December 2013 |
21 Dec: Subculture, Milan, Italy |

Saturday, 21 December 2013
23:00 in UTC+01
Quando la storia della musica house è stata scritta lui era onnipresente,
il 21 Dicembre torna in città uno dei punti di riferimento della scena acid house Uk dagli anni '80 a oggi, Gerald Simpson in arte A Guy Called Gerald!!!
A GUY CALLED GERALD Analog live set
Juice Box, Laboratory Instinct, Perlon
prima h1.00 ➮12 €
dopo h1.00 ➮15 €
❐ subculturemilano@live.com
❐ https://www.facebook.com/subculturemilan
☎+39 392 0973005
☎+39 366 3051067
Juice Box, Laboratory Instinct, Perlon
Da dove cominciare con A Guy Called Gerald? Gerald Simpson è un tesoro nascosto, è il ponte di collegamento tra l'house di Chicago / Detroit Techno e l'esplosione della dance music in UK alla fine degli anni'80. E' il primo produttore dell' Acid House UK e probabilmente il primo produttore ad avere nello stesso tempo due tracce dance istrumental nella charts UK.
Gerald ha formato gli 808 state con una drum machine, la 303, 2 Roland SH101s e altri 2 esseri umani, Martin Price, Graham Massey. Ha collaborato con artisti molto importanti come Frankie Knuckles, Goldie, Finley Quaye e Derrick May grazie a Herbie Hancock, fece un remix per David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, Roman Fluegel e The Orb e andò in tour with New Order, Tricky e Bebel Gilberto.
Quando la storia della musica house è stata scritta lui era onnipresente: le sue visioni, la sua versalità stilistica e apertura mentale ha avuto una grande influenza sullo sviluppo della cultura dance mondiale. Molto presto ha sperimentato con l'Acid House e fu uno dei pionieri dello stile che fu in seguito chiamato jungle and drum'n'bass.
La scena di Manchester negli anni '80 era irradiata dall' Hacienda. Era un luogo che crebbe fino a diventare un terreno fertile per artisti del calibro di Laurent Garnier e Chemical Brothers e nella Summer of Love l' Hacienda aveva una colonna sonora chiamata Voodoo Ray. La prima versione è stata di A Guy Called Gerald nel 1988 che divenne un classico che saldò la scena house britannica sulla mappa. Con gli 808 state ha co-prodotto un altro classico dell' Hacienda, Pacif State. Dopo di che decise di concentrarsi sul suo progetto da solista e andò in tour per tutto il mondo (con un quarto di tonnellata di strumentazione) per le sue performance live.
Nei primi anni 90' ha lanciato la sua etichetta Juice Box rilasciando una serie di 12"pollici che erano il progetto di quello che sarebbe diventato jungle. Nel 1992 ha completato queste versioni nella Jungle classica nell album "28 Gun Bad Boy". Nel 1995 seguì con "Black Secret Technology" acclamato dalla critica fatto da Finley Rainbow con la voce di Finley Quaye e in collaborazione con Goldie.
Nel 2005 Knowledge Magazine classicfico "28 Gun Bad Boy" come il singolo Jungle numero 1 di tutti i tempi,il suo sound è stato fonte d'ispirazione per molti, Goldie, LTJ Bukem e DJ Krust hanno dichiarato la sua influenza.
Non volendo essere stereotipato in particolari stili di musica il suo suono continua a svilupparsi. Nel 2000 firmò con !K7 Records uscendo con "Essence" con le voce ospite della cantante cantautrice Wendy Page, di Lady Kier e Finley Quaye. Nel 2005 "To All Things What They Need". Nel 2005 lancia la sua etichetta Sugoi e Protechson labels. Il suo ultimo album "Proto Acid / The Berlin Sessions", poi realizzò Berlin's Laboratory Instinct, è un'infezione di 71 minuti continui di registrato dal vivo.
Nel 2008 fece 20 anni di cariera nella musica dance e per festeggiare rilasciò il catalogo A Guy Called Gerald’s back con brani rari e inediti e remix. Nel mese di luglio è stato ristampato un remaster di “Black Secret Technology” del '95. In Agosto “In Ya Head feat. Mia” uscì sull' etichetta berlinese che preferisce, Perlon.
Gerald continua a portare la sua esperienza, la sua cultura i suoi studi in tour nei club del pianeta, suonando ovunque da 2 a 14 ore di live sets, non è un software dj, è grezzo, puro, legatissimo al dance floor.
14 Dec: Holy Room, Boiler Club, Turin, Italy |
Sabato 14 dicembre approda alla consolle della serata "Holy Room" al BOILER Mr.Gerald Simpson in arte A GUY CALLED GERALD, leggendario protagonista e precursore della scena elettronica inglese e mondiale. Nel 1988 fonda insieme a Graham Massey e Martin Price gli 808 STATE che, in breve tempo, diventerà una delle band più importanti della Underground made in Britain. Nello stesso anno Gerald firma una delle tracce più importanti di sempre che consacrerà definitivamente il genere acid house alla storia della musica moderna: VOODOO RAY (1988 Rham! records). In oltre 25 anni di carriera ha collaborato con i nomi più autorevoli del panorama musicale internazionale tra cui Frankie Knuckles, Goldie, Derrick May e perfino Herbie Hancock. Gerald ha all'attivo 11 album tra cui pietre miliari come Black City Technology e 28 Gun Bad Boy. E' importante ricordare i numerosi remix per artisti del calibro di David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Can, Tricky, The Orb, Roman Flugel e tanti altri ancora! La performance di A GUY CALLED GERALD sarà rigorosamente live e sarà affiancato dal nostro Federico Gandin, dj torinese che non ha bisogno di presentazioni.
BOILER Club (Via Nizza 37 . Torino)
Sabato 14 Dicembre
Start 23:00
Special guest
A GUY CALLED GERALD (808 State / Studio !K7 . UK) - live set
+ FEDERICO GANDIN (Opilec Music) - dj set
info: 340 75 45 311 [WhatsApp Available] - https://www.boilerclub.it/
November 2013 |
15 Nov: Suicide Club Nacht, Suicide Circus, Berlin, Germany (Gerald missed flight) |

Suicide Club Nacht: Wolle XDP, Tanith, Special Guest: A GUY Called Gerald at Suicide Circus
Date / Friday, 15 November 2013
Time / 23:59 - 09:00
Venue / Suicide Circus/ Revaler Strasse 99; Friedrichshain; 10245 Berlin; Germany
Cost / 10 €
Line-up /
WOLLE XDP (suicide circus)
Tanith (suicide circus)
special guest: A Guy Called Gerald (laboratory instinct)
Unsere beiden Residents TANITH und WOLLE XDP laden wieder ein zu einer Nacht voller Techno im besten Sinne. New school, old school, rave, uk funky - scheißegal, gespielt wird, was rockt!
Und siehe da, wen sie sich da eingeladen haben: A GUY CALLED GERALD! Definitiv einer der Urväter dieser ganzen Sache, zeichnet er für einige der größten Hymnen der Dance Music verantwortlich, und ist immer noch ein großartiger DJ, der es ohne weiteres schafft, seine Version von Acid House in neues Gewand zu verpacken.
14 Nov: Analog Room, The Q, Holiday Inn, Dubai |

Analog Room presents: A Guy Called Gerald + After Hour Boat Party with Pier Bucci at The Q
Date / Thursday, 14 November 2013
Time / 22:00 - 08:00
Venue / The Q / Holiday Inn Dubai –Al Barsha Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Barsha 1 P.O.Box 115443, Dubai, UAE
Cost / 75AED
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald (Perlon) [5 Hour Extended Live Set]
Pier Bucci (Cadenza) (live)
Siamak Amidi (Volt Music)
Salar Ansari (Volt Music)
Mehdi (Volt Music)
Analog Room brings back the one and only A Guy Called Gerald for a 5 hour extended live set, but the night dosent end as we are going to move to our boat for another after hour party with Mr. Pier Bucci headlining the show plus Analog Room Residents. exciting, Innit?!
Ladies free till midnight | 35% off for all cabin crews
After Hour Boat Party Tickets: AED250 (Includes Open Bar)
8 Nov: WOW Opening Night, Tunnel Club Arci, Reggio Emilia, Italy |

WOW Opening Night - A Guy Called Gerald at Tunnel Club Arci
Date / Friday, 8 November 2013
Time / 23:00 - 04:30
Venue / Tunnel Club Arci / via del Chionso 20/g 42100 Reggio Emilia
Cost / 15
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
Nerd Flanders
#metamorfosi è sinonimo di cambiamento.
#wowclubbing è sinonimo di continua evoluzione.
Sei pronto a prendere parte alla metamorfosi di WOW?
Venerdì 8 novembre, dopo tanta attesa, WOW inaugura la sua nuova stagione cambiando.
Nulla sarà più come l'avete visto prima; allestimento, disposizione del locale, sound system, luci, visual… sarà tutto ancora una volta completamente diverso e unicamente spettacolare.
-A GUY CALLED GERALD (Perlon/Juice Box/!K7/ U.K.)
Non lo si può definire un dj, non lo si può neanche definire un compositore, lui è semplicemente la leggenda dell’Acid House / Techno, la sua fama parte nel lontano 1988 con un disco che entrerà nella storia e nella maggior parte dei club di tutto il mondo, quel disco si chiama VOODOO RAY.
E’ stato in assoluto il primo produttore britannico di Acid House e allo stesso tempo è riuscito a piazzare contemporaneamente non uno ma ben due brani strumentali nella U.K. Chart.
Nella sua carriera può vantare collaborazioni con quasi tutti i più grandi dj, produttori e musicisti come Frankie Knuckles, Derrick May, Goldie e Harbie Hanckook. Altrettanto impressionanti sono i remix che ha prodotto, andando a lavorare con gente del calibro di David Bowie, Stone Roses, Tricky e Roman Flugel per citarne alcuni, non a caso viene da alcuni definito come la bibbia della dance music!
- S. BOYZ (Mozzarella Rec / Ita)
- Alfa (WOW crew)
INFOLINE: 3318051175
1 Nov: Another Party & The Code Halloween Edition, Pulse, London, England |

Anotherparty & The Code, Boris Werner, A Guy Called Gerald, Tevo Howard, Bodycode, James Manero at Pulse
Date / Friday, 1 November 2013
Time / 22:30 - 07:00
Venue / Pulse/ No 1 Invicta Plaza; South Bank; London SE1 9UF; United Kingdom
Cost / £15 Earlybird
Ticket + booking fee / Early bird - £15.00 + £1.80 (closes Fri, 1 Nov 5:00pm)
2nd release - £20.00 + £2.00 (following Early bird)
Final release - £25.00 + £2.50 (following 2nd release)
Ticket collection / E-Ticket - free (Print and present at venue)
Line-up /
Boris Werner
A Guy Called Gerald
James Manero
Tevo Howard
Jimmy Lainas
Promoter /
Another Party London
Another Party and The Code is coming at you with a Halloween special not to be missed.
For group bookings: info@anotherparty.co.uk
October 2013 |
20 Oct: Wayko & Vast presents: Sunday Sunset Sushi Session, Amsterdam Dance Event, Toren, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |

Wakyo & Vast presents Sunday Sunset Sushi Session with A Guy Called Gerald at Toren
Date / Sunday, 20 October 2013- ADE
Time / 14:00 - 23:00
Venue / Toren / Overhoeksplein 1, 1031 KS, Amsterdam
Cost / Presale €12 / Presale + Sushi set €20
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald - 3 Hours Exclusive Set
Eelke Kleijn
Miss Melera
Red pig flower
On the last day of ADE, Tokyo-Amsterdam-London based record label and event organizer WAKYO and VAST team up for sunset party at the new venue TOREN, by the river just behind Amsterdam Central Station.
The legendary UK dance music maverick producer A GUY CALLED GERALD will be the headliner of the event. A Guy Called Gerald is responsible for the birth of British dance music as you know it today and continues to push what is possible both in the studio and in the club performing "true school" live sessions worldwide.
This is the only opportunity to see him perform at ADE 2013, especially in his 25th anniversary year.
Also young talented artists EELKE KLEIJN & MISS MELERA from Epiqurus Agency in Amsterdam and KNOCK & RED PIG FLOWER (resident DJs of VAST) will join the party with their tunes.
Our top Japanese sushi chef will prepare a variety of delicious sushi. We'll have a special offer for entrance ticket + sushi set.
Not to be missed!
* How to get there
Take the free ferry to Buiksloterweg in Amsterdam-noord from the ferry terminal behind Amsterdam Central Station. When you get off, you will see the tall tower (TOREN) on your left next to the EYE film museum.
Amsterdam Dance Event page.
19 Oct: Music Priority / Vudu: A Secret Party With A Guy Called Gerald, Milan, Italy |
Secret Party with A Guy Called Gerald at Milano
Date / Saturday, 19 October 2013
Time / 22:00 - 06:00
Venue / Milano / Milano
Cost / 10€
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
Flatless //Sick Society/baci recordings//
FRANK STARR //music priority/mixworks//
VENDUTO //dj set e laser show//
QOELET PRO //light design//
Promoter /
Music Priority
Vudu • Music Priority • iParty • Venduto presentano:
...a secret party with A GUY CALLED GERALD.
1) Se sei stato invitato all'evento conferma la tua partecipazione inviando una mail con nome e cognome a lucia@thisisvudu.com o info@musicpriority.com, solo così potrai accedere al party.
2) Poche ore prima dell'inizio dell'evento controlla la tua email o verifica l'invito Facebook per ricevere le coordinate della location.
3) Giunto sul luogo, trova la grande porta. Dopo averla varcata vedrai lo staff di accoglienza che dovrà verificare la tua identità (vedi punto 1).
4) Superato il controllo avrai accesso al complesso. Attraversa il cortile. Sulla tua destra vedrai un lungo corridoio. Percorrilo fino in fondo. (In ogni caso segui le indicazioni e cerca di NON PERDERTI.)
5) Ti troverai di fronte ad un grande ascensore industriale metallico. Chiama l'ascensore ed entra.
6) Sulla pulsantiera premi per il quarto piano.
FLATLESS //sick society/baci recordings//
FRANK STARR //music priority/mixworks//
VENDUTO //dj set e laser show//
QOELET PRO //light design//
Per informazioni, confermare la vostra partecipazione o accrediti:
Maggiori informazioni su:
12 Oct: Cirq, Musile di Piave, Venice, Italy |

Opening Party with A Guy Called Gerald at Cirq
Date / Saturday, 12 October 2013
Time / 23:00 - 04:30
Venue / Cirq/ Via Fossetta, 72 30024 Musile di Piave (VE), Italy
Cost / €13 (1 drink included) till 00.30, €15 (1 drink included) after 00.30
Line-up /
00.00 - 02.00 Boska
02.00 - 04.30 A Guy Called Gerald
Saturday Oct, 12th 2013
Since 1988 - Manchester, UK
CirQ - Venice, IT
Il countdown è finito, siamo pronti al decollo. Sabato 12 Ottobre CirQ riapre le porte per la quarta stagione e lo fa come meglio non potrebbe: in consolle si alterneranno Boska, dj che avete imparato a conoscere negli anni, che vi coinvolgerà per l’ennesima volta in un suo percorso musicale, accostando sonorità che spaziano dall’house più morbida alla techno più sporca, e l’inglese A Guy Called Gerald, che 25 anni fa si è mostrato al mondo per la sua visione acid-house, monumento mondiale della musica elettronica, uno di quelli che l'ha vista nascere e aiutata a crescere. Noi siamo pronti, e il livello di adrenalina non è mai stato così elevato.
CirQ - MUSIC ODYSSEY 2013/2014
STATION 1 “The countdown is over”
A Guy Called Gerald
Dopo il debutto datato 1988 nella scena musicale britannica quale componente della band 808 State con l’album Newbuild, Gerald Simpson decide di proseguire autonomamente con l’alias A Guy Called Gerald con cui nello stesso anno produrrà un pezzo simbolo come Voodo Ray, mentre nell’89 darà alla luce al suo primo album da solista, Hot Lemonade, esordi questi dove si riconoscono un suono acid-house unito a suggestioni techno detroitiane. Nei suoi 25 anni di carriera corredati da un’imponente discografia, il nativo di Manchester ha contribuito fortemente alla definizione del suono acido nell’house, continuando ad espandere i confini della musica elettronica distinguendosi come una delle più innovative figure musicali dell’era moderna.
Il suo ultimo ep, How Long Is Now sull’italiana Bosconi uscito nel 2012, in sole 3 tracce ripercorre sonorità house, techno, elementi funk e della cultura UK bass, viaggiando dietro nel tempo ma con sensibilità moderna, indice dell’inesauribile ispirazione che ancora lo assiste.
349/8226424 Catte
349/5520816 Stefano
CirQ Underground Clubbing - Via Fossetta, 72 - Musile di Piave (VE)
Next Date:
Sat October, 26th
5 Oct: 10 Years Of Phonica, Fabric, London, England |

10 Years of Phonica Records: Levon Vincent at fabric
Date / Saturday, 5 October 2013
Time / 23:00 - 08:00
Venue / fabric/ 77a Charterhouse St; Clerkenwell; London EC1M 3HN; United Kingdom
Cost / £19 Advanced Tickets / £14 UK students
Line-up /
Levon Vincent, A Guy Called Gerald (live), Heidi, Anthea & Soho
Terry Francis, Anthony Rother (live)
Lord of the Isles (live), Hector, Simon Rigg, Jonny Rock, Nick Williams, Brian Not Brian
Levon Vincent
A Guy Called Gerald Live
Anthea & Soho
Terry Francis
Anthony Rother Live
Lord of the Isles Live
Simon Rigg
Jonny Rock
Nick Williams
Brian Not Brian
Advance £19
fabricfirst / students £14
Tickets and info www.fabriclondon.com
fabric's Saturday nights showcase underground DJ talent, internationally-renowned electronic music legends, and accomplished live acts. Its playlists are dedicated to cutting-edge house, techno, electro, disco, dub-techno…and anything else that fits within the confines of the night’s future-forward and ever-evolving programming. fabric’s weekly residents are Craig Richards and Terry Francis every Saturday. Craig is also involved in programming the night, frequently inviting artists from all over the world to perform.
4 Oct: Grounded Theory [24], Stattbad, Berlin, Germany |
![Grounded Theory [24], Stadtbaadt, Berlin, Germany](images/Flyers/2013/2013-10-04-GroundedTheory24-Stattbad-Berlin-Germany-flyer-2.jpg) |
![Grounded Theory [24], Stadtbaadt, Berlin, Germany](images/Flyers/2013/2013-10-04-GroundedTheory24-Stattbad-Berlin-Germany-flyer-1.jpg)
Grounded Theory 24 with Pangaea, A Guy Called Gerald, Tommy Four Seven, Henning Baer & Barker at Stattbad
Date / Friday, 4 October 2013
Time / 23:59 - 12:00
Venue / Stattbad/ Gerichtstrasse 65; 13347 Berlin; Germany
Cost / €
Line-up /
Pangaea (Hessle Audio, Hadal)
A Guy Called Gerald (live) (25 Years Of Independence)
Tommy Four Seven (CLR, These Hidden Hands)
Henning Baer (Grounded Theory, K209)
Barker (Ostgut Ton, Leisure System)
4th anniversary and the 24th edition of Grounded Theory
September 2013 |
28 Sep: Kissinger Invites Onderstroom & Salon, Renault Garage, Antwerp, Belgium |
Kissinger at Renault/Lap 3 inviting Het Salon & Onderstroom // A Guy Called Gerald
[Time] 22:00 in UTC+02
Kissinger By Schweppes
****** INVITES *******
Het Salon & Onderstroom
Kissinger @ Renault Garage
KATORSKI + POLLUX (Onderstroom)
SMOS (Café d'Anvers)
SUBDUSK (Tomorrowland)
& More tbc
Renault Garage Italiëlei
Tunnelplaats 3-5-7
2000 Antwerpen
Presale: €13 (ex.comm.)
At the door: €18
21 Sep: Incubate Festival, Club 013, Tilburg, The Netherlands |

Incubate 2013 - Acid Flashback: 25 Years of Acid House at 013
Date / Saturday, 21 September 2013
Time / 16:00 - 04:00
Venue /
013/ Veemarktstraat 44, 5038 CV Tilburg
Cost / Dayticket 32,50 euros
Line-up /
808 State, A Guy Called Gerald, Kosmik Kommando, Tyree
Cooper, Ceephax Acid Crew, Chris Moss Acid, Mantra, 030303, Pete
Swanson, Vatican Shadow, DJ Pierre
Promoter /
Incubate is a cutting-edge festival in over twenty venues in the
innercity of Tilburg, the Netherlands. It takes place on 16 to 22
September and presents over 200 artists dealing with music, art, films,
theater and debate. In 2012 the festival welcomed over 15.000 visitors,
of which 20% from abroad, mainly Germany, Belgium and England. Ticket
sales for Incubate have started at the website www.incubate.org .
20 Sep: Radio Kobayashi, New Tilburg Jetset Episode 6, NS16, Tilburg, The Netherlands |
Hi everybody. Your attention please. Because the next Tilburg Jetset is coming up on the 20th of september, during Incubate, actually the best festival in the world.
In our cosy shed we'll have Brad Coleman performing his first live set ever, with material taken from his forthcoming album on RKR. Then we'll have Mr. Rogue Trades from the infamous Spatial group cutting the finest beats. And if that's not enough, Akemiö Grey will do his tricks.
But on top of it all we will try our best to get a very special guest in the house. If it will work out, you wont regret you we're there...
So, join us on the 20th. We start at 19h and continue till 1h. After NTJ we will move across the street to our friends from Incubate, who are having Levon Vincent (38th in RA top100), Kowton and Kyle Hall in their line up.
Just one thing more: please bring your own drinks, because unfortunately the Bavaria thing was a one timer only : (
That's all folks!
LADIES & GENTLEMEN: WE'VE GOT HIM! A GUY CALLED GERALD WILL BE DOING A DJ SET TONIGHT AT TILBURG JETSET! So make sure you don't miss this opportunity. Party starts at 19h. Tune in or come by!
20 Sep: Incubate Conference, Hall Of Fame, Tilburg, The Netherlands |
Friday September 20:
- 'Acid Flashback: Before The Big Bang, an interview with A Guy Called Gerald hosted by The Wire'. Gerald talks about growing up in Manchester and his personal experience of the explosion of Acid House.
- 'Have Baby Boomers Stolen Music?', panel discussion including The Quietus, The Wire, MOJO Magazine, Gijsbert Kamer (de Volkskrant) and Theo Ploeg.
- 'Are Red Bull, Toyota and Converse Our New Friends Or Enemies?', a discussion hosted by Gonzo (circus) on with Boef en de Gelogeerde Aap and Red Bull Music Academy.
- 'Why Cities Like Tilburg Need Cutting Edge Events': international professionals and local artists give their opinion on how cutting edge culture can change urban perceptions at the council hall of Tilburg.
- 'What Artists Demand From The City'. In this seminar with artists and policy makers, PhD-researcher Nienke van Boom will explore the residential preferences of artists.
- 'Storytelling: How Great Stories Create Value'. Kristel Zegers tells why storytelling is more important than ever to provide meaning, direction, even new solutions.
- 'Increasing The Social Impact Of Events'. What are the challenges the cultural sector faces?
14 Sep: Bangface Weekender 2013, Trevelgue Holiday Park, Newquay, Cornwall, England [Cancelled] |
13 Sep: Rebuild (Gerald/Graham), Bangface: Rave Of The Phoenix, Electrowerkz, London, England |
Fri 13 Sept / 10pm - 6am @ Electrowerkz
7 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NQ
REBUILD - Graham Massey & A Guy Called Gerald
> Fully live in analogue celebrating 25 years of acid :) <
Venetian Snares
Luke Vibert & The Ragga Twins
Krome & Time
Congo Natty feat. Rebel MC, Tenor Fly & Congo Dubs
The DJ Producer
Neil Landstrumm
Aaron Spectre (Return to the Jungle set)
Ceephax Acid Crew
Kanji Kinetic
Broken Note
Steptoe (ex-Shitmat)
Taz Buckfaster
Spongebob Squarewave
Traffic Cone
Hard Crew Heroes: Dave Skywalker, Demon Cabbage & Bassbin Terrorizer
Saint Acid & The Bang Face Hard Crew
10 Sep: Paradox, Egg, Kings Cross, London, England |

Paradox with A Guy Called Gerald, JB, Thanksmate at Egg London
Date / Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Time / 23:00 - 06:00
Venue / Egg London/ 200 York Way; Kings Cross; London N7 9AP; United Kingdom
Cost / £8 adv, Students/Members £8, £12 b4 1am, £15 after
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald (live)
Promoter /
Paradox .... Egg's weekly Tuesday late night party that continues to keep our faithful revelers of industry movers, shakers and mid-week family, dancing through to the early hours of Wednesday mornings.
PARADOX continues to represent the best musical fusion of Italian/London style with a sound track of electrifying house music served by resident Outart and friends. A cast of international guests and local stars head each party and take things through to 6am.
7 Sep: Rebuild (Gerald/Graham), Retro Acid, Balzaal Vooruit, Gent, Belgium |

Retro Acid
Retro Acid - Sat 07-09-13, Vooruit
Mike Dearborn
Rebuild (live)
Sensory Overload (live)
DJ Ignite
Buy your tickets: https://www.retroacid.be/tickets
General Info
Date: 07-09-13
Times: from 23h till 6h
Price: 15,00 euro presale ; 19,00 euro @ door
Retro-Acid is Kozzmozz' second oldest concept and celebrates the infamous Roland TB-303 bass machine. It is thé party for the fans of the 303 and its unmistakable Acid sound, the machine that formed and shaped electronic music and keeps influencing it today. Acid, as techno, is back full power on the dance floor and also the last edition of Retro Acid was completely sold out. After 15 years of organizing Retro Acid the concept is more alive than ever.
In 1987 Chicago lived its second explosion of creativity with the birth of the Acid House scene when famous house-producers start using the legendary Roland TB-303 bass machine. Acid House is characterized by the TB-303's acid bass sequences, and a 4/4 beat, creating a psychedelic effect by connoisseurs compared with the effects of LSD, also known as acid. And that’s how the genre got its name. From that moment Acid has always been present in electronic music. It conquered first the UK and then the rest of Europe and the world with numerous productions and labels, also in the techno communities. We will showcase the whole history starting with the earlier acid house sounds and continuing with the harder and newer adepts as the night progresses.
Resident Spacid will start the night with true acid house classics and some lesser known new beat gems.
He will set the mood for our first guests namely Graham Massey and A Guy Called Gerald of 808 State aka Rebuild. They have reunited to perform all-analogue live acid jams with a distinctly retro approach. When the men responsible for seminal tracks as ‘Pacific State’ and ‘Voodoo Ray’ get back together, we got excited. They will be using all the old Roland gear as the 101, 303, 808 and 909. Graham: “To some extent it’s slightly nostalgic but it’s not really about tunes we’ve written before. About 70% of it is pure improvisation. It’s all about setting the system up using drum machines and monosynths with little sequencers in them, then jumping off the cliff holding hands.” This will, without a doubt, be a remarkable performance!
Mike Dearborn grew up with Chicago’s early house radio-stations and has been producing since the early Trax label days. He soon found a home with Miss Djax’ Djax-Up-Beats label resulting in a heavy dj-schedule. Mike has remixed artists such as The Advent, Felix the Housecat, Gary Numann, Hardfloor, Joey Beltram, Robert Armani and Steve Stoll. He also runs his own labels Majesty Recordings and Majik Gruuv Records. He will take over from the UK heroes and step up the pace, playing for us the true acid techno sounds. Chicago acid represent!
He will be preparing the floor for the hard core acid of Rotterdam’s Sensory Overload, again a Live Act, this time with his own designed and built sequencer. Next to his own label, Sensory Overload, he can also be found on labels as Team Wasted, ZMK, Neurotrope, Narcosis and Eat Concrete.
DJ Ignite will close the night and as such she will be only the second woman ( after Miss Djax ) who will be featured on a Retro Acid line-up. Coming from the acid and break core scenes, she developed her own typical acid style and she will make sure go out with a bang!
From Acid House over Acid Techno to Hardcore Acid, Retro Acid will bring it all to you, with a smile!
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23
9000 Ghent
August 2013 |
28 Aug: Flussi Displaycement 2013, Teatro Carlo Gueslado, Avellino, Italy |

28 Agosto 013 Flussi Festival in coproduzione con Dislike presenta A GUY CALLED GERALD
[When] Wednesday, 28 August 2013
[Time] 22:00 in UTC+02
Flussi Festival dal 28 Agosto al 1 settembre 2013 si appresta ad accendere le luci sulla sua quinta edizione, il centro storico di Avellino diventerà palcoscenico delle arti digitali e della musica elettronica.
Con grande soddisfazione Dislike per la serata inaugurale in collaborazione con Flussi presenta un grande artista,icona della musica dance, Gerald Simpson al secolo:
Si e sempre distinto per una costante innovazione e per il rifiuto di scendere a compromessi. Inizia la sua carierà nel periodo in cui l’Europa vive il delirio acid-house, con la sua ‘Voodoo Ray’ (1988) e con ‘Pacific State’ (come membro di 808 State) ne diviene capostipite per poi muoversi verso sonorità giungle / drum ‘n’ bass. Dopo nove album e 25 anni di indipendenza, continua a spostare i confini della dance, suonando in tutto il globo e portando il suo sound “True School” in un ambiente musicale troppo spesso sovraccarico di pop.
Nonostante ciò, il producer britannico ha prodotto remix per un numero invidiabile di artisti del calibro di David Bowie, Cabaret Voltaire, Black Uhuru, Finley Quaye, Lamb, Tricky e The Stone Roses. A Guy Called Gerald è il maggior precursore della musica dance britannica come la conoscete oggi e continua ancora oggi ad esplorare nuovi territori sia in studio che nei club con le sua performance “Live in Session”.
“Ho deciso che l’unico modo per dare musica alla gente è quello più crudo e diretto dalla “True School”. Non c’è bisogno di nascondersi dietro espedienti o tendenze in genere; per esempio: attrezzatura analogica e feticismo del vinile. Mi dispiace dirlo, ma sento che c’è ancora tanta strada da fare e invece tutti sembrano essersi bloccati in modalità “regresso”. Forse hanno bisogno di uno stop / start per uscire dal loop? Mi rifiuto di scendere a compromessi quando si tratta del mio suono. Ho capito di essere l’unico vero affare nell’ambito della musica dance, quando ho scoperto che era impossibile per me vendere. Questa è la ”True School”.
A Guy Called Gerald. “La scena club UK deve ringraziare molte persone per aver trasformato il suono importato dall’America nel più grande movimento giovanile che la mia generazione abbia mai vissuto, ma nessun altro lo ha plasmato così tanto con il carattere e l’anima tipica britannica, creando musica per i piedi e per la testa, ed alterando definitivamente il nostro orizzonte culturale. ” Joe Roberts, DJ Magazine
28 agosto 013
Start ore 22:00
Teatro Carlo Gesualdo
24 Aug: Sea Of Green 2013 Festival, Yogo Kogen Resort Yap, Kansai, Japan |
Sea of green 2013
24 August at 13:00 until 25 August at 19:00 in UTC+09
[Ticket URL]
Get Tickets
Sea of green 2013
A Guy Called Gerald
Oskar Burnside
Pier Bucci
alejandro mosso
Tanukeep & G
Unity & Curryrice
23 Aug: House Of Liquid, Liquid Room, Tokyo, Japan |
House Of Liquid at Liquidroom
Date / Friday, 23 August 2013
Time / 23:00 - 06:00
Venue / Liquidroom/ 3-16-6, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Cost / adv.(7.14 on sale)* 2,500yen / door 3,500yen(with flyer 3,000yen)
Line-up / featuring
A Guy Called Gerald (live) in Analogue!-
Oscar Burnside aka Oskar Szafraniec (live)
DJ Wada(Sublime Records)
KATA:Hiroaki OBA (live) (Licence to Dance)、ITTETSU(THERME/Licence to Dance)、Marii(S/Licence to Dance)、弓J(S/Super Dry!)、Sachiho(S)
その男はUKダンス・ミュージック史の輝きしき“ルーツ”のひとりでありながら、現在も精力的に活躍するアーティストだ。A Guy Called Gerald――808ステイトの初期メンバーであり、そしてセカンド・サマー・オブ・ラヴを代表するUK産アシッド・ハウス・クラシック“Voodoo Ray”のリリース、さらにはアルバム『Black Secret Technology』でジャングルにアンビエント・テクノの要素を盛り込み、ドラムンベースと言われるひとつのアートフォームへと進化させた。現在はベルリンに居を移し、〈Laboratory Instinct〉などを中心にマイ・ペースながらすばらしいバック・トゥ・ベーシックなテクノ/ハウスをリリースし続けている。今回は、デビュー25周年を記念した限定ライヴ。Rolandのシンセで構成される、プレミアムなものだ。さらには、彼のそのキャリアよりも若い年齢のアーティスト、Oscar Burnsideが登場。1994年生まれ13歳でテクノ/ハウス・シーンに舞い降りたこの若き才人は、現在ベルリンで活動中のGeraldとともに活動も行っている。彼のラップトップ2台によるライヴも行われる。迎えるはミスター・ハウス・オブ・リキッド、MOODMAN。さらには日本において、Geraldとほぼ同様の長いキャリア持つベテラン、WADAが登場する。
8 Aug: Ozora Festival, Dádpuszta, Ozora, Hungary |
O.Z.O.R.A. Festival 2013
[When] Tuesday, 6 August 2013
[Time] 21:00 in UTC+02
[Ticket URL] www.ozorafestival.eu
In light of last year’s 10th festival held in Ozora, in light of the mysticism of the year 2012 and the newest one that follows the end of the world, in light of all that has enriched us with an Ozora experience, we still have only one thing in mind. Respecting and nurturing the valued traditions, treasures, for free spirits, paradise on earth, our fairy tale. A playground where we learn to share and care, to express, connect, unify, beautify the world around us, in us. A universe of openness, togetherness, reaching out to cosmic energies, to nature, to wholeness through dance, trance, creation, invention, transformation and peace.
A festival where caring for each other, for our world is as important as our love for all living beings, Ozora 2013 would like nothing more than to grow more and more as an ecologically conscious gathering as well.
The festival strives to bring forth the soulsome creators from each one of you, from all of us. Reaching out to the deepest realms of your imagination and displaying, sharing that glorious, that grotesque, that unparalleled treasure you find is one of the pillars of the Ozora experience.
Expressions of creativity are as manifold and unique as we ourselves, so we definitely encourage the participation of each and every one of you - to experience, to collaborate and share. The festival is home to all kinds of artistic, creative and enlightening projects, activities, workshops, performances and exhibitions. Therefore the full week-long artistic program will host a vibrant variety of international, national and local visual and performance artists.
Ace Ventura
Big Scary Monsters
Chris Rich
Circuit Breakers
Cosmosis & Ajja
Dick Trevor
Dirty Saffi
DJ Thatha
DJ Zen
Dr. Space
Electric Universe
Farebi Jalebi
Future Frequency
Hux Flux
Illegal Machines
Joti Sidhu
Justin Chaos
Onkel Dunkel
Para Halu
Peaking Godess Collective
Peter Didjital
Rob Fog
Rowan & Nigel
Simon Posford vs. Raja Ram
Space Cat
Star Sounds Orchestra
System 7
X.P. Voodoo
Zen Mechanics
A Guy Called Gerald
Antonio Giampietro
Banco De Gaia
Brando Lupi
Carbon Based Lifeforms
Celt Islam
Comsat & Petar
Darren Sangita
DJ Nod
Dub War
Green Beats
Greg Hunter
Jasper Dubmission
Jon Sangita
Justin Chaos
Kaya Project
Master Margherita
Mirror System
Naked Nick
Nick Interchill
Nick Manasseh
Pitch Black
Solar Fields
Solar Quest
Third Ear
Adam & Yuri
Almond Lama & Disandat
Bahar Canca
Djane Katamii
D-Nox & Beckers
Grove Attack
Spiral Exit
Tom Real
Visionary Mind Crew
Phase 2:
EUR 110 – ’til 20th July,
phase 3:
EUR 130 – at the gate.
MixART BAR – (PsyBaba)
1075 Budapest, Sip str. 4.
Groove Attack
Phone number:0543110307
HADRA Association
O.Z.O.R.A . Festival
July 2013 |
31 July: Bosconi Fest, Villa Ada, Rome, Italy |

Bosconi Fest 2013 - Laghetto di Villa Ada at Roma
Date / Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Time / 16:00 - 02:00
Venue / Roma / Roma
Cost / 10€
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
Eduardo de la Calle
Bosconi Soundsystem feat: Alex Picone, Herva, Fabio della Torre
Mass Prod & Rufus pres. Nightdrivers
Ennio Colaci / Minimono
The Clover
Promoter /Bosconi, Animal Social Club
With the expansive Bosconi Stallions compilation just around the corner, Italy's most adventurous house label gathers together some of its closest friends to share in a unique event set in an unforgettable location in one of the most beautiful park in Rome: Villa Ada.
From A Guy Called Gerald's cerebral acid to the liquid funk of The Clover, this party promises to bring together an enlightened kind of dance music that sees Bosconi returning to the Italian capital in a true celebration of taking the path less followed..
27 July: Cameo, Brooklyn, New York, USA |
27 July: Warm-Up 2013, Moma PS1, Long Island, New York, USA |
Warm Up 2013 at MoMA PS1
Date / Saturday, 27 July 2013
Time / 15:00 - 21:00
Venue / MoMA PS1/ 22-25 Jackson Avenue; Long Island City, NY 11101; United States
Cost / Online $15 / Door $18
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald / 25 Years Independent / Manchester, UK
Ben UFO / Hessle Audio / London, UK
Majical Cloudz / Matador / Montreal, QC
Daniel Avery / Phantasy / London, UK
Roosevelt / Greco-Roman / Cologne, Germany
MoMA PS1 presents Warm Up 2013, beginning June 29 and taking place every Saturday this summer through September 7. Now celebrating its 16th year, the museum's highly anticipated outdoor music series will continue its tradition of introducing audiences to the best in experimental live music, sound, and DJs - both local and international—across a range of genres. Warm Up supports both established and emerging artists by creating a platform that allows for experimentation and provides a space for collaboration, new material, and side-projects. The annual series is held in MoMA PS1's courtyard, which this year will feature a temporary urban landscape by CODA called Party Wall, the winning design of the 14th annual Young Architects Program.
This year, Warm Up will be once again conceived by a curatorial committee, selected by the museum to represent a wide spectrum of expertise in music, sound, and the performing arts. Selected by MoMA PS1 Director Klaus Biesenbach and organized by MoMA PS1 Assistant Curator Eliza Ryan, the Warm Up 2013 committee includes: Dean Bein, Head of True Panther Sounds; Kris Chen, Head of XL Recordings; Jonathan Galkin, Co-Founder of DFA Records; Brandon Stosuy, Editor for Pitchfork; Matt Werth, Head of RVNG Intl; and Imogene Strauss, as MoMA PS1 Bookings and Stage Manager.
In addition, Warm Up will draw from local New York design talent, featuring rotating stage installations by CONFETTISYSTEM, Fort Makers, Fort Standard, The Principals, and Thunder Horse Video, organized by Jocelyn Miller, MoMA PS1 curatorial assistant. MoMA PS1 will once again offer advanced tickets for each Saturday and tickets will go on sale online to the public on Wednesday, June 5, 12pm on MoMAPS1.org.
June 2013 |
22 June:Bosconi Fest, Florence, Italy [Cancelled] |
21 June: Próba Dźwieku Festiwal 2013, Browar Obywatelski, Poland |
Próba Dźwięku Festiwal 2013 - Browar Obywatelski
21 June at 18:00 until 23 June at 08:00 in UTC+02
[Ticket URL]
W tym roku III edycja Próba Dźwieku Festiwal odbędzie się w dniach 21-23.06.
To idealna propozycja na rozpoczęcie letniego festiwalowego szaleństwa! Wydarzenie odbędze się ponownie w Tychach na terenie Browaru Obywatelskiego.
To niezwykłe miejsce które przyciąga niesamowitym klimatem ! Ponad 37,000 tys. m2 . Wszyscy którzy mieli przyjemność uczestniczyć w zeszłym roku mogą tylko potwierdzić ten niepowtarzalny klimat miejsca.
Potwierdzamy trzy sceny muzyczne!
Artyści których ogłosiliśmy do tej pory:
KOLSCH - LIVE (Denmark)
OSCAR BURNSIDE aka Oskar Szafraniec LIVE
AUDIOJACK (United Kingdom)
SCENA DRUM'N'BASS (Scream Music Stage)
PHACE (Germany)
COOH (Bulgaria)
JADE (Hungary)
JAE OVERTECH (United Kingdom)
Bilety w przedsprzedaży do nabycia na:
***MUNO.PL - www.muno.pl
***TICKETPRO - www.ticketpro.pl
oraz w stacjonarnych punktach Ticket Pro (Empik, Saturn, Media Markt) na terenie całego kraju !
*** MAGAZYN Bar Lounge - ul.Mariacka 18, Katowice
Karnety 2 dniowe
III PULA - 79 zł
Bilety jednodniowe - 50 zł
Pakiety !
Opcja dla wymagających !
Karnet dla 1 osoby + Hotel Tychy*** (dwie noce) - 259 zł
Karnet dla 2 osób + Hotel Tychy*** (dwie noce) - 358 zł
Karnet dla 3 osób + Hotel Tychy*** (dwie noce) - 465 zł
szczegóły na info@probadzwiekufestiwal.pl
Tak jak w roku ubiegłym dostępne będzie pole namiotowe tuż przy samym Browarze Obywatelskim. Koszt pola namiotowego za 2 noce to 20pln od osoby. Rezerwacji można dokonywać po przez adres mailowy: pole@probadzwiekufestiwal.pl
Więcej info na www.probadzwiekufestiwal.pl
8 June: Just Jack, Motion, Bristol, England |

Just Jack at Motion Skate Park
Date / Saturday, 8 June 2013
Time / 23:00 - 07:00
Venue / Motion Skate Park/ 74-78 Avon Street;
Bristol BS2 0PX; United Kingdom
Cost / Early birds £10 + BF, £15 1st
Release, £17.50 2nd Release
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
(live), Dan Ghenacia, Delano Smith, Tiger & Woods, Mark E, Tom Rio,
Billy Disney, Campion, Summits, Shapes, Los Pina Coladas and the Panama
Promoter /
Roll up
Roll up! We proudly return to Motion with a hand picked lineup that is
set to knock your socks off!
Headlining the infamous Second
Warehouse is a man who needs very little introduction… A Guy Called
Gerald is one of the most influential UK acts of all time, his seminal
Voodoo Ray set the tone and from that day forth his career has seen him
go strength. Way back when team Just Jack were nippers in nappies it was
A Guy Called Gerald who acted as one of the founding fathers of our love
for the electronic scene, and Voodoo Ray is still one of our all time
favourite songs…ever! His live show is renowned for bringing down the
house and we cannot wait to have him join us for a long overdue Just
Jack debut.
Joining Gerald is a legend of similar stature all the
way from the Motor City, Delano Smith. Born in Chicago and raised in
Detroit’s West side, Delano represents one of the last of a rare group
of Detroit’s first house Dj’s. If your in any doubt as to Delano’s input
into the US scene, in the words of Derrick May, ‘’Without Delano, there
would be no Derrick’’.
If that wasn't enough to tear the
warehouse a new fire exit, Just Jack fave Dan Ghenacia also joins the
party! Founder of one of our all time favourite labels Freeak N Chic,
and famed for his residency at DC10, this guy is another reason we’re
all here- his ability to sleaze up a party is pretty much unparalleled
in the game.
Closing things up in the warehouse comes support
from Just Jack stalwart Tom Rio whilst heading things up in the tunnel
we are pleased to announce Tiger & Woods. Not only holders of one of the
greatest names in dance music, Tiger & Woods have been winning over fans
since way back when some of their cheeky re-edits seemed to ignite the
edit revolution that has continued to this day.
They will be
joined in the tunnel by Wolves house stalwart Mark E. This rounds up a
line up with both a nod to the past and future, so drop yer kegs, shave
yer legs and get yerself a ticket pronto- Colonel Wrongface is waiting
for you!!
1 June: Midi Night, Cabaret Aléatoire, Marseille, France |
WHY AM I MR PINK? | 01/06/13 | Cabaret Aléatoire
[When] 1 June at
08:00 until 2 June at 03:00
Le Cabaret
Aléatoire et MIDI Festival présentent :
Cabaret Aléatoire 22h 4h
A Guy Called Gerald (AGCG / Berlin-Manchester) Live in Analog Acid Jam!
Abstraxion (Biologic records/ Marseille-London) live audio/video
(Virgo Music/ Marseille) dj set
L’Amateur (MidiNight/ Marseille) dj
début de soirée sur le Rooftop (entrée gratuite) 19h 22h
Elysée (Archipel-Métaphore/ Aix en pce) dj set
Why Am I Mister Pink?
(Radio Grenouille/ Marseille) dj set
Midi DJ’s (Midi Festival) dj set
Cabaret Aléatoire (La Friche belle de mai)
41 rue Jobin 13003
Marseille /Tel : 04 95 04 95 09
Billetterie :
Bientôt en ligne
15 € en pré-vente hors frais de location
+ 1 € d’adhésion au
Cabaret Aléatoire
Midi Festival du 26 au 28 juillet à Hyères les
A Guy Called Gerald (AGCG records /
Berlin-Manchester) Live in Analog Acid Jam!
Légende, figure ou
parrain de la scène de Manchester, les superlatifs conviennent on ne
peut mieux à Gerald Simpson alias A Guy Called Gerald ! Quand on parle
du fameux Summer of Love de 1988, qui d’autre parmi les dj’s et
producteurs mancuniens a le mieux traversé les modes depuis 25 ans ?
Exceptés Sir Andrew Weatherall et « notre » Laurent Garnier, les autres
sont tombés dans l’oubli avant que l’Hacienda ne devienne un parking.
Lui a pourtant commencé très haut dès 1988 en produisant coup sur coup
deux des plus grands hymnes de la musique électronique anglaise
naissante : « Voodoo Ray » 1er track acid house européen et « Pacific
State » créé avec 808 State (dont il est un des membres fondateurs) qui
allait lancer la scène Balearic. Il a ensuite enchainé avec des remixes
pour David Bowie, Stone Roses ou Can, collaboré avec Goldie, Tricky,
Derrick May, Herbie Hancock, il a tourné avec New Order et a réalisé
deux sessions pour John Peel himself ! Il s’est continuellement
renouvelé, explorant la Jungle ou le Dub et a composé une dizaine
d’albums dont le séminal Black Secret Technology. Aujourd’hui installé à
Berlin (où il a signé un maxi pour Perlon) A Guy Called Gerald n’a rien
perdu de sa superbe et il le prouvera au Cabaret Aléatoire, armé de ses
machines mythiques (808& 303) pour un set qu’il décrit comme « Live in
Analog Acid Jam » !
ABSTRAXION (Biological records/
Marseille-Londres) live audio vidéo
Synthés modulaires, guitares
et batterie, mapping et vidéo, le live d’Abstraxion, en exclusivité à
Marseille, promet un spectacle total !
Producteur et dj français de
28 ans basé à Londres et Marseille, Harold Boué prépare la sortie en
Septembre prochain de son premier album 'Break Of Lights'. En attendant,
sortent ces prochains jours, deux singles ‘Dark Knight’-remixé par It's
A Fine Line (Ivan Smagghe et Tim Paris)- et 'Moon' (remixes de PVT,
Factory Floor & Death In Vegas). Ses précédentes sorties discographiques
ont été activement soutenues par les producteurs Erol Alkan, Simian
Mobile Disco, Andrew Weatherall, Ivan Smagghe, James Holden, Dan
Snaith(Caribou) et Geoff Barrow ( Beak>)…
ABSTRAXION compose dans son
studio en grande partie à base d'instruments analogiques sources
d'inspiration et d’expérimentation pour ses nouvelles œuvres.
démarche qu’il applique aussi sur scène, accompagné de ses synthés
modulaires et d’un guitariste et batteur, Julien Bouvier.
Après avoir
tourné dans les meilleurs clubs européens depuis plusieurs années, il
présente son premier live audio/vidéo avec mapping créant un univers
futuristique et onirique incluant notamment le travail vidéo (tournée en
Islande par Aurélie Vial) et création graphique (mapping de l'Allemand
Daniel Schwartz)
Paul (VirgoMusic/Marseille) DJ
Pilier d'une scène
électronique vivace, Paul est un activiste au long cours dont la passion
n'a jamais faibli. DJ émérite, sa réputation a emprunté les chemins de
l'underground européen depuis 22 ans, contribuant à mettre Marseille sur
la carte des cultures musicales émergentes. Créateur de labels
(Obsession puis VirgoMusic) qui ont largement participé à promouvoir la
scène locale, le Marseillais a élargi sa compétence de DJ à une
expertise reconnue de programmateur et de designer musical, lançant
événements musicaux et spots festifs recherchés : Aires Libres, festival
de musiques électroniques en plein air dont il est co-créateur, mais
aussi Oogie, la Buvette D*I*S*C*O ou La Cabane du Roucas …
En clôture
de cette Midi Night, après un des héros de la période fondatrice de la
House Music, nul doute que Paul sortira un de ses sets magistraux,
truffé de références old school comme de bombes plus contemporaines.
(MIDI Festival/Marseille) dj set
Collaborateur habituel
du Midi Festival pour lequel il est dj et programmateur des événements
électroniques, l’Amateur va se faire un malin plaisir de chauffer le
dancefloor de cette Midi Nights à coup de résurgences mancuniennes et de
remontées acid house ! Mélomane acharné et collectionneur compulsif,
loin des figures imposées, l’Amateur mélange les styles et les époques !
Tout mais pas n’importe quoi, ni n’importe comment : un son décalé mais
bien calé grâce à une technique efficace et audacieuse. Depuis 1997, il
sévit dans les clubs et les festivals (Aires Libres, Plages
Electroniques, Midi …) du Sud-est et d’ailleurs : Lyon (Nuits Sonores) ;
Nantes (Lieu Unique) ; Paris (Bateau Phare, Triptyque) ; Berlin
(Monarch)…L’Amateur a notamment partagé l’affiche avec Andrew
Weatherall, Primal Scream, SBTRKT, Ivan Smagghe, Sébastien Tellier,
Nicolas Jaar… l’Amateur est également créateur et dj de l’émission
Bienvenue au Club sur Radio Grenouille.
(Archipel-Métaphore/ Aix en pce) dj set
Nouvelle figure montante de
la scène locale, affilié au collectif Métaphore, Loic Bodjollé (Elysée)
a commencé très tôt à produire une musique techno et minimale. En 2009,
il signe sur son premier label. À l'image des morceaux new-wave et
acoustiques qui l'ont influencé, il se plait à ajouter une touche de
mélancolie sophistiquée dans sa musique, non sans oublier la syncope des
percussions ou le groove du micro Funk. Sa personnalité et sa présence
scénique (sourire enjoué et look dandy) emportent le morceau et lui
permettent de jouer dans des clubs tels que Der Visionaere (Berlin),
l'Arma 17 (Moscou) ou bien aux Nuits Sonores 2013. Elysée entame ainsi
sa petite conquête de l'Europe en ralliant rapidement les suffrages des
fans et des connaisseurs.
Why am i Mr Pink ? (Radio
Grenouille/ Marseille) dj set
« Why am i Mr Pink ? » ou l’expression
libre d’une électro mutante à l’esprit décadent, flirtant avec des
délires disco crasseux et barrés, des mini-tubes synthétiques ou autres
bizarreries New wave. Résident de Radio Grenouille, Why am i Mr Pink ?
est un des DJ qui a émergé ces dernières années sur la scène
marseillaise avec le plus de panache scénique et de classe musicale.
May 2013 |
30 May: Made Of Stone After Party, Victoria Warehouse, Manchester, England |
After show party for the Shane Meadows' film, "The Stone Roses - Made Of Stone".
29 May: Channel Zoo Opening Party, Gala Night, San Antonio, Ibiza, Spain |

Channel Zoo Opening Party at Gala Night
Date / Wednesday, 29 May
Time / 16:30 - 00:00
Venue / Gala Night/ Benimussa Hills,
Carre Romani, S/N, 07820 Sant Antoni De Portmany (Eivissa)
Cost / €25
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald (live)
Spencer Parker
Federico Grazzini
Funk E
Michael James
Jonathan Tena
Jean Cedric.
Promoter /
The Zoo Project
We open our
doors for the first fiesta of the summer with Channel Zoo.
the press people! – The line-up has been announced for this year’s
Channel Zoo Opening on Wednesday 29th May with A Guy Called Gerald and
Spencer Parker headlining.
Yes, opening season is upon us once
again in sunny Ibiza so get the shades out, tone up that bikini body
and, most importantly, book those flights! The zoo is open for business!
It’s the first of an exciting summer season of parties at the
infamous abandoned zoo.
Wednesday 29th May is Channel Zoo Opening
2013 and tickets are now on sale at https://www.clubtickets.com/
The full line-up for this year’s opening is A Guy Called Gerald
(live), Spencer Parker, Acid Mondays, Federico Grazzini, Funk E, Michael
James, Jonathan Tena and Jean Cedric.
It’s that special time of
year again – time to feel the sun on your back and the breeze in your
hair, time to lose yourself then find yourself all over again, time to
dance like there’s no tomorrow – it’s time for Channel Zoo!
you on the white isle!
26 May: A Night Of Acid House, Distrikt, Leeds, England |
A Guy called Gerald, Davos Live, Buckley / A night of Acid House @
Distrikt / Bank Holiday Sunday 26th May / Free Entry
Sunday, 26 May 2013
[Time] 21:00 until 02:00
We would like to thank you all for your continued support, without your
help we couldn't carry on putting on these great events for free so any
help from you posting this event out on your own walls is really
Acid house pioneer A Guy called Gerald will be
digging deep into his record collection along with back to basics
resident and former Hacienda spinner Buckley, Push:on’s Michael Russell
and DAVOS T FUNK who will be bringing us a special 20 minute live show.
You can win free drinks all night at this event, find out more here: https://tinyurl.com/czyaksm
(Back to Basics)
Start's 8pm / FREE
A Guy called
Gerald Facebook Page: https://tinyurl.com/ck3e5l4
A Guy called Gerald website: www.guycalledgerald.com/
A Guy called Gerald Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/aguycalledgerald
Where do you start with
A Guy Called Gerald? A hidden gem, the gateway between Chicago house /
Detroit Techno and the UK dance music explosion in the late 80s. He is
one of a few special producers who entered dance music in the jacking
zone. He is the first UK acid house producer and probably the first
producer to have two instrumental dance tracks in the UK charts at the
same. He formed 808 State with a drum machine, a 303, 2 Roland SH101s
and 2 other humans. His collaborations stem from Frankie Knuckles,
Goldie, Finley Quaye and Derrick May through to Herbie Hancock, remixed
for David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, Roman
Fluegel and The Orb and toured with New Order, Tricky and Bebel
When the history of postmodern dance music is written
he is ubiquitous: his visions, his stylistic versatility and open
mindedness had a huge influence on the development of global dance
culture. Very early on, he experimented with acid house and helped
pioneer the style that was later called jungle and drum'n'bass. Fiercely
independent he's preparing himself for a string of new releases, the
launch of his online shop and touring worldwide.
The Manchester
scene in the late 80s radiated from the Hacienda. It was a place which
grew to be a breeding ground for the likes of Laurent Garnier and
Chemical Brothers and in the Summer of Love the Hacienda had a theme
tune called Voodoo Ray. It was A Guy Called Gerald's first release in
1988 and became a seminal classic that put British house music firmly on
the map. As part of 808 State’s first incarnation he co-produced another
Hacienda classic, Pacific State. He soon decided to concentrate on his
solo project and toured worldwide (and with a quarter of a ton of
equipment!) performing live.
In the early 90s he launched his own
label Juice Box and released a series of 12"s that were the blueprint to
what would become jungle. In 1992 he compiled these releases into the
proto jungle classic "28 Gun Bad Boy" album. In 1995 he followed up with
the definitive "Black Secret Technology" to critical acclaim. Black
Secret Technology featured Finley's Rainbow with vocals by Finley Quaye
and a collaboration with Goldie. Finley's Rainbow featured Finley Quaye
who later re-released the tune on his debut album. In 2005 Knowledge
Magazine ranked "28 Gun Bad Boy" EP was as the No. 1 jungle single of
all time. His sound was an inspiration to many - Goldie, LTJ Bukem and
DJ Krust have all stated his influence.
But never wanting to be
stereotyped into any particular style of music his sound continued to
develop. In 2000 he signed with !K7 Records and released "Essence" with
guest vocals from singer/songwriter Wendy Page, Lady Kier and Finley
Quaye. In 2005 the down tempo "To All Things What They Need". In 2005 he
launched his Sugoi and Protechson labels. His latest album "Proto Acid /
The Berlin Sessions", released on Berlin's Laboratory Instinct, is an
infectious 71 minute continuous mix recorded live.
He continues
to tour bringing his studio into the clubs worldwide playing anywhere
from 2 to now legendary 14 hour LIVE sets – no DJ software, no gimmicks,
just raw, pure, undiluted AGCG riddums strictly for the dancefloor.
In a little over three months, Northern promoter,
pianist, raver and producer Davos shot to success courtesy of his hit
Youtube clip of 90s piano classics which went viral around Christmas
2012 and Davos has never looked back since.
It was a chance
surprise at a house party where Davos performed his classic piano anthem
live show for the first time which has catapulted the Blackpool born
artist to gigs such as Sankey’s Hacienda party, Bestival, The Garden
Festival Croatia, The Masked Ball in Porthleven, Glastonbury, T-in-the
Park and the opening of the International Music Summit in Ibiza and with
a lot of international shows in the offing for 2013 as his live set is
increasingly in demand.
In case you haven’t seen the Youtube clip
from where it all started you can check it out here.
BUCKLEY :: www.soundcloud.com/buckley
Buckley’s DJing
career kicked off at the start of the acid house explosion in the UK. He
was resident for some of the seminal, groundbreaking nights in musical
history. Buckley played the opening records on the opening night for
Renaissance in Mansfield where he held his first residency. Later he
became a resident at the legendary Hacienda club in Manchester. As well
as these residencies he also played alongside live acts such as Inner
City, Ten City and was a DJ for M People on their first ever-European
As Buckleys reputation continued to grow this lead to more
residencies and more & more guest appearances at clubs throughout the
world as well as his first overseas residency at ‘We Love Sundays’ at
Space in Ibiza. These days Buckley’s experience, versatility and skills
shine consistently and although he has an expansive knowledge of many
styles his focus, when DJing, producing or remixing is on quality house
Over the last ten years Buckley has been a resident at the
longest weekly house night in the world Back to Basics in Leeds, & Just
Jack in Bristol. Guest spots at the likes of Berlin’s Panorama Bar,
Glasgow’s Sub Club and Below in Birmingham have served to reinforce his
credentials throughout the world. His Back to Basics residency and
alongside his longevity in the industry means its safe to say there
isn’t a DJ Buckley hasn’t played with throughout his career.
Previous releases on labels such as Dust Trax, Made to Play, One
Records, 2020 Vision, Extended Play & Back to Basics records, have seen
Buckley’s sound make a huge impact globally time and time again. His hit
in 2006 on Jesse Rose’s Made to Play label titled, “Bloc Party” got to
number 22 in Mixmag’s top 100 tunes of that year. Remixes include Jet
Project, Unkle’s, “Hold My Hand, Markus Nikolai’s,“Bushes” on Classic
Recordings. “Psycho” on 20/20 Vision.
Together with this
extensive list of remixes, Buckley’s own tracks have been remixed by
some of the biggest names in the industry including Chris Duckenfield,
Jamie Jones, Geddes, Subb-An & One Records head honcho Adam Shelton.
Fast forward to recent times Buckley has been back in the studio and
has some incredible new releases due out this summer. Look out for brand
new tracks on Viva Recordings, Extended Play, Nature Beat & Hot
Creations. With these confirmed releases, and a couple of secrets still
to be revealed together with debut appearances at DC10 in Ibiza & at The
Secret Garden Party in the UK the Summer of 2012 and beyond appears to
be one to remember for Buckley.
Catch Buckley at a club near you
soon and look out for his DJ sets, productions and remixes as his
musical roots, passion and talent continue to blossom at every turn,
serving as inspiration to all.
MICHAEL RUSSELL :: www.soundcloud.com/mrrussellpushon
Leed’s party animal and
the backbone of the Rokeby Garden’s basement party “Push:on”. A great DJ
with an amazing back catalogue of old records perfect for warming up an
event like this. :-)
25 May: 3 Years Oplawaai,
Doornroosje, Nijmegen, The Netherlands |
3 Years Oplawaai | A Guy Called Gerald, Lil Tony & San Proper
Saturday, 25 May 2013
[Time] 23:00 in UTC+02
A GUY CALLED GERALD (UK) 3hourset [perlon, beatstreet]
3hourset [innervisions, versatile]
SAN PROPER 3hourset [perlon, rushhour]
Tijd om de ruis te
doorbreken! Deze nacht wordt opgedragen aan het 3 jarig bestaan van
Oplawaai, we willen allen die in volle overgave aan elkanders zijde
hebben gedanst op gepaste wijze bedanken. Het is dankzij jullie dat we
tezamen voortbouwen op een massa van onvergetelijke ervaringen. Wie
zaait zal oogsten en dat gaan jullie voelen lieve mensen, reken maar van
UK-pionier & father of acid Gerald, die intussen al
vijfentwintig jaar een onmiskenbare bijdrage levert aan de elektronische
muziek door haar grenzen volhardend te verleggen, is uitgenodigd en ook
de aanvoerend gangmaker van Helsinki klinkt als Tony maakt Nimweegs
debuut te grote zaal. Dokter Proper afkomstig uit het hoofdstedelijk
ondergrondse doet de achterzaal sluiten, zoals alleen hij dat kan.
Ondersteund door drie van Nimma's finest.
24 May: Superfreq "Smell The Coffee" Album Tour, Concorde 2, Brighton, England |
Beatsworkin & Death By Disco present Superfreq: 'Smell the Coffee' Album
Tour at Concorde 2
Date / Friday, 24 May 2013
Time / 11:00pm -
Venue / Concorde 2/ Madeira Shelter HallMadeira Drive;
Brighton; BN2 1EN; United Kingdom
Cost / £6 Super Earlybird, £8 2nd
release, £10 advance
Line-up /
Mr C
A Guy Called
Beatsworkin aka Jamie Bawn & CHRIS EATON
Chemical Play
Hosted by Codesouth.fm
Mark Allister
(Tworforks/Masterplan/Knee Deep)
Audio Villains (Ross Ciccone & Jason
Promoter /
Beatsworkin, DeaTh bY
MR C'S SUPERFREQ party comes to Brighton, and this will also be
part of his brand new album 'Smell The Coffee' Tour. With Very special
guest, A GUY CALLED GERALD' the man behind probably the most famous
dance song of them all 'Voodoo Ray' joining the line up. this is going
to be a spectacular party.
22 May: Untzdag med A Guy Called Gerald, Jaeger, Oslo, Norway |
Untzdag med A Guy Called Gerald at Jaeger
Date / Wednesday, 22
May 2013
Time / 21.00 - 03.00
Venue / Jaeger/ Grensen 9; 0159
Oslo; Norway,
Cost / 100.-
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald //
Øyvind Morken // Gaute Haaversen
Acid-house pioneren A Guy Called
Gerald på Untzdag. Gerald står bak Englands første house hit, Voodoo
Mere info snart....
21 May: Paradox, Egg,
London, England |
Paradox with A guy Called Gerald (Live), Outart, JB at Egg London
Date / Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Time / 23:00 - 06:00
Venue / Egg
London/ 200 York Way; Kings Cross; London N7 9AP; United Kingdom
/ £8 adv, Students/Members £8, £12 b4 1am, £15 after
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald (live)
Promoter /
Paradox .... Egg's weekly Tuesday late night party that continues to
keep our faithful revelers of industry movers, shakers and mid-week
family, dancing through to the early hours of Wednesday mornings.
PARADOX continues to represent the best musical fusion of
Italian/London style with a sound track of electrifying house music
served by resident Outart and friends. A cast of international guests
and local stars head each party and take things through to 6am.
18 May: Bearded Theory Festival 2013, Kedleston Hall, Derby, Derbyshire, England |
Magical Sounds Dance Stage 2013 Announcement
Ed Tangent | Andy
Faze | Sicknote | OOOD | Clumsy
Liquid Lounge | Lorraine | Pure
Mischief | Kickflip
Lost Element | MajorTriadz | Astrodruid |
Mosienko Project | Twomanting | Woodzee | F.O.E.
have today announced the full line up for the Magical Sounds Dance Stage
for next year’s festival.
Headlining the bill are three legendary
live dance outfits; The Egg, Subgiant and A Guy Called Gerald + Special
The Egg need no introduction as one of the UK’s best
known electronic dance music bands. Formed over 20 years ago in Oxford,
their impact on the British dance music scene cannot be understated –
something demonstrated by superstar DJ David Guetta, who’s bootleg of
their track ‘Walking Away’ became a worldwide hit.
A Guy Called
Gerald aka Gerald Simpson, is a hugely prolific dance music producer
whose production work and DJing has spanned four decades and multiple
genres: from Acid House, through Techno, Electronica and Drum & Bass.
This very special Festival performance features live vocals from
legendary singer (and former Urban Cookie Collective frontwoman), Diane
Charlemagne, and Jungle Drummer: the long-time beat-smith for London
Elektricity, one of the most influential live acts in dance music
history, who can drum live at over 180 BPM.
Subgiant are one of
the UK’s most exciting live dance acts. With a genre-defying setlist
spanning Breaks, Trance, Techno, Dub and Drum and Bass, their reputation
for excellently crafted live performances has led to them being booked
at some of the biggest venues and festivals in the country.
appearing on the Magical Sounds Stage at Bearded Theory 2013 are
psy-Trance legend Ed Tangent, Hillbilly Acid Post-Punk band Sicknote
(live), Psycadelc dance music project OOOD, and over 30 more live acts
and DJs.
Bearded Theory 2013 tickets are priced at £79
(Adults), £40 (Under 16’s), £10 (Under 12’s) and Under 5`s are free
(ticket is still required). A Family Ticket for 2 Adults & 2 Children is
£220. Booking fees apply.
Additional tickets options available
that include Thursday camping.
Tickets are available from
www.quaytickets.com, www.theticketsellers.co.uk or by calling 08432 081
835. All include 3 nights of camping and access to all music and on-site
events. No day tickets will be sold for the 2013 event.
16 May: Polymorphism #6, CTM Festival, Berghain, Berlin, Germany |

Polymorphism #6: Charanjit Singh plays "Synthesizing: Ten Ragas to a
Disco Beat" / A Guy Called Gerald "Live in Analogue"
[When] Thursday,
16 May 2013
[Time] 21:00 in UTC+02
"Ten Ragas to a Disco Beat"
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=conwt8Dy27Y&list=PL359FFEB4FDC11841
Short documentary: https://vimeo.com/17763450
sixth installment of CTM Festival’s Polymorphism series presents
Charanjit Singh and A Guy Called Gerald, two electronic music pioneers
who provided crucial contributions to the birth and development of acid
house, a genre that is inextricably connected to the unique sounds of
the legendary Roland analog synthesizers.
Without knowing it,
Charanjit Singh created what could be considered the first acid house
album in India in 1982; Synthesizing: Ten Ragas to a Disco Beat came out
nearly 3 years before the first tracks of the genre emerged in Chicago.
On his end A Guy Called Gerald was busy developing his own acid house
flavour in mid-80s Manchester, fuelled by his musical roots of blues,
reggae, soul, jazz, and electro funk. Recognized as the first British
acid house track, Gerald’s “Voodo Ray” was published in 1988, just in
time for the UK’s “Second Summer of Love”, whose unruly raves changed
electronic music culture.
On May 16th the septuagenarian Indian
Bollywood composer and musician Charanjit Singh will perform his
legendary album live with original instruments: the Roland TB-303 bass
synthesizer, the Roland TR-808 drum machine, and a Roland Jupiter-8
synthesizer. A Guy Called Gerald will bring his Roland machine outfit to
the Berghain to give a rare 100% analog improvised live jam that goes
back to his roots, even incorporating some of his early tracks from
Mobiletti Giradischi (CTM program director Remco
Schuurbiers) sets the tone beforehand with a special DJ set of pre-acid
electronica that venture near the characteristic sound signatures of
10 May: South Nightclub, Manchester, England |

A Guy Called Gerald Live at South
Date / Friday, 10 May 2013
Time / 11:00pm till 4:00am
Venue / South/ 4A South King Street;
Manchester; M2 6DQ; United Kingdom
Cost / £8.50
Line-up /
Guy Called Gerald (live)
Promoter /
South Manchester
Breaking beats since 1988! Dance legend Guy called Gerald takes over
Souths Funktion One for an intimate show in his own Home town. Pivotal
in the development of Dance music from his own work & early work with
808 State. His live Show & work with Funktion One wowed audiences at the
last Glastonbury this really is a show not to be missed
5 May: Wigflex x Mimm, Lacehouse, Nottingham, England |

Wigflex x Mimm - A Guy Called Gerald, Kowton, Arp101 at The Lacehouse
Date / Sunday, 5 May 2013
Time / 10:00 - 5:00
Venue / The
Lacehouse / The Lacehouse, Broadway, The Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1
Cost / £7/£8/£9/£10 + BF
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
(live) in session, 2 hour set.
Arp 101 (live)
Tusk - Tusk Wax/Horn Wax
Spam Chop
Promoter /
Wigflex, Mimm Shop
A Guy Called Gerald is 25+ years of
dance music incarnate. From “Voodoo Ray” in 1988 to “Tronic Jazz”
released on Germany’s respected Laboratory Instinct label in 2010, this
man is a self-written bible of dance music.
He is one of a few
special producers who entered dance when it was jackin’ and has never
let up. He is the first UK acid house producer and probably the first
producer to have two instrumental dance tracks in the UK charts at the
same. He formed 808 State with a drum machine, a 303, 2 Roland SH101s
and 2 other humans. His collaborations stem from Frankie Knuckles,
Goldie, Finley Quaye and Derrick May through to Herbie Hancock, remixed
for David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, Roman
Flugel and The Orb and he has toured with New Order, Tricky and Bebel
The Manchester scene in the late 80s radiated from the
Hacienda. It was a place which grew to be a breeding ground for the
likes of Laurent Garnier and The Chemical Brothers and in the Summer of
Love the Hacienda had a theme tune called Voodoo Ray. It was A Guy
Called Gerald's first release and in 1988 and became a seminal classic
that put British house music firmly on the map. As part of 808 State’s
first incarnation he co-produced another Hacienda classic, Pacific
State. He soon decided to concentrate on his solo project and toured
worldwide (and with a quarter of a ton of equipment!) performing live.
This is a very rare chance to see a legend like Gerald perform in
such an intimate setting.
April 2013 |
27 April: Club Trax, La Machine Du Mouline Rouge, Paris, France |

[When] 27 April at 23:30 until 28 April at
18:00 in UTC+02
✚ TREVINO (DJ set)
Samedi 27 avril 2013
Prévente 8€ / 15€ sur place
Les Club Trax
sont de retour à Paris ! Le samedi 27 avril sera l’occasion du lancement
la nouvelle résidence du magazine à La Machine du Moulin Rouge. Pour
l’occasion, Trax invite le légendaire A Guy Called Gerald, qui célèbre
cette année ses « 25 years of independance », mais aussi Addison Groove,
Benjamin Damage & Doc Daneeka, et Trevino. Une soirée clairement UK, aux
sources des créations dance music faisant de l’outre manche la référence
en la matière depuis quelques décennies !
___ CENTRAL ___
A GUY CALLED GERALD Live in session
Avec son morceau, il est
l’auteur de l’un des plus grand tube de l’histoire de la house music,
voire le plus grand à égalité avec le French Kiss de Lil Louis. Voodoo
Ray est clairement la première réponse européenne à la house de Chicago
et de New york. D’abord membre du groupe culte 808 State, il se lance
ensuite dans sa carrière solo. Producteur versatile s’il en est, il
embrasse tous les courants musicaux en temps réel : drum and bass,
jungle, house, acid house, deep house, dub… Toujours pertinent, il reste
dans l’ombre en refusant le tourbillon médiatique. Il célèbre cette
année ses « 25 years of independance » lors desquelles il a
définitivement scellé le sort de la dance musique anglaise.
(50 Weapons/Swamp81)
A lui tout seul, il a popularisé la juke en
Europe, en la ralentissant et la couplant à des sonorités house venues
tout droit de Chicago, et s’est affirmé comme le héro d’un nouveau
sous-genre de la bass music. Après un album chez 50 weapons, sa musique
n’a pas déviée et reste incroyablement puissante. Il fait aujourd’hui
des collaborations avec les références du genre comme DJ Rashad. C’est
une exclusivité pour Trax : il fera le 27 avril son premier live depuis
l’été dernier avec un set up entièrement renouvelé avant de partir cet
été à l’assaut des festivals internationaux.
DANEEKA Live (50 Weapons)
Ayant débuté leur collaboration en 2012
avec un solide catalogue individuel, ce n’est rien de dire que leur
premier album commun du duo Gallois a attirer sur eux toutes les
attentions. Avec des tubes underground tels que Creeper et Infamous
sortis sur le label de Modeselektor, 50 Weapons, Damage et Daneeka
c’était déjà assuré le soutient du public uk bass music. Puis avec They
Live!, ils entrent en osmose avec une nouvelle pulsation techno – on
pense a leur collègue Cosmin TRG – et une chaleur tout droit venue de la
house, portée entre autre par la chanteuse Abigail Wyles.
Un des rares producteur de drum and bass qui a
su complètement se réinventer dans d’autres genres, techno et electro en
avant, au point d’aller jusqu’à éclipser sa première carrière en tant
que Markus Intalex. Il continue pourtant cette voie initiale en
cloisonnant parfaitement les deux. Depuis toujours passionné de techno
et de house, ses productions en tant que Trevino mélangent les
influences classiques de ces deux genres en les portant à un tout autre
niveau à travers le spectre uk bass. C’est 20 ans d’engagement et de
musique électronique qu’il nous fera partager à La Machine du Moulin
___ BAR À BULLES ___
SWALK (Skudge/La Source)
CALCIUM (Trax/La Source)
RESPLANDY (Sonotown)
JO55 (Release The Groove)
Machine du Moulin Rouge
90 bd de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France
20 April: Prizma vs Performa, Arma17,
Moscow, Russia |

Prizma vs Performa at ARMA17
Date / Saturday, 20 April 2013
Time / 23:59 - 12:00
Venue / ARMA17/ Lower Susalny, 5, Building 3A;
105064; Moscow; Russia
Cost / 12 euro
Line-up /
Kimbie, A Guy Called Gerald, Redshape, Nick Hoppner, Xhin, DeepChord,
Pole, Oscar Burnside, Etapp Kyle, Beoleg, Subforms, Cem Orlow, Glazov,
Lega, Doyeq, Chicago9
Promoter /
Mount Kimbie
/ live
DeepChord / live
Pole / live
Doyeq / live
Redshape / live
Glazov /
Etapp Kyle
A Guy Called Gerald / live
Oscar Burnside / live
Cem Orlow
Beoleg / live
Chrisian Wolf
19 April: Soltek with A Guy Called Gerald,
Lightbox, Vauxhall, London, England |

Soltek with A Guy Called Gerald, Milton Jackson, Glimpse, Trikk, Bobby
Champs at Lightbox
Date / Friday, 19 April 2013
Time / 10:00pm
- 6:00am
Venue / Lightbox/ 6A S Lambeth Pl; Vauxhall; London SW8 1SP;
United Kingdom
Cost / £8 Earlybird, £10 1st Release, £12 2nd Release,
£15 On The Door
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
Jackson (Freerange, Tsuba)
Glimpse (Planet E, Hotflush)
(ManMakeMusic, Pets Recordings)
Bobby Champs (Hypercolour, Pictures)
Seldom Cinq (Patchy Recordings, Plain Sound)
Daffadam (Soltek)
Nick Duffy (Soltek)
Lizzle (Soltek)
Subculture (Soltek)
Blunt (Bear Royalties)
Harry Pye
Matt Melvin
Promoter /
SolTek, The Upfront Project
After their collab with Troupe earlier in
the year, Soltek return with a new show at the Lightbox under the
acclaimed Upfront Project series. Recognised for their eclectic music
policy, Soltek have gathered a lineup that streams over 20 years of
house and techno. Effortlessly combining the very much established with
exciting and fresh new talent in the underground scene, and presenting a
slightly different angle to their usual sonic direction, this show
promises to be their biggest and most impressive to date.
up the bill we have an artist that needs no introduction, the
unmistakable A Guy Called Gerald. Acid house pioneer in his own right,
he has often been labeled as the gateway between Chicago House, Detroit
Techno, and the UK dance music explosion in the late ‘80’s. The man
behind undoubtedly one of the most seminal dance music tracks of all
time, “Voodoo Ray”, it’s difficult to imagine what modern dance music
would be like without A Guy Called Gerald’s influence. Next up is Milton
Jackson, whose innovative and thought-provoking releases have
established him as a trailblazer of deep house and a firm favourite
amongst true house aficionados. With releases on renowned labels such as
Freerange, Jimpster and Tsuba, and his groundbreaking debut album
“Bionic Boy” still turning heads to this day, we can’t wait to welcome
Milton Jackson for his Soltek debut. Accompanying him will be another
figurehead in the house and techno world and one of the UK’s most
versatile, original and imaginative producers, Glimpse. His warm
analogue approach to production and his live sets have gained him
support from a broad range of artists including Carl Craig, Levon
Vincent, Richie Hawtin, DJ Koze, Scuba, Ricardo Villalobos, Sven Vath
and Jackmaster.
He’ll be joined by one of Portugal’s finest
exports and a young producer who’s been causing quite a stir in the
house scene of late with his trademark hard-hitting but smooth 4x4 beats
and deep, punchy basslines, none other than Man Make Music’s very own
Trikk. Last but by no means least is burgeoning London based producer
Bobby Champs, whose raw, club ready compositions have garnered the
support of some of dance music’s most respected djs and producers,
including the likes of Maya Jane Coles, Tiga, Claude Vonstroke, Blawan
and Ben UFO to name a few. With a forthcoming EP lined up for release on
West Norwood Cassette Library’s own imprint WNCL, as well as lots of
other exciting material in the pipeline, Mr. Champs is soon sure to
cement himself as one of the UK’s most powerful new forces in
underground dance music. Support comes from Soltek resident selectors
Daffadam, Nick Duffy, Lizzle and Subculture, alongside special guests
Seldom Cinq, Tommy Blunt, Harry Pye and Matt Melvin. As always, expect
unrivalled sound, top-notch production and most importantly, an
unbeatable vibe.
13 April: Henk in de Fabriek, NDSM Docklands, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Henk in de Fabriek at NDSM Docklands
Date / Saturday, 13 April
Time / 12:00 - 23.00
Venue / NDSM Docklands/ Kinetisch Noord,
Tt. Neveritaweg 15; 1033 Amsterdam-Noord; Amsterdam; Netherlands
/ 30 euros
Line-up /
Midnight Operator (live) (Mathew Jonson &
Kassem Mosse (live)
Function (live)
A Guy Called
Gerald (live)
Tobias. (live)
Patrice Baumel (live) (presents EX)
Olene Kadar (live)
Tom Ruijg (live)
Dimi Angelis & Jeroen Search
(live) (aka Counterpart)
Jason Lanox & Vadim Svoboda (live)
& Jan Zuilhof LIVE
HENK is known for his famous backyard festival called HENK op de
HELLING on the industrial NDSM-wharf. This year he launched a brand new
indoor music and art festival with again only live acts. Together with
all the fine artists they stripped the festival concept back to it
essence. From there they started building all winter long on an
experimental factory. A festival where every live set, art installation,
performance and visitor is connected and reinforces by each other. A
festival as a conceptual artwork. The location is an impressive rough
warehouse with riveted steel structures at a height of 24 meters.
12 April: Pacotek with A Guy Called Gerald, The Squat, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Pacotek with A Guy Called Gerald at The Squat
Date / Friday, 12
April 2013
Time / 23:30 - 07:00
Venue / The Squat / Salame 157,
Tel Aviv 53000
Cost / $4-$6
Line-up /
Anna Haleta
A Guy
Called Gerald
Promoter /
Pacotek, Mor Al
More info here: https://e.walla.co.il/?w=%2F6%2F2623338
4 April: CDR,
Prince Charles, Berlin, Germany |
CDR Berlin with A Guy Called Gerald & Thomas Fehlmann at Prince Charles
Date / Thursday, 4 April 2013
Time / 19:00 - 02:00
Venue /
Prince Charles/ Prinzenstraße 85, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg 10969 Berlin
Cost / Free
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald, Thomas Fehlmann,
Dirk Rumpff, Tony Nwachukwu, John Benny Savary
Promoter /
CDR Berlin + Firmament present:
20:00h workshops with:
THOMAS FEHLMANN (The Orb, Palais Schaumburg)
22:00h Open CDR:
submit your own music to hear it during the
Free registration
required: https://cdrberlinapril13.eventbrite.com/
We feel very honored
to host 2 legendary musicians at this episode of CDR Berlin.
GUY CALLED GERALD - the gateway between Chicago house / Detroit Techno
and the UK dance music explosion in the late 80s. He is one of a few
special producers who entered dance music in the jacking zone. He formed
808 State with a drum machine, a 303, 2 Roland SH101s and 2 other
humans. His collaborations stem from Frankie Knuckles, Goldie, Finley
Quaye and Derrick May through to Herbie Hancock, remixed for David
Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, Roman Fluegel and
The Orb and toured with New Order, Tricky and Bebel Gilberto. When the
history of postmodern dance music is written he is ubiquitous: his
visions, his stylistic versatility and open mindedness had a huge
influence on the development of global dance culture. 2013 marks 25
years of A Guy Called Gerald in dance music and we are sure there are
many stories to tell.
The roots of almost THOMAS FEHLMANN’s
almost 30-year-long career lie in his work with German avant garde band
‘Palais Schaumburg’ he co-founded with partner Holger Hiller. In the
late-eighties he produced as Ready Made, and in the nineties he worked
together with Basic Channel’s Moritz Von Oswald and Juan Atkins as 3MB,
helping to cement the Berlin-Detroit connection, as well as started a
partnership with Alex Paterson and The Orb. To various extents he has
collaborated on all Orb albums. Fehlmann produces a weekly radio show,
OceanClubRadio, with Gudrun Gut and has been responsible for countless
remixes and productions for a eclectic selection of artists ranging from
Erasure to Einstuerzende Neubauten.In the 90s he was a resident at the
legendary Tresor Berlin. . Since 1995 he has been involved with the
legendary Berlin-based Ocean Club, which has been broadcasting a radio
show since 1998 - now worldwide.
CDR Berlin:
Every music
producer knows the score: one can tinker away at a track for all
eternity but it lacks something vital, and one still doesn't quite know
what. Is the sound right? Does the arrangement work? How will the tune
work on the dance floor? What will my buddies think of it? When is the
track really complete? These are the questions to be answered at CDR.
The aim of the event is not simply to give a straight lecture but to
swap experiences, workshop style, in open discussion with all
participants. A subsequent clubnight with previously submitted tracks
will continue after the workshops. Upload your own tracks at
www.cdrberlin.net and you'll get to hear them later over the Prince
Charles sound system when CDR residents DJs Dirk Rumpff, John B. Savary
and Tony Nwachukwu pull them together in a plausible DJ set. The
respective artists' names will be displayed, if so wished, so as to
facilitate immediate feedback.
Get a taste of CDR on : www.cdr-projects.com
Videos & pictures of the last sessions incl. Theo Parrish, Henrik
Schwarz, Brandt Brauer Frick, Modeselektor etc.: https://vimeo.com/album/1714041
FREE ENTRANCE thanks to our
partners Sennheiser, Adidas and Jaegermeister
March 2013 |
28 March: SecretSundaze, Electric Brixton, Brixton, London, England |
Secretsundaze Easter Thursday with Nina Kraviz, A Guy Called Gerald, Anthony Naples, Citizen at Electric Brixton
Date / Thursday, 28 March 2013
Time / 10pm - 6am
Venue / Electric Brixton/ Town Hall Parade; Brixton; London SW2 1RJ; United Kingdom
Cost / £9.50 upwards
Line-up /
Nina Kraviz
A Guy Called Gerald (live)
A Very Special Guest TBA
Anthony Naples
Giles Smith
James Priestley
We'll be taking the party south of the river again and this time will be taking over the newly revamped Electric in Brixton, with a killer sound system and state of the art lighting we're excited to be heading there for the first time.
Headlining the event is none other than Nina Kraviz (Rekids). Her rise to prominence has been nothing short of astounding, going from a respected DJ and producer with a modest schedule to being one the most in demand artists in the world within the last 18 months playing at the likes of festivals such as Melt, Decibel and DEMF as well as clubs such as Fabric, Panorama Bar and The Warehouse Project. Much of this is down to her much loved debut LP on Rekids the self titled Nina Kraviz. Her biggest hit from the LP being 'Ghetto Kraviz'. Her sound as a DJ is varied but to listen to her spin and one can tell that the roots of Detroit techno and Chicago house are ingrained within her and that DJing, not production was her first love. We very much look forward to her second appearance at secretsundaze.
Second up we are extremely excited to welcome one of the original acid house pioneers and innovators A Guy Called Gerald - Live. Gerald Simpson is very much to the UK scene what the likes of Juan Atkins is to the Detroit. Hailing from Manchester, his biggest hit the evergreen 'Voodoo Ray' is still cited as one of the tracks that ignited the scene and still sounds just as good to this day, not forgetting his initial involvement in 808 State writing the equally anthemic 'Pacific State'. However far from resting on his laurels Gerald's restless desire to explore new territories has seen him produce solo material on !K7, Zip's seminal Perlon and also has a killer new EP on the Italian label Bosconi just released. His live shows are 100% mastery and we had to get him on board after seeing him live at Boiler Room late last year in Berlin.
Of course our very own Giles Smith and James Priestley will be joining the antics in room 1.
Room 2 will see a The Secret Agency takeover with a stunning line up that reflects the strength of the young artists onboard. Headlining this room will be the 22 year old bright hope Anthony Naples from NYC. 2012 was a fantastic year for him with his 'Mad Disrespect' EP on Mister Saturday Night being included in the top singles of the year by none less than RA (no.10) Juno Plus (no.3), Little White Earbuds and SPIN…He has had props from the likes of Four Tet and we think 2013 will be an even stronger year for him.
Also stepping up is Citizen. The equally young London based artist has made big noises with his releases on Kerri Chandlers Madtech imprint and Love Fever, busy touring schedule and Boiler Room appearance. Last up we have another young protogee Youandewan. Ewan hailing from Leeds has a unique, refined, classy sound that has already seen him remix artists such as Maya Jane Coles, Gerry Read and Dusky. He has forthcoming material on secretsundaze and Simple.
15 March: Subculure + Privat, Dude Club, Milan, Italy |

Subculture Privat with A Guy Called Gerald, Dariolem, Modulove at Dude Club
Date / Friday, 15 March 2013
Time / 23:30 - 05:00
Venue / Dude Club/ Via Plezzo 16, Milano, IT
Cost / 12/15 €
Siamo veramente eccitati all'idea che il 15 Marzo ospiteremo un pezzo di storia, un punto di riferimento della scena acid house Uk dagli anni '80 a oggi, Gerald Simpson in arte A Guy Called Gerald
Juice Box, Laboratory Instinct, Perlon
la lista chiude alla 1.30
prima 1.30 12 €
dopo 1:30 15€
+39 392 0973005
+39 329 2042749
Via Plezzo 16
Milano (Lambrate / Citta’ Studi)
Juice Box, Laboratory Instinct, Perlon
Funktion-One soundsytem
Cortile interno
La location e’ comodamente raggiungibile con svariati mezzi pubblici.Dista 100 metri dalla stazione ferroviaria / fermata MM2 Lambrate. Linea urbana 54 / 93
Parcheggio gratuito
Ci vediamo al Dude!!!
9 March: Carlsberg Support Your Local Deejays, BiNuu, Berlin, Germany |
10th Carlsberg Support Your Local Deejays with A Guy Called Gerald at Bi Nuu
Date / Saturday, 9 March 2013
Time / 23:00
Venue / Bi Nuu/ Im U-Bhf. Schlesisches Tor, 10997 Berlin
Cost / 5
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
Herbert Ten
Gabriel Savigné
Jonathan Ritzmann
Jen & Berry's
Promoter /
proud magazine, Carlsberg
Wir sind 10! Der erste große runde Geburtstag der Carlsberg Support Your Local Deejays Party wird natürlich angemessen gefeiert. Mit dabei sind die bekanntesten Resident-DJs der verschiedenen Berliner Crews und ein ganz spezieller Gast aus Manchester: „A Guy called Gerald“. Die House-Ikone ist seit über 20 Jahren im Musikbusiness und kann auf Zusammenarbeiten mit David Bowie, New Order und Tricky zurückblicken. Seine Arbeiten sind maßgeblich für den Erfolg der elektronischen Tanzmusik weltweit verantwortlich. Der Pionier wird bei der Carlsberg Support Your Local Deejays Party eines seiner legendären Live-Sets spielen. Carlsberg unterstützt wieder alle Künstler mit einem eigenen Plakat, sowie der Veröffentlichung eines Carlsberg Support Your Local Deejays Mixtapes auf der Carlsberg Fanpage. Die Gäste können im Vorfeld der Veranstaltung auf Facebook für ihren Lieblings-DJ abstimmen und erhalten dafür ein Halfprice-Ticket. Für jede abgegebene Stimme unterstützt Carlsberg die Deejays mit 0,50 Euro.
That calls for a Carlsberg.
A guy called Gerald zählt seit über 20 Jahren zu den bekannsten Künstlern der elektronischen Musik. Als einer der Mitbegründer von Acid House spielte er im legendären Hacienda Club in Manchester und sein Track “Voodoo Ray” gilt bis heute als absolute Referenz und Wegbereiter für Techno und House. Er ist bekannt für seine einzigartige Fusion von Live-act und DJ-Set, welche er auch auf der Carlsberg Support Your Local DJ Party präsentieren wird.
Jen & Berrys gehören zu den aufstrebensten DJ Acts in Berlin. Als Resident-DJs des Kater Holzig konnten sie sich auch über die Stadtgrenzen einen guten Namen machen. Simon und Benedikt lassen sich nicht auf ein bestimmtes Genre festlegen, sondern versuchen alle Aspekte guter Musik in ihre Performance einzubinden. Durch einige Underground Releases konnten sie auch ihren Ruf als gute Producer festigen und werden 2013 voll durchstarten.
Sommersonnenwende sind die zwar die Jüngsten im Starterfeld, aber durch ihre DJ-Sets in den verschiedensten Berliner Locations konnten sie sich eine Fanbase erspielen, die sie zu all ihren Gigs besucht. Ihr ausgeprägter Sinn für Melodien und Harmonien macht sich auch in ihren eigenen Produktionen bemerkbar. Nach einigen sehr erfolgreichen Net-Releases wird im Frühjahr 2013 ihre erste eigene Vinyl veröffentlicht. Ihre Fans sind bereits gespannt und es wird ein zusätzlichen Schub für die Beiden geben. Sommersonnenwende – ein Name, den man sich merken sollte.
Herbert Ten ist einer der wenigen Producer, die es auf Anhieb geschafft haben, auf einem Toplabel wie “Get Physical” zu veröffentlichen. Seine deepen Produktionen finden sich vermehrt auch in den Sets der ganz großen DJs wieder und auch in Beatport Top-10 hielt er sich wochenlang. Natürlich spiegelt sich seine Liebe für Deephouse und Disco auch in seinen DJ-Sets wieder und wir freuen uns auf seine Performance!
Jonathan Ritzmann ist Teil des DJ-Kollektivs Yanomami und besticht durch einen ausgewählten Musikgeschmack. Seine eigenen Produktionen landen regelmäßig in den Sets von Tastemakern wie Rampa, Meggy oder Re.You. In seinen DJ Sets hört man das Potential nicht nur in Berlin eine große Nummer zu werden. Yanomami und Jonathan Ritzmann gehört definitiv die Zukunft.
Gabriel Savigne bringt alles mit, um sich in dem hart umkämpften Feld des DJing in Berlin durchzusetzen. Eine origineller Style, eine treue Fanbase und eine gute Performance hinter den Plattentellern. 2012 war er einer der ersten, die den Trend der Stunde erkannten und House mit Hip-Hop Einflüssen mixte. Auf eines kann man sich immer gefasst machen, wenn er spielt: Eine exzessive Party.
1 March: dbs Live - Meet The Pro's, The Funkhaus, Berlin, Germany |
dBs Music presents: Ableton, Akai Pro, A Guy Called Gerald & more at Funkhaus
Date / Friday, 1 March 2013
Time / 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Venue / Funkhaus / Nalepastr. 18 – 50 /
Cost / FREE
Line-up /
'Ableton', 'Akai Professional', 'A Guy Called Gerald (Gerald Simpson)', 'Appleblim'
Promoter /
dBs Music
12 minutes on a tram from Friedrichshain past an industrial landscape lies the Berlin Funkhaus where dBs Music is making it’s home.
It’s a truly extraordinary location and on Friday 1st March at 1PM, we’d like to extend an invitation to all of you with an interest in dBs Music to come and have a look around.
We have some very special guests and partner organisations coming along to spend the day with us.
ABLETON (Live 9 & Push)
Ableton will be doing some exciting demos and workshops based around a pre release version of Live 9 and.....yep.....a chance to get your hands on or at least see a live demo of their amazing new hardware instrument called Push.
Akai Pro will be showing off their latest hardware controllers and instruments including MPC Studio and MPC Renaissance. You’ll get the chance to do a workshop and/or see these products being demoed
An Audience with: APPLEBLIM
Appleblim, the Bristol based DJ/Producer is best known for co-founding and running seminal bass music label Skull Disco with his friend and collaborator Shackleton. From 2005 - 2008 Skull Disco released a dozen well-loved 12-inch records and two double-CD compilations. When the label dissolved in 2008, Appleblim moved to Bristol and founded the Apple Pips imprint which has been set up to explore the areas between dubstep, techno, minimal & house with an emphasis on echo, depth, swing and bass.
An Audience with: A GUY CALLED GERALD
Where do you start with A Guy Called Gerald? A hidden gem, the gateway between Chicago house / Detroit Techno and the UK dance music explosion in the late 80s. He formed 808 State and has since collaborated with the likes of Goldie, Finley Quaye and Herbie Hancock. He’s also remixed for David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, and The Orb.
He has his own take on music and refuses to follow trends or compromise his sound. He is truly unique.
There’ll be a chance to take part in several ‘guided tours’ of the Funkhaus. Although dBs Music will mainly be based in one small part of the complex (it really is mahoosive!) the whole facility itself is fascinating, particularly to anyone interested in sound or music. We should point out that we’ve not started building the dBs Music facility yet so if you want to see our finished academy you’ll just have to wait awhile longer.
February 2013 |
16 February: LICHTER@NODE Closing Party, Node Festival, Hafen 2, Frankfurt, Germany |
Node13 Closing Ceremonies Lichter at Hafen 2
Date / Saturday, 16 February 2013
Time / 22:00
Venue / Hafen 2/ Hafen 2a 63067 Offenbach am Main
Cost / € 10
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald (Laboratory Instinct, Bosconi, K7, Berlin) live, „„ Oscar Burnside (Laboratory Instinct, Berlin) live, „„ Jacob Korn (Uncanny Valley, Dresden) live, „„ Krystyna (DJ, Frankfurt), Lasal (Berlin), Desaxismundi (London), Clone (Nantes), LWZ & Woei (Wien)
Promoter /
Hafen 2, NODE Forum for Digital Arts, Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt International
LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International and NODE Forum for Digital Arts present:
LICHTER@NODE MVVVVSIC – The NODE13 closing ceremonies in the chapel of Hafen2, Offenbach. Mourn with us the end of the NODE13 week and dance the pain away.
with condolences by:
A Guy Called Gerald
(Laboratory Instinct, Bosconi, K7, Berlin) live
Oscar Burnside
(Laboratory Instinct, Berlin) live
Jacob Korn live
(Uncanny Valley, Dresden) live
vvvvvisual sympathies:
Lasal (Berlin)
Desaxismundi (London)
Clone (Nantes)
lwz & Woei (Vienna)
14 February: Analog Room, The Q, Holiday Inn, Dubai |

Analog Room presents: A Guy Called Gerald at The Q
Date / Thursday, 14 February 2013
Time / 9:00pm - 3:00am
Venue / The Q / Holiday Inn Dubai –Al Barsha Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Barsha 1 P.O.Box 115443, Dubai, UAE
Cost / 75aed
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald (Perlon)
Siamak Amidi (Volt Music)
Analog Room Room is proud to announce the Dubai debut of the one and only-legendary Acid House master, A Guy Called Gerald.
9 February: A Night With... A Guy Called Gerald, Basing House, London, England |
A Night With...A Guy Called Gerald at Basing House
Date / Saturday, 9 February 2013
Time / 10pm - 6am
Venue / Basing House/ 25 Kingsland Road; Shoreditch; London E2 8AA; United Kingdom
Cost / £10- £15
Line-up /
A Guy Called Gerald
Promoter /
London Electronic
Taking the A Night With... baton in February is A Guy Called Gerald. Something of a hidden gem, Gerald is considered the gateway between Chicago house / Detroit Techno and the UK dance music explosion in the late 80s.
He formed 808 State with a drum machine, a 303, 2 Roland SH101s and 2 other humans. His collaborations stem from Frankie Knuckles, Goldie, Finley Quaye and Derrick May through to Herbie Hancock, has remixed for David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, and The Orb.
When the history of postmodern dance music is written he is ubiquitous: his visions, his stylistic versatility and open mindedness had a huge influence on the development of global dance culture. Very early on, he experimented with acid house and helped pioneer the style that was later called jungle and drum´n´bass. Fiercely independent we´re really looking forward to hearing what his 8 hour mandate has in store.
Tickets at RSN Tickets: https://www.rsn-tickets.com/event/a-night-with-a-guy-called-gerald/723/
and RA: https://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?422639
1 February: Tuna Park Meets E-Man-Cl-Pate, Tresor, Berlin, Germany |
Tuna Park Meets E-Man-CI-Pate at Tresor
Date / Friday, 1 February 2013
Time / 23:59
Venue / Tresor/ Köpenickerstrasse 70; Mitte; 10179 Berlin
Cost / 10 Euro
Line-up /
Inland aka Ed Davenport (Falkplatz, NRK)
Markus Suckut (SCKT, Figure SPC)
Henning Baer (Grounded Theory)
A Guy Called Gerald (Bosconi, Sender/ UK)
Tyree Cooper (Supa Dupa Rec., Moodmusic/ Chicago)
Bobby Starrr (Supa Dupa Rec., Moodmusic/ UK)
Ende der 80er Jahre passierte etwas wundersames auf den Festivals in Großbritanien: Acid-House fusionierte mit den ersten Technotracks und schräger Psychedelica. Irgendwer gab dann noch eine kleine Brise MDMA dazu und die Suppe explodierte.
Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Geschichte darf ein Name nicht fehlen, denn er war mittendrin: A Guy Called Gerald. Mit "Pacific State" schrieb er eine der größten Hymnen des "Summer of Love" überhaupt und sein Track "Voodoo Ray" gilt als Blaupause des Acid-House. Mit Tyree Cooper und Bobby Starrr haben wir heute also drei Künstler an den Decks der +4Bar stehen, die mit wirklich allen Wassern gewaschen sind. Wir kramen schon mal die T-Shirts mit den Smileys raus. Im Tresor: Eine Nacht voller Techno-Deepness für Liebhaber und alle die es werden wollen - mit Markus Suckut, Henning Bär und Ed Davenport.
1 February: CTM. 13 Festival, The Golden Age, Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt, Berlin. Germany |

CTM.13 The Golden Age at Various Venues - Berlin
Date / Monday, 28 January 2013
Time / tba
Venue / Various Venues - Berlin / Berlin
Cost / Festival passes: 70€ - 170€
Line-up /
A Cell of One
Alec Empire
Andy Stott
Atom™ (Uwe Schmidt) & Marc Behrens
Atom™ presents Alpha txt feat. Material Object
Bader Motor
Biosphere + The Pitch Ensemble
Boris Hegenbart
Cavern of Anti-Matter
Dean Blunt (of Hype Williams) presents The Narcissist
Demdike Stare
Diamond Version (Alva Noto & Byetone) + Atsuhiro Ito
DJ Sprinkles
Felix Kubin
Forest Swords
Frank Bretschneider
Frederic Rzewski
Ghédalia Tazartès
Greco-Roman Soundsystem
Günther Schickert
Half Girl / Half Sick
Holly Herndon
Jörg Franzmann
Khyam Allami with Vasilis Sarikis
Kuedo (live) A/V show with MFO
Lorenzo Senni
Lower Order Ethics
Lucas Abela
Mark Archer (of Altern-8)
Mykki Blanco
Necro Deathmort
Nicolas Metall
Nicolas Moulin
Opium Hum
PAN label showcase: Mark Fell (of SND), Florian Hecker, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Jar Moff, Lee Gamble and Heatsick
Pantha Du Prince & The Bell Laboratory
People Like Us
Pete Swanson
Pharoah Chromium
Portrait of Ernstalbrecht Stiebler: Agnieszka Dziubak, Werner Dafeldecker, and ensemble L'Art pour L'Art
Ravi Shardja
Sammy Dee
Samuel Kerridge
Sensate Focus
Set Mosaic
Simian Mobile Disco
Skream feat Sgt Pokes
Soundwalk Collective
Sun Worship
Sunn O)))
Terre Thaemlitz
Theo Burt – The Automatics Group
Tom Ass
Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez feat. A Guy Called Gerald
Xiu Xiu + Eugene S. Robinson: Sal Mineo
Promoter /
The 14th edition of the CTM Festival will take place from 28 January - 3 February 2013. Under the title, The Golden Age, the Festival this time seeks to reflect on the (over-)abundance of music in the modern world and its consequences for individuals, aesthetics, politics and the economy.
The festival will take place at the HAU theatre, Berghain, Stattbad, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, as well as the historic Funkhaus Nalepastrasse, home of the DDR National Broadcasting Corporation until 1990. Further venues will round out the festival map according to the specific needs of individual projects.
FRI 1.2.2013
// HAU2 Rehearsal Space
Students of Robert Henke / Soundstudies masters program at the UdK Berlin present "Pulse Lab II: Works for Wave Field Synthesis"
// HAU1
Xiu Xiu + Eugene S. Robinson: Sal Mineo (US) world premiere
Dean Blunt (UK) presents “The Narcissist” world premiere
// HAU2
Grautag presents "Graunacht" with
Pharoah Chromium (DE)
Günther Schickert (DE)
Nicolas Metall (FR)
Bader Motor (FR)
Ravi Shardja (FR)
Cavern of Anti-Matter (UK)
Christian Vialard (FR)
Nicolas Moulin (FR)
// Berghain
Andy Stott (UK)
Mark Archer (Altern 8, UK)
Shed (DE)
Samuel Kerridge (UK)
Powell (UK)
Evol (ES)
Lower Order Ethics (HU)
Conor Thomas (UK)
// Panorama Bar
DJ Sprinkles (JP)
Shakleton (UK)
Zip (DE)
Sammy Dee (DE)
Jörg Franzmann (DE, video)
// Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez feat. A Guy Called Gerald (BR/UK)
In collaboration with transmediale
BWPWAP Users with Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez feat. A Guy Called Gerald
Coded Narratives
01.02.2013 21:30-23:00 - AUDITORIUM Performance
January 2013 |
11 January: Wormhole, ://about blank, Berlin, Germany |