structure of my music. Atoms, molecules, and matter. Growth. It's a completely different form from the basic elements. Compare it to Brian Eno's music. I'm pretty much influenced by his music. Some of his music From one basic element to the next, and then the whole thing. "

- I think the biggest difference between Brian Eno's music and your music is in the beat.

"I was born and raised in England, but my parents are Jamaican, so that's probably the reason. It's Latin blood. I've been listening to Latin since I was a kid. So I really have to end up as a DJ. That's right (laughs). "

- You signed with CBS after the hit of "Voodoo Ray", but what about the situation?

"I didn't have a contract with Rham Records at the time. I was going to start with a small label: I was going to start and take steps, but Rham was noisy! It seems that I'm glad I signed with CBS instead. I'm pretty free to do it. The manager is also big. "

- It's the title of the song, but it's solid and powerful, like "AUTOMANIKK". It's not in the dictionary.

"I'm happy. There will be many crazy titles. Automatic and maniac are called "automanique". It's the same as a song, it's cut and combined as you make it. "

- This time you came to Japan for a concert, but what about the house manipulator doing a concert?

"I'm always in the studio, but my goal is to show off the final process of making music in front of people who always dance. "

- There are pop music and abstract music such as Sheffield's LFO in the recent British house scene. Which do you accept as a tendency?

"I'm running in the middle (laughs). Manchester radio is playing house at midnight on Sundays. Chicago and Detroit stuff like Joe Smooth and Derrick May. I influence those things. I've been receiving it, but I always want to make something unique. Nowadays, spatial sounds and cosmic sounds are called ambient. "Voodoo Ray" is also called ambient. But I always want to do something different. The original. "

- Then, would you do a remix of YMO or not ...

"Truly, I'm a YMO fan. Please introduce me to Ryuichi (laughs)."

- If there is a meeting (laughs) Finally, please tell us your next schedule.

"It's the recording of the next album. I think we can make something different and interesting by sampling various things in the US and Tokyo and using them."

[Interview / Hiroshi Nakajima + Masashi Koizumi, Interpreter / Nami Katagiri, Cooperation / PAX ENTERPRISE]


MIX# 1のインタヴューでも紹介したマンチェスター出身のハウス・クリエイター、“ア・ガイ・コールド・ジェラルド’が初来日。PAXシアター 奄PSYCHER" にて素晴らしいライヴを披露してくれた。黒人特有のグルーヴ感と欧州的う糠とを兼ね備えたジェラルド・シプソンの生み出す圧倒的なテクノ・ビートは、間違いなく現在のUKハウスの最高峰に位置していると断言出来よう。
ーいままでどんな音楽を聞いてきたんですか? 「ジャズやいろいろな音楽を聞いてきたよ。そしてその中から自分のダンス・ミュージックを確立してきたんだ。」
「はじめはDJに憧れて自分で機材をかき集めてはじめたんだ。大きなクラブじゃなかったけど、若いやつらの集まるユース・クラブがあって、そこでプレイしていた。そのうち、ニ台のターンテーブルでミキシングするより、ひとつのレコードにリズムやベースを重ねていくほうが可能性があると気付いて普通のDJプレイから路線がそれはじめた。」 -“ヴードウー・レイ”のヒットは予測してましたか7

-“ヴードウー・レイ”のヒットのあとフランキ ー・ボーンズの“ブードウー・ドーJL,'’みたいにあなたのサウンドをサンプリングしたものがリリースされましたね。
「そう、そこからすべてが始まるという意味を込めてファースト・アルバムのジャケット・デザインに使った。そしてそれは僕の音楽の構造をあらわしているんだ。原子から分子、そして物質が構成される。 成長するというか基本的な要素から全然違った形が生まれるということ。ブライアン・イーノの音楽と比較してみて欲しい。僕は彼の音楽からかなり影響を受けているんだ。彼の音楽もいくつかの基本的ェレメントから次のェレメントへそしてさらに全体が構成される。」
ーブライアン・イーノの音楽とあなたの音楽のー 番大きなちがいはビートにあると思うんですが。 「僕はイギリスで生まれ育ったけど、親はジャマイカンだからそのへんが理由だろうな。ラテンの血だよ。子どもの頃からよくラテンを聞いてたからね。 だから本当はDJで終わってなくっちゃいけないんだよ(笑)。」
-“ヴードウー・レイ”のヒットのあとCBSと契約したわけですが、状況的にはどうなんでしょう。 「当時、フリム・フラム・レコードとは契約はしていなかったんだ。僕としては小さなレーベルからス: タートしてステップを踏んでいくつもりだったけど、 フリム・フラムはヒットを出せ!ってうるさかったんでかえってCBSと契約してよかったみたいだ。 かなり自由にやらせてくれるよ。マネージャーの存在も大きいね。」

オートマティック、マニアックで“オートマニーク” ってわけ。曲と同じで、作っていくうちにカットしたり結合したりするんだ。」
―今回はコンサートの為に来日したわけですけど、 ハウス・マニピュレーターがコンサートをするということに関してはどうでしょう。
「僕はまん中を走っている(笑)。マンチェスターのラジオは日曜日にハウスをー晩中流している。ジョ ー・スムースやデレク・メイなんかのシカゴやデトロイトものをね。僕はそういったものに影響を受けているけれど、いつも独自なものを作りたいと思っている。今、空間的なサウンドやコズミックなサウンはアンビエントと呼ばれているよね。“ヴードウ ー・レイ”もアンビエントと呼ばれているけれど、 僕はいつもまわりと違うことを演りたいと思っているんだ。オリジナルをね。」
(インタヴュー/中島 浩+小泉雅史、通訳/片桐奈己、協力/PAX ENTERPRISE)