December 2012 |
8 Dec: The Acid Mill Rave Allnighter, Sankeys, Manchester, England |
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DetailsThe Acid Mill Rave Allnighter - A Guy Called Gerald, Us & Them, Jozef K, Willow, Jack Barton at Sankeys |
1 Dec: Bosconi "How Soon Is Now", Animal Social Club, Rome, Italy |
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DetailsBosconi Night Pres. -How Long Is Now- at Animal Social Club Line-up / Promoter /exe-cute, Bosconi Bosconi Night Pres. -How Long Is Now- ' a tribute and homage to his legendary figure, some mysterious writer draw G's face on the right side of that building with the shamanic enigma above that giant mural "How Long Is Now", an existential sigh or question that perfectly sums up the uncertain past, present and future of one of Berlin's most important initiatives, as the Tacheles was, and as the things of our life that we love, as the music, can be, uncertain…' memory of Tacheles.. SABATO 1 DICEMBRE 2012 'How long is now'. Chi è capitato almeno una volta a Berlino in questi ultimi anni non può non essersi imbattuto su questa enorme scritta sul lato del Tacheles, uno dei luoghi simbolo del rinascimento della capitale tedesca post-muro che, come i più informati sanno, di cui da pochi mesi è stato deciso il definitivo smantellamento. In una città dove tutto cambia improvvisamente, in un moto continuo e inarrestabile, anche il presente sembra già avere un sapore malinconico. Il primo dicembre l'Animal Social Club in collaborazione con Exe-cute vi invitano a celebrare tutto questo, presentando a Roma una 'Bosconi Label Night' che già si preannuncia epocale. Ad aprire le danze sarà A Guy Called Gerald, artista simbolo della scena rave della “Manchester” di fine anni '80 e inizio '90, in uscita proprio in questi giorni con un disco per l'etichetta toscana interamente dedicato a quel pezzo ormai sparito di Berlino dal titolo eloquente: 'How Long Is Now'. Debutto assoluto in anteprima nazionale sarà anche il live di Le Macchine, progetto tutto analogico a base di synth e drum machines, che Luca Saponaro (The Heels Of Love / Love Supreme), Cristian Croce e Nicola Mazzetti (The Barking Dogs) presenteranno per la prima volta all’Animal Social Club. Un mix di house, beat disco e richiami afro e psichedelici in grado di far ballare anche i dancefloor più ostili. Ad accompagnare il tutto l’immancabile live dei Minimono (Fabio della Torre e Ennio Colaci) e i dj set targati Bosconi. Il boss dell'etichetta Fabio della Torre si alternerà ai piatti con i due assi di casa, Riccio e Rufus: garanzia per chi ha voglia di ballare fino alle prime luci del mattino e oltre. Una line up che ha tutto il profumo di un vero e proprio festival! ...In memory of Tacheles. |
November 2012 |
30 Nov: Drum Soul, Club Gretchen, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsDRUM SOUL: A GUY CALLED GERALD - LIVE IN SESSION Box1: A Guy Called Gerald (UK) *live* Box2: Appleblim (Applepips/Skull Disco/UK) +++ DRUM SOUL: Von Freestyle über Jungle bis hin zu Elektronika. Seine genreprägenden Alben „28 Gun Bad Boy“, „Black Secret Technology“ und „Essence“ hatten einen immensen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der globalen Dance-Culture. A Guy Called Gerald aus Manchester, der seit den späten achtziger Jahren mit „Pacific State“ (808 State) und der Acid House Hymne „Voodoo Ray“ wegweisende Tunes vorzulegen wusste, wurde in den Neunzigern einer der wichtigsten UK-Drum’n’Bass-Pioniere und ist inzwischen längst Wahlberliner. Sein Album „Proto Acid – The Berlin Session“ (2006) wirkte daher wie ein Zeitsprung und zeigte, wohin das alles noch hätte führen können, wenn damals das Rave-Ding in England nicht gleich so explodiert wäre. Vor zwei Jahren erschien mit „Tronic Jazz The Berlin Sessions” sein achtes Solo-Album. Mit Craggz & Parallel kommen zwei Künstler aus London, die früher für fröhlichen Live-instrumentierten Liquid Funk der souligsten Sorte standen und nun Techno-beeinflussten, überwiegend auf Analoggeräten produzierten Oldschool-Elektronik-90ies-Drum’n’Bass machen, wie man auf ihrem Album „Turn The Page“ (2010) gut hören kann. Im Herbst 2006 legten sie mit „Northern Soul“ auf Valve Recordings ein Meisterwerk zwischen Downbeat und Drum’n’Bass vor. Auf der zweiten Disc gab’s als knallende Zugabe eine Live Show mit Chris „Jungle Drummer“ Polgase und Andy Waterworth, die ja für die unvergleichlich genialen Auftritte von London Elektricity mitverantwortlich sind. Und dieser Jungle Drummer ist heute bei uns auch live am Start. Dazu gibt’s DJ Phat Chex, der bereits für Legenden wie Afrika Bambaata und Renny Pilgram arbeitete und für seine ausgeklügelten Breakbeat- und Electro Dance-Shows bekannt ist. Das Line-Up komplettieren der polnische Techno-Künstler Oscar Burnside, der Japan-Berliner Lyo25, der allseits bekannte Applebim sowie unser Resident Delfonic. Das bedeutet nicht weniger als die musikalisch offene Bandbreite von Freestyle über Jungle bis hin zu Elektronika. Club GRETCHEN |
18 Nov: MS Stubnitz Lab, King George V Royal Docks, London, England |
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DetailsMs Stubnitz Lab with A Guy Called Gerald at MS Stubnitz :: A Guy Called Gerald (Perlon) <> Motorship Stubnitz is an independent and open platform for research and documentation of contemporary young culture. For thousands of years, seafarers have traveled from port to port on a mission of cultural exchange. Today Stubnitz presents you the most innovative music and performing arts from local and international artists Each performance is recorded and preserved in an onboard audio-visual archive, totaling in more than 3000 recordings for the last 15 years. .. MS Stubnitz is a team of volunteers and like-minded individuals who take great pride and passion to make this sanctuary for culture and creativity work and keep it open and accessible for everyone... MS Stubnitz, a former ocean-going vessel of GDR fishing fleet, is a cultural heritage monument in itself and is officially listed as such by the city of Rostock, its homeport. It is the last surviving specimen of its type and class in full operation... <> Entry: |
6 Nov: Senzen Label Night, Cookies, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsSenzen Labelnight at Cookies Line-up / Main: Benno Blome (Sender, Senzen) Mini: DJ San Gabriel mit DJ Tom Laroc (miami) |
October 2012 |
27 Oct: Rebuild, SMD/Wang present Delicatessen, Fire, London, England |
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DetailsWang & Simian Mobile Disco presents Delicatessen at Fire Simian Mobile Disco (live) (EXCLUSIVE) Promoter / Fire In Session, Wang, Fire London WANG and Simian Mobile Disco present Delicatessen We are back this October joining forces with our very good friends Simian Mobile Disco for an incredible night of electronics Simian Mobile Disco - Live |
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DetailsA GUY CALLED GERALD 'LIVE' FAC 251 The Factory, Manchester, M1 7EN A GUY CALLED GERALD 'LIVE' Breaking beats since 1988! Dance legend Guy called Gerald takes over Factory Manchesters Funktion One for an intimate show in his own Home town. Pivotal in the development of Dance music from his own work & early work with 808 State. His live Show & work with Funktion One wowed audiences at Last years Glastonbury this really is a show not to be missed Entry Price: £8.50 Venue: FAC 251 The Factory |
5 Oct: Freebase, Robert Johnson, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsFreebase: A Guy Called Gerald at Robert-Johnson Line-up / Promoter / Robert Johnson, Freebase |
September 2012 |
9 Sep: re:sender, Ritter Butzke, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsRE:Sender at Ritter Butzke Line-up / Baby Ford (Perlon, Sender, I-Fach / London) In Zeiten, in welchen das System Techno zu einem D.I.Y.-Parallel-Establishment herangewachsen scheint und Labels und Artists kommen und gehen, steht Mr. Blomes Sender Records mehr denn je als Fixstern am stroboskoperhellten Firmament des weltweiten Clubhimmels für Beständigkeit mit musikalischer Klasse außerhalb von massenkompatibler Stangenware. Jeder einzelne (Vinyl-)Release des Backkatallogs spricht hier die Sprache eines über Trends und hyperbeschleunigter Releaseflut erhabenen Tribes von Künstlern, denen ein musikalisches Statement und künstlerische Haltung wichtiger sind als Personenkult und Selbstbeweihräucherung. Da darf nach 13 Jahren konsequent innovativen Outputs, fast 90 Releases und der Geburt der Housespielwiese Senzen bei aller Bescheidenheit ruhig auch mal ein wenig re:flektiert werden. Dazu gönnt man sich nun die Konzept-Serie Re:sender, um die prägnantesten Eckpfeiler der eigenen Geschichte durch Remixer jüngerer Garde in einen kontemporären Kontext zu setzen und diese Kleinode neu interprätiert auf die Floors unseres Universums loszulassen. Zum Release der Compilation Re:Sender #1 versammelt Blome in der Ritterstraße nun ein Killer-Lineup aus Sender-Artists, bei dem die lebendige Vergangenheit und Gegenwart von Sender in einen produktiven Dialog treten und die Antennen mit voller Sendeleistung auf die Floors des Ritter Butzke ausgerichtet haben. Die Brücke in die musikalische Gegenwart Sender's schlagen an diesem Abend der unglaubliche Langzeit-Sender-Acid-Rocker Pan/Tone, der mit seinem Label Cereal/Killers und einer elektrifizierenden Liveperformance im Gepäck sicherlich eine Klasse für sich ist. Ihm zur Seite steht der der Berliner Vollblut-Drummerboy und Benno Blomes musikalischer Sidekick auf Sender, Jens Bond der immer wieder mit Bomben-Releases auf Highgrade glänzte. Die würdigen Remixer des auf der Re:Sender #1 vertretenen "Minimal Man"-Klassikers Plastic Smile und umtriebigen Local Heroes Kotelett & Zadak sind im Dunstkreis der Hauptstadt und darüber hinaus mittlerweile mit Bescheidenheit, unermüdlich kraftvollen Szeneaufmischens und tighten Releases auf, unter anderem , Hi Freaks! und Acker zu wohlverdienten Koryphäen hießiger Undergroundkultur geadelt und somit die denkbar geeignetsten Botschafter für das Konzept Re:Sender. Sie stellen zusammen mit dem höchst produktiven und engagierten Tausendsassa SID, der im Kater Holzig sein zweites Wohnzimmer hat , die Basis des Abends für eine zeitgemäße, Interprätation und Re:flektion Ihrer und Sender's Einflüsse im Koordinatensystem Berlin, Chicago, Detroit, Köln, London ... That's all. So people: Gather round! RE:TURN TO SENDER! RECLAIM THE ANTENNA! ... |
6 Sep: Sun And Bass, San Teodoro, Sardinia, Italy |
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DetailsLine-up: |
August 2012 |
27 Aug: Staunch Carnival Special, Supper Club, London, England |
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DetailsStaunch Carnival Special FT A Guy Called Gerald, Loefah B2B Zed Bias, Dusky, Klose One++ at Supperclub Line-up / Promoter / Jan LW Francis, ATG Do-One, Staunch London, Supper Club Presents..., Swamp81 -STAUNCH CARNIVAL AFTER PARTY SPECIAL- Staunch returns with a bang on Carnival Monday where we take over The Supperclub right in between Ladbroke Grove and Westbourne Park, also right next to The Major Lazer Soundsystem and as they shut down, we get going. We have a very special headliner with A Guy Called Gerald who made one of the greatest dance music records of all time.. Voodoo Ray defines an era. We have Gerald for an exclusive LIVE show for our Carnival Special. A GUY CALLED GERALD (LIVE) Tickets- THIS IS IN THE MIDDLE OF CARNIVAL THIS WILL SELL OUT! |
25 Aug: Strøm Festival, Black Box: Space Is The Place, Culture Box, Denmark |
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DetailsSpace Is The Place with Marshall Jefferson + A Guy Called Gerald Black Box: MARSHALL JEFFERSON (Trax/Chicago/US) Red Box: ANDREAS TILLIANDER (Adrian/SE) + special guests Cocktail Box: Warm up / Pre-party WMWL, and Culture Box presents a unique chance to experience two amazing artists - A Guy Called Gerald, best known for his amazing track ”Voodoo Ray”, and the profoundly important Marshall Jefferson, credited as one of the fathers of Chicago house music! More info: |
25 Aug: Reason Master Class, Ideal Bar, Copenhagen, Denmark |
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DetailsReason Master Class With A Guy Called Gerald (Presented by Propellerhead) WHAT: Space is the Place - Master class with a Guy Called Gerald and Andreas Tilliander. Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at modern music production and performing electronic music live! WHEN:Saturday 25th august, 14:00 - 16:00, Strøm Festival WHERE: Ideal Bar, Vega, Enghavevej 40, 1674 Copenhagen WHO: HOW MUCH: Free of charge Some 40 years ago, the jazz innovator Sun Ra initiated a movie called Space is the Place, presenting the case for afro-futurism, experimental jazz, and the need for transition of human kind and mind. Sun Ra has influenced a great many modern artists, A Guy Called Gerald among others, not only by his amazing compositions, but also thanks to his unique approach to music production and culture in general. During Strøm the concept Space is the Place is being hosted by WMWL and Culture box, culminating in a night with Marshall Jefferson and A Guy Called Gerald among others, on the closing night of the festival, 25th august 2012. But already at 14.00 there will be an exclusive Master class with A Guy Called Gerald centered around his music production using Reason software and the importance of Sun Ra for electronic music of today. The talk is led by Propellerhead representative Andreas Tilliander, himself one of the leading electronic artists in Scandinavia. |
18 Aug: Pyramids, Arena Club, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsPyramids at arenaclub Line-up / Promoter / arenaclub, Fiasko Unsere Freunde der Freimaurer-Loge Ortsteil Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg haben uns zugeflüstert, dass dieser Samtag voll im Zeichen des Dritten Auges steht! Watch out! |
10 Aug: Catz On Acid, Kater Holzig, Berlin. Germany |
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DetailsCatz On Acid ,Strictly Chosen Relauchparty-Hütten-Happening & Fairground-Empire at KaterHolzig Line-up / A GUY CALLED GERALD at fri 04:00-07:00 am (early sat morning) i will play that Acid stuff from the 1986 that non of the djs of now really know to music i will make live from 06:00-07:00 am come join the fun'k |
July 2012 |
28 July: Camp Tipsy, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsFr 27 Juli * Sa 28 Juli * So 29 Juli Neben Natur und Erholung soll es auch wieder die Möglichkeit zu einem Sommertänzchen geben. Musikalisch ist eine bunte Mischung dabei. Einiges an nicht-elektronischer Tanzmusik, aber auch wieder Elektronisches der unterschiedlichsten Art. Punk und Rock treffen etwa auf Dubstep und Techno … beim Jam Floor verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen Musik machen und miterleben … Bands zeigen ihr Können … der Experimentalbereich setzt Geräusche, Töne, Schwingungen frei. Es gibt Installationen, Siebdruck, Filmschnipsel, Tanzperformances und Workshops … leckeres Essen. LIVEBÜHNE FR: tRaumstation rockt: 20 h Kissing Clouds/powerpoprock + PrunX/politicalspacerock + Between Garbage & Flowers/punkrock; dj-set Jugotonka/BalkanMix, La Roche Rock/Funk/Fusion PROJEKTRAUM TRICKSTER (Musik, Bar, VoKü, Café) FR: 12-14 Morgenradio | 14-16 Poetry Island | 16-18 Cosmic Shake | 18-19 Squiggles | 19-20 ONONON | 20-20:15 Stärkeäther | 20:30-21 The Brunettez | 21-22 Megatronkollektiv | 22-24 Shazam | 0-open end X.A.Cute Soundsystem – live DJ-set & Guests….| ELFEN-BAR FR: Radio Ostkreuz # Mie Seuof # Rene+Bernd # Andre Strauß KULTURPROJEKT „ÜBERRRASCHUNGGG“ DEKO: RHYTHMUS-TV liveVJing/Videoinstallation (VJs welcome – VGA conektion !!!!!) SOUND: Allstyles&noGEMAin (SoloArtists Welcome – OpenStage auf Anfrage) BAR: CAFFEECHAIFETTO – it. Kaffeekultur meets BABBBATE@ TACHELES ART AKADEMIE „EDUCATION ON TOUR“ (streetarttribes, siebdruck, workshops…) Camp Tipsy MARKTPLATZ Zur Else – Coctailbar (Gerüchteküche ZK) Kino Kiez 2.0 Kiez 2.0 präsentiert auf dem diesjährigen Camp unterschiedliche musikalische Themen und eine VoKü. STRANDBAR Live Musik, Milchshakes, Ceralientheke, Spacedrinks, Lehmofen THE WORMHOLE Free style electronic music, stripped down house/techno, cutting edged electro funk, chill out, warping and grounding sounds takes you to the another dimension. A Guy Called Gerald (LIVE), Stewart Walker(LIVE), Lyo25, yone-ko, Phlup, Venison, Katsuhiko(LIVE), Shake M, P-yan, Yuka(Color Therapy) & special guests. VJ Stefano Mori. VETOMAT: Essen / Streetart / Siebdruck VoKü * Streetart * Kindersiebdruck * Maskenbau BASS THE GREEN – FLOOR DJs: Madz & Licious (Bass The Green), Moritz Heppner (Bass The Green, Frank Music), doob, Mr. B und mehr… Ein mobiles Akku Soundsystem – immer auf der Suche nach schönen neuen Orten. Diesen Sommer werden sie das Camp Tipsy mit fettem Drum’n'Bass und groovigem House begeistern. Der Bass The Green Floor startet Samstag mit DJ-Kollegen Moritz Heppner und vielen weiteren Gast-DJs – es wird übrigens mit Vinyl aufgelegt! SALON BRUIT Experimentelle Musik und Noise alle Formen. No Divas. LIVE: Stoerfan Sender, KnifeLooP, Matchees, Lars Feistkorn, Head Vs Wall, Angie Yeowell, Davidly, Normalson, Mathias Koch, Various DJ’s and many surprised guests. ZUCKERTÜTENTRAUM Tanzangebot, Live-Musik, Indie, Pop, Jazz, Funk, elektronische Musik in allen Facetten + Visuals |
21 July: Bosconi Night, Chalet, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsBosconi Night at Chalet Line-up / Promoter / Bosconi With their roots in the rolling hills of Tuscany, Bosconi Records stands proud as a shining example of creativity and craftsmanship in the Italian music scene. With a back catalogue rich in hand-crafted house music, unique downtempo beats and all the moods in between, the label has worked tirelessly to bring pride back to the musical output of Italy thanks to the work of Dj Fabio della torre, with his fellow friend and parter from Minimono, Ennio Colaci, and the other members of the Bosconi Soundsystem: Rufus and Mass Prod. Recent releases: [BOSCONI020] Fabio Della Torre - What About You EP (incl. Eduardo De La Calle Remix) |
7 July: Ferma Festival, Ferma Camp, Tarusa, Russia |
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DetailsFERMA FESTIVAL 2012, JULY 5 - 8 ПРОГРАММА: Ferma Presents: A Guy Called Gerald (UK, Dj-Set), Moorush vs. Lazyfish (Live), Sapunov, Douglas Greed (DE, Live), Sanches, Le K (FR, Live), Simple Symmetry, Zorkin, Andriesh, Alexey Seldom, Lipelis, Luke VB (UK), M. Naytom, Petrovich, Mark Schedrin, Nairi, D-Pulse (Live) Supreme Flow: Moa Pillar (Live Band), Algorythimk, Aapryl 237 Family: True Flavas (SPb, Live), Docha Fingeres, Lega, Vetalz Dig: The Cavestompers (Live), Sonic Death (SPb, Live), Scarlet Dazzle (Live), Greengoo, Fatslut, Mak, Chinavat Roots United (SPb): Hoopa, El, Filq, Danilov, Visuals by Gerda Vata: Zhiguli (UA), Poko Cox, Platonice, Benr, Yura Van Hoover, Prince Artem Weekender Showcase: Alex Meshkov, Fresh, A5, Technorev & Leo Gross ... Lion Is The Sun: Midnight Cobras (Live), Missisipi Landscapes (Live), Ggle Highs (Live), Acid Papa, Savier, Lora Palmer, Hoober, Saveliev Deep Mode: Anrilov & Bvoice, Cross, Golikov Osk Records: Voloshin, Aleksey Letko, Maxim Stock Guerrilla: Azamat, Vagina Vangi (Live), Raumskaya (Live), Twin Sevens (Live), My Kingdom (Live), SWiTCHTVSKXR Keep Company: Jackethat (Live), Fanick, Pyanov Zavtra Berlin (Germany): Yapacc (Perlon, Lesizm:r, Apparel Music), Soukie, Cem Orlow Highway Records: Asaga, Mike Spirit, Lenya Bell, Thierry Tomas Cult Club: Anatoly Ice, Pasha Fookin, Krlow, Philla, Lay-Far Pzdc: Ed Cox (UK), Katch Pyro (UK), Acid Mafia, Pinballsound, Drmz, The Team Tishinka: Kingston (Live, MC Fusah / Ostapuzz), Wistah'N'Farel (Live), Selekta/ Svoboda Sound (Live), Dj Mindlab, Boomerang, Stolitsa, Kovsh, Juxtapose, Grey (Live), NVG (Breaks Set), S. Peres aka Sanches Jesus Club (SPb): Moralez, Haks, Chance, Noizar (Kiev, UA) Human Resources: Push'n'Pull (Live), Arshanitsa, Andrea Electronica: Combinator (Live), Tim Aminov (Live), Shyam (Live), S. Khizhnyakov, Matin Shanti: Björn Wilke (Germany), Metranomm (Live), Finist, Dunaev, Popescu Rad: OL, Miracle Libido, Lapti, Low Bob, Vtgnike Owls: 813 (Live), Malefique (Live), UFMO (Live), Dafu (Live), Cyberslut (Live) Capital Bass: Lokiboi (UK), Ekta (Giant), Fstep, Urbanite What's In the Box: Acos Coolkas, Volta Cab (Live) |
6 July: The Pavilion, Cork, Ireland |
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DetailsA GUY CALLED GERALD Live Upstairs, Fri, July 6th, 11:00pm A Guy Called Gerald is the stage name for the musician, record producer and DJ Gerald Simpson. He is best known for his early work in the Manchester acid house scene in the late 1980s and the track “Voodoo Ray”. At that time, he specialised in techno music produced using equipment such as the Roland TB-303 bass synthesiser and the TR-808 drum machine. Gerald’s Black Secret Technology LP was released in 1995, including contributions from Goldie and Finley Quaye, and is regarded as the first full-length Jungle album ever released. In 1998, the label closed, with Simpson relocating to New York. The Pavilion, |
5 July: Fac54 - Stone Roses Afterparty, The Twisted Pepper, Dublin, Ireland |
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DetailsFac54 - Stone Roses Afterparty with A Guy Called Gerald & Graeme Park at The Twisted Pepper Line-up / FAC54 Stage: A GUY CALLED GERALD Basement: GRAEME PARK & more to be announced... Thursday July 5th 2012 |
June 2012 |
30 June: A Little Summer Of Love, Westbourne Studios, London, England |
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DetailsA visual art exhibition celebrating the early years of acid house in the UK kicks off with a very special event on Saturday 30 June which is also the launch party for a superb compilation of classic British house on Strut Records*. The event presents the graphic art of DAVE LITTLE; the photography of DAVE SWINDELLS and a private preview of GORDON MASON's acclaimed documentary film ‘They Call It Acid’. The launch party will also feature a live performance of the first British acid house tune, ‘Voodoo Ray’ by A GUY CALLED GERALD feat. DIANE CHARLEMAGNE**, as well as DJs NOEL WATSON (Delirium), KID BATCHELOR (Bang The Party, Confusion), RICHARD SEN (Strut Records), and other pioneering house DJs alongside current acid house renegades PARIS' ACID BALL (Hannah Holland and Dan Beaumont). It will be held in Westbourne Studios, an ideal location to exhibit artwork and project it onto triple-height walls and screens, with a 64-seater cinema room, an intimate bar-come-dancefloor and a huge central area which is by turns a performance space, an exhibition area and a chill-out zone to kick back and watch the visuals… A Little Summer of Love will be free before 9pm, £8 after (incl £3 donation to music charities) The CD will have its launch party at A Little Summer of Love. The sleeve notes and photography are by Dave Swindells. ** A Guy Called Gerald’s seminal track, ‘Voodoo Ray’, is set to be re-released with fresh remixes by A Guy Called Gerald and Francois K on July 2. |
23 June: Sender Records Nacht, Pfingstweide, Zürich, Switzerland |
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DetailsSender Records Nacht at Pfingstweide Line-up / Promoter / Pfingstweide Grosse Namen geben sich in dieser Nacht die Klinke der Pfingstweid-Pforte in die Hand: Verantwortlich dafür ist das Berliner Label Sender Records… Wo beginnen bei einem Act, welcher sein Leben voller Inbrunst seit Ende der 80er Jahre der Musik widmet: Zuerst war Gerald Simpson Teil von „808 State“, bevor er sich von der Gruppe loslöste und als A Guy Called Gerald seine Solokarriere lancierte. Als Musiker, DJ und Produzent pendelt er zwischen House und Drum ‚n’Bass, ohne aber generell in einem Stil festgefahren zu sein, denn hat er doch auch schon mit Grössen wie Herbie Hancock oder Goldie zusammengearbeitet. Dabei spielte er schon von den grossen House Clubs wie dem Space auf Ibiza und dem Fabric in London, bis hin zu den anerkannten Festivals wie dem Glastonbury Festival in UK. Dass man ihn durchaus auch als stilprägend bezeichnen darf, zeigt auch sein jüngstes Engagement: Seit 2005 lebt der gebürtige Brite nämlich in Berlin und betreibt dort ein eigenes Studio im Kunsthaus Tacheles – ein vor dem Abriss gerettetes, ehemaliges Kaufhaus in der Oranienburger Strasse in Mitte, welches heute ein wichtiges Kunst- und Veranstaltungszentrum mit internationaler Ausstrahlung ist. Ebenfalls von Sender Records kommen zudem auch noch Franklin De Costa, selber Owner des Labels Fusion Records, und Adrian Martin mit nach Zürich. |
20 June: iCrates Longplayer #10, Bar Saül, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsThe LongPlayer #10 | A Guy Called Gerald with pre midi Acid House Workshop "Stop multi-tasking, sit down, open your ears and do some heavy listening." Inspired by Classic Album Sundays, a monthly event in North London. A growing number of music lovers unsatisfied by the way music is enjoyed in a pick-and-mix fashion decided to take action. The Berlin-based iCrates magazine heard the call and created a fortnightly event with two hosts presenting two theme-based LPs to be listened to in full. The Longplayer. In collaboration with the artists themselves who introduce the music coloured with their personal stories, the Longplayer aims to be a collective strike against "'download culture" and the sense that music has just become an endless compilation of random songs used as background noise. The rules are strict. No talking. No texting. You must listen to every song on the album. |
15 June: Nomad, Old Street, London, England |
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DetailsA Guy Called Gerald at Nomad London Line-up / Promoter / Nomad A Guy Called Gerald Iconic producer A Guy Called Gerald will perform another of his exceptional live show @ Nomad Club London on Friday 15th June – 10pm till 5am Where do you start with A Guy Called Gerald? A hidden gem, the gateway between Chicago house / Detroit Techno and the UK dance music explosion in the late 80s. He is one of a few special producers who entered dance music in the jacking zone. He is the first UK acid house producer and the first producer to have two instrumental dance tracks in the UK charts at the same time. He formed 808 State with a drum machine, a 303, 2 Roland SH101s and 2 other humans. His collaborations stem from Frankie Knuckles, Goldie, Finley Quaye and Derrick May through to Herbie Hancock, remixed for David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, Roman Fluegel and The Orb and toured with New Order, Tricky and Bebel Gilberto. He made one of the greatest dance music records of all time. Voodoo Ray defines an era and as A Guy Called Gerald, trod a path somewhere between down right dirty music whilst all the time pushing the boundaries of the technology at the time with equipment such as the Roland TB-303 bass synthesiser and the TR-808 drum machine. This all takes place within the intimate surroundings of Nomad Club (58 Old Street, London, EC1V9AJ) The venue has finally completed its sound overhaul & new soundproofing now installed we can go Louder. Add to this a booming new Martin Audio system and we've got ourselves a proper party :) This isn't just a chance to hear some incredible music up close and personal, it's all about hanging out with your friends in a comfortable space - serious music without serious attitude. With the resident trio of the night Jason Glanville, JB & Darren Roach |
2 June: Mutek Festival, Société Des Arts Technologiques, Montreal, Canada |
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DetailsMutek 2012 at Société Des Arts Technologiques (SAT) Three weeks after a strong global reception for its first wave of performers, MUTEK 2012 returns with a second wave that is equally strong in fleshing out the festival’s scope. Joining the growing pool of talent converging on Montreal from May 30th to June 3rd are respected pioneers, hotly tipped emerging artists, adventurous sonic manipulators, and a significant number of Canadian artists who represent the wealth of digital creativity currently at work in this country. MUTEK’s second wave features: A GUY CALLED GERALD [UK] / ALICIA HUSH [CA] / ATHEUS [CA] / BENOIT & SERGIO [US] / BERNARDINO FEMINIELLI [CA] / CLARK [UK] / CONTAINER [US] / DENIZ KURTEL [US] / DKMD [CA] / ESPRITS FRAPPEURS [CA] / K.A.N.T.N.A.G.A.N.O [CA] / KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN [US] / KRAUSE DUO [DE] / LARRY JAMES [CA] / LE RÉVÉLATEUR [CA] / LEBOEUF ET LAVIOLETTE [CA] / MAGNANIME [CA] / MARTIN TÉTREAULT & NANCY TOBIN présentent TÉTO [CA] / MOR† [CA] / MICHEL PLAMONDON [CA] / NELLY-EVE RAJOTTE [CA] / SALVA [US] / SENDAI [BE] / SHLOHMO [US] / SIBIAN & FAUN [CA] / SIMON CALLED PETER [CA] / SOLVENT [CA] / THE GULF STREAM [CA] / TONEPUSHERS [CA] / VALENTIN STIP [CA] / WOLF + LAMB [US] Leading off today’s announcement is British acid-techno producer A GUY CALLED GERALD, a central figure in the first incarnation of legendary trio 808 STATE, whose appearance at MUTEK constitutes not only a Canadian premiere of his “Live In Session”, but also the famed producer’s first show in the country in over five years. At the other end of the spectrum is American composer KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN, considered by many to be one of his generation’s most critically acclaimed disciples of electronic music’s avant-garde classical roots. Whitman will be joining Toronto synth-electro veteran SOLVENT (Jason Amm), who returns to the festival after a decade’s absence. Amm will be leading a showcase that includes Whitman, UK Warp act CLARK, American indie-techno producer CONTAINER, and more, to take place at Montreal’s new Satosphere, a truly original planetarium-style dome for digital-arts performance. This showcase will be filmed for the upcoming feature-length documentary “I Dream of Wires”, which explores the resurgence of the modular synthesizer. In the month of May, MUTEK TV will be featuring exclusive weekly excerpts from the film. MUTEK’s new partnership with Red Bull Music Academy, which began with a successful cross-Canadian tour, comes to full fruition with a three-day Red Bull Music Academy Stage at this year’s festival. Of the exciting collaboration, Red Bull Canada’s Culture Marketing Manager André de Pape says, “MUTEK as a festival provides an exciting opportunity for collaboration with Red Bull Music Academy. Both organizations focus on pioneering artists, unique performances, and music discovery. Our stage will feature participants from past Red Bull Music Academies, in addition to contemporary artists who've helped to shape the sound of 2012 and beyond. It's a diverse lineup that will bring some exciting artists to MUTEK and will look forward to the Red Bull Music Academy in New York this fall.” That line-up features new names announced today, such as bass practitioners SALVA, SHLOHMO, and SIBIAN & FAUN, as well as techno producers SENDAI (featuring Peter Van Hoesen). They join previously announced figures such as KODE9, NOUVEAU PALAIS, PAUL WHITE, BNJMN, NAUTILUSS, DANUEL TATE, and KINK. No MUTEK festival is complete without international talents on the verge of critical breakthroughs, and today’s additions build upon that reputation in spades. This year the festival spotlights a new generation of exciting American producers, among them Brooklyn label bosses WOLF+LAMB and their current roster highlight DENIZ KURTEL, as well as DFA-affiliates BENOIT & SERGIO. From Europe’s electronic scene, the festival adds Germany’s long-running KRAUSE DUO, a pair closely connected to a family tree that includes The Wighnomy Brothers and Mathias Kaden. As always, the festival’s commitment to homegrown artists who explore the fringes of sound manipulation stands strong, and this edition’s reach spans further across the country than ever before. Montreal’s enigmatic dark ambient and dub techno producer ATHEUS, a well respected figure on the international scene, makes a MUTEK debut performing his first-ever live set in his hometown. Longtime Quebecois favourites MARTIN TÉTREAULT (appearing this time with NANCY TOBIN) and K.A.N.T. N.A.G.A.N.O. return to showcase new works. Winnipeg is represented by minimal-techno duo TONEPUSHERS, while LARRY JAMES constitutes a collaboration between Vancouver’s Max Ulis and Ryan Trann. Toronto’s upcoming talents have a fitting ambassador in ALICIA HUSH, of the Hushlamb Free Range Radio Show. All this and more makes up the second wave of performers for what is shaping up to be a banner 13th edition for MUTEK. More performers, along with full showcase details and individual tickets, will be made available on April 17th. Discount passes for MUTEK 2012 are currently available at until April 17th, at which point the prices rise. A five-day festival passport costs $195 (+ txs & sc), while a weekend pass costs $110 (+ txs & sc). Saturday A GUY CALLED GERALD [UK] Nocturne 4 / Metropolis: A GUY CALLED GERALD [UK], MINILOGUE vs MATHEW JONSON [SE/CA], KRAUSE DUO [DE], ROLL THE DICE [SE], SLOWPITCH [CA] The festival’s coveted all-night extravaganza! From experimental turntablism to cinematic journeys, from acid pioneers to improvisatory and winding techno, we follow the rhythms that take us till dawn. Figures internationales et collaborations règnent sur la plus longue nuit du festival, entre platinisme expérimental, univers hautement cinématographique et rythmes des plus entrainants s'accentuant au fil de la nuit. Et ce, jusqu'au petit matin! 22h00 - SLOWPITCH Billets: $40,00 + tx & fs Satosphere: 22h00 - CHRISTINA SEALEY/JEREMY GREENSPAN/JESSICA LANZA |
May 2012 |
30 May: Boiler Room Berlin 010, Boiler Room, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsBoiler Room Berlin #10: A Guy Called Gerald BOILER ROOM BERLIN 010 A Guy Called Gerald 8pm - 0am (CET) Please note the event itself is now by invitation only, you must be personally invited in order to get in. Everyone else, you get to watch amazing music, free, live, online. |
30 May: dBS Music: Dreaming New Futures, The British Embassy, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsDreaming New Futures // British Embassy, Berlin Share and discover some of the exciting new equipment innovations that are transforming the industry. See Nu Desine’s Alphasphere in action. More of a brand new instrument than just another MIDI controller, it’s currently taking the industry by storm. This event is a great opportunity to mix with industry professionals from the UK and Germany. Share ideas and set up new collaborations. Guest speakers include George Shilling (above) whose production credits include Primal Scream, Blur and Texas - Phil Harding whose incredibly diverse credits include Killing Joke, Depeche Mode, Kylie Minogue, The Clash, Chic, Erasure and Debbie Harry. Absolutely core to this event is an invitation to think about your own dreams , whether you’re just starting out in the music industry or you have years of experience… we encourage you to explore your dream project and take this as an opportunity to find people/organisation who share your passion. Just confirmed… 2 of the world’s most influential DJ producers, A Guy Called Gerald and Mark Reeder |
27 May: Grelle Forelle, Vienna, Austria |
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Details- Club - Kitchen Where do you start with A Guy Called Gerald? A hidden gem, the gateway between Chicago house / Detroit Techno and the UK dance music explosion in the late 80s. He is one of a few special producers who entered dance music in the jacking zone. He is the first UK acid house producer and probably the first producer to have two instrumental dance tracks in the UK charts at the same. His collaborations stem from Frankie Knuckles, Goldie, Finley Quaye and Derrick May through to Herbie Hancock, remixed for David Bowie, Lamb, Stone Roses, Black Uhuru, Can, Tricky, Roman Fluegel and The Orb and toured with New Order, Tricky and Bebel Gilberto. The Manchester scene in the late 80s radiated from the Hacienda. It was a place which grew to be a breeding ground for the likes of Laurent Garnier and Chemical Brothers and in the Summer of Love the Hacienda had a theme tune called Voodoo Ray. It was A Guy Called Gerald's first release in 1988 and became a seminal classic that put British house music firmly on the map. He continues to tour bringing his studio into the clubs worldwide playing anywhere from 2 to now legendary 14 hour LIVE sets – no DJ software, no gimmicks, just raw, pure, undiluted AGCG riddums strictly for the dancefloor. Start: 23:00 / 14 EUR |
10 May: dBs Live, Plymouth, England |
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DetailsdBs Music Presents. A Guy Called Gerald (Live) This is a rare chance to see one of the UK’s most influencial producers and performers doing what he does best... performing cutting edge electronic music 100% live. Get ready for a real treat as this dance music legend takes to the dBs Live stage for one of his trademark live sets using the very same analogue drum machines and synths he used to craft genre defining tracks such as ‘Voodoo Ray’. This guy set the paradigm for so much of what we’re about at dBs Music so it’s our pleasure to welcome him to Plymouth for what promises to be an unmissable event! LINE UP: |
2 May: UR Wedding, Fiese Remise, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsUR Wedding: Mia - 'Arcane' Record Release Party at Fiese Remise Line-up / Promoter / UR Wedding, Fiesere Miese First time for Berlin well known DJ´s Mia & Bleed and their advanced Dj-Sessions at Fiesere Miese. From now on every Wednesday from 9pm. Watch live streaming Internet TV or be there, hang out in the garden and dance to latest in electronic music. Mia´s new EP ‘Arcane’ (featuring a remix by A Guy Called Gerald) kicks off a busy year of 2012 for Mia, now working on her 3rd full-length album. |
April 2012 |
29 April: UP #2, WYSIWYG, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsUP #2 at What You See Is What You Get Line-up / Promoter / 80D.A.M.S/A-WAVE/ALL IS RHYTHM |
28 April: NTS First Birthday, Venue TBC, London, England |
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DetailsNts First Birthday at TBA - Warehouse Location Line-up / Promoter / NTS Radio It's been a year since we launched, and we're immensely proud of what we've achieved since last April, not least is the station running smoothly with over 130 shows but we've been out to Spain to broadcast from Sonar, to the Isle Of Wight for Bestival, down the road for Field Day and over to Wales for Freerotation. Not forgetting our own programming that exhibits as much breadth and diversity as anywhere else we know of; with shows ranging from arts discussion pieces to the most weird and wonderful music, and hosts from those who are old hands to those who had never done any radio before. In honour of all this we're having a party, and we've invited some extremely special guests to join a few hosts from our own roster and we'd love you to join us. A GUY CALLED GERALD MARCELLUS PITTMAN VERONICA VASICKA FUNKINEVEN KUTMAH THESHINING NONSENSE DJ's LIVIN' PROOF MOXIE CHARLES DRAKEFORD Crucially, not forgetting it's also a Bring Your Own Booze affair.. |
27 April: Don't Tell Anyone, R Pigalle, Paris, France |
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DetailsA Guy Called Gerald, Grego G, Lowjack at "R" Pigalle Line-up / Promoter / wtf-events ━━━━ S U R R É A L I S M E & D É C A D E N C E ━━ ━━━━ P A R T E N A I R E S ━━━━━━ |
21 April: Return To Sender, Sasomo, Kater Holzig, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsSasomo at KaterHolzig Return to Sender |
20 April: Killekill's AcidIST Fertig, Suicide Circus, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsKillekill's Acid IST Fertig: A GUY Called Gerald & More at Suicide Circus Line-up / A Guy Called Gerald - special acid house dj set electrix floor: AXIOM (killekill, crazy language) Promoter / Killekill acid floor: A GUY CALLED GERALD - special acid house dj set electrix floor: AXIOM (killekill, crazy language) KILLEKILL lädt wieder mal ins Suicide. Drinnen gibt es ein feines Acid House-Schmankerl von A GUY CALLED GERALD, einem der Veteranen dieses Metiers. Umrahmt von den beiden Killekill-Haudegen HANNO HINKELBEIN und DJ FLUSH. Ein weiteres Highlight dürfte der Live Act von THE MARX TRUKKER werden, einem Energiebündel von Live Act, der mit seiner rein analogen Live Performance so ziemlich alles in den Schatten stellt, was man überhaupt nur in den Schatten stellen kann. Meist unterschätzer Techno-Live Act Berlins, würden wir mal so sagen. Come on in and check it out! Auf dem Holzfloor gibt es schwerpunktmäßig Electro. Und zwar im Sinne von E L E C T R O !! Maschinenfunk, futuristische Kälte, wärmende Melodien wie aus dem Uterus. Am Start sind zwei Fachmänner auf diesem Gebiet: AXIOM und THE HYCON. Ein Abend voller Qualitätsmusik! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Marx Trukker live at Killekill in summer 2011: |
13 April: Deep Fried #06, Loftus Hall, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsDeep Fried #06 with A Guy Called Gerald, San Soda, Norman Methner, Wittes at Loftus Hall Line-up / Promoter / Uschi Berlin Another Deep Fried house dish: British Acid House pioneer A Guy Called Gerald meets Belgium's wonderkid San Soda, diggin records from past and present. Native fellaz Norman Methner and Wittes also add their spice to the pot - nothing more to say - this is going to be an intimate and sweaty night. Bon appetit! |
8 April: Disco_nnect Acid Party, Florence, Italy |
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▲A GUY CALLED GERALD▲ Gerald Simpson (questo il vero nome di A Guy Called Gerald) Tra i fondatori ed i più importanti rappresentanti della scena ACID HOUSE made in UK nello specifico MAD(man)CHESTER.All'attivo singoli e album che hanno segnato la storia della musica HOUSE come HOY LEMONADE e VOODOO RAY anthem della generazione dei ravers inglesi. ▲TOMATO SOUND SOUP (DISCO_NNECT) |
4 April: Ultrasuoni Night, Betty Ford, Rome, Italy |
DetailsUltrasuoni Night feat. A Guy Called Gerald, Kocis at Betty Ford 19th Session // 04.04.12 Finest underground electronic in mood & groove Ultrasuoni. -FREE ENTRY- Member card admission (for one year,2012) : 5 euro with one wine glass. |
March 2012 |
31 March: Zubar Never Die With Us The Story, Zu-bar, Pescara, Italy |
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DetailsSABATO 31 MARZO ZUBAR ON TOUR presents A Guy Called Gerald, all’anagrafe di Manchester conosciuto come Gerald Simpson, è un personaggio di punta della scena elettronica. Dopo un passato da collaboratore in uno dei gruppi rave più importanti d'Inghilterra quali gli 808 State e un singolo trascinante uscito per una delle famose session di John Peel nei primi anni '90, Gerald Simpson iniziò ad avvicinarsi alla nuova scena drum&bass inglese, movimento che proclamò l'album Black secret Technology un capolavoro di ritmiche profonde e cariche di energia che ha guidato il passaggio generazionale dall’acid-house alla jungle. Con questo album, A Guy Called Gerald ha dimostrato che il drum&bass in chiave pop è una delle vie migliori per la modernizzazione del soul e del funk. L’ultimo lavoro “To All Things What They Need”, uscito su K7! nel 2005, è un cocktail di sofisticate produzioni dance, che rubacchiano da stili differenti, dimostrando un’eccezionale trasversalità di stili e suoni, dal drum&bass al synthpop, una delle vie migliori per la modernizzazione del soul e del funk. |
17 March: Oben Unten Überall, Salon Zur Wilden Renate, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsRenate: Oben Unten Überall at Salon Zur Wilden Renate Line-up / Promoter / Salon - Zur wilden Renate RENATE - OBEN UNTEN ÜBERALL |
16 March: Lokomotiv, Studio 80, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
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DetailsLOKOMOTIV w/ A GUY CALLED GERALD Line-up: Presale 11 euro | Doorsale 13 euro | GraagGezienegasten 11 euro |
10 March: Lo*kee Loves Perlon, London Bridge, London, England |
DetailsLo*kee Loves Perlon at 7-9 Crucifix Lane Line-up / |
3 March: Red Bull Music Academy Club Night, Mondo, Madrid, Spain |
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DetailsRed Bull Music Academy Night with A Guy Called Gerald and Patrick Pulsinger Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp Madrid presents Kode9, A Guy Called Gerald & Patrick Pulsinger Si Austria cuenta en el mapa electrónico europeo es gracias a nombres como Patrick Pulsinger. Nacido en la antigua DDR aka la Alemania comunista, Pulsinger se convirtió con el tiempo en representante cualificado de la escena vienesa -Austria será su país de acogida cuando huye de las miserias de la parte comunista de Alemania-, que gracias a sus colaboraciones con sellos del prestigio como Disko B, Mo Wax, Tension, Morbid o R&S, entre muchos otros se ha convertido en el más internacional de los Djs de su país. Sus composiciones de electro o electrónica elegante son el núcleo de las producciones para Cheap, uno de los sellos europeos mas vanguardistas e innovadores de la escena de los 90's. Cheap Recordings fue creado junto a su socio, y compañero en muchas de las producciones de este sello, Erdem Tunakan, en el verano del 93, para dar cabida a todos los productores de vanguardia que trabajan en Viena. Desde entonces Patrick Pulsinger se ha convertido en uno de los puntos de referencia de la música electrónica europea trabajando con artistas como Robert Hood, Christopher Just, Gerhard Potuznik, Chicks on Speed, Sluta Leta o Herbert Gollini. En 2002 presenta un álbum con un título larguísimo, Presents - Easy To Assemble. Hard To Take Apart. The Album. In The Shadow Of Ali Bengali y está editado en Zomba Records donde demuestra sus buenas artes con el nu jazz. En marzo de 2007 edita el que será el último capítulo de su serie Dogmatic con Sequences - The Series 1994-2006. Una colección de tracks en los que Pulsinger demuestra su interés por el jazz más abstracto. En otras palabras, 'high-tek-jazz' de muchos quilates. A Guy Called Gerald es el nombre artístico del músico, productor y DJ Gerald Simpson (nacido el 16 de febrero de 1967 en Moss Side, Mánchester, Inglaterra). Es más conocido por sus primeras obras en la escena acid house de Mánchester en los años 1980 cuando formaba parte del grupo 808 State. Comenzó su carrera en solitario hacia el final de esa década, labrándose una carrera gracias a grandes éxitos como el tema "Voodoo Ray". Posteriormente se especializó en el techno, muy influido por Detroit, produciendo música utilizando equipo clásico como la caja de ritmos TR 808 o el sintetizador de bajo TB 303. Está considerado como una figura importante en el nacimiento de las escenas hardcore y jungle en Londres |
3 March: Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp, Matadero, Madrid, Spain |
DetailsRed Bull Music Academy Session with A Guy Called Gerald Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp Madrid presents Kode9, A Guy Called Gerald & Patrick Pulsinger WORKSHOP CON A GUY CALLED GERALD RED BULL MUSIC ACADEMY. Los participantes de esta pequeña Academy tendrán la ocasión única de trabajar mano a mano con el icono de la música electrónica Gerald Simpson (alias A Guy Called Gerald). Fundador de la banda mancuniana 808 State, Simpson ocupó en 1988 los puestos más altos de las listas de ventas con ‘Voodoo Ray’, que pronto se convirtió en himno del frenético acid houseque nacía en aquel momento. En 1993 asentó las bases deljungle con el LP de darkbeat experimental 28 Gun Badboy y dos años más tarde con el aclamado Black Secret Technology, ambos publicados en Juice Box Records. Como uno de los productores más reputados del Reino Unido ha colaborado con artistas como David Bowie, Lamb, Goldie o Tricky. En 2010 publicó su noveno álbum, Tronic Jazz: The Berlin Sessions (Laboratory Instinct). |
February 2012 |
25 Feb: Oben Unten Überall, Salon Zur Wilden Renate, Berlin, Germany |
DetailsRenate - Oben Unten Überall at Salon Zur Wilden Renate Line-up / Salon - Zur wilden Renate PIER BUCCI - live // cadenza |
11 Feb: Stattnacht, Stattbad Wedding, Berlin, Germany |
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DetailsStattnacht at Stattbad Wedding Line-up / „Rampenlicht“ is an art project, ideologically and financially realized by "3eck" (ger. triangle), a group of young students and craftsmen. Everyone participating in this group exhibition, shall get the chance to experience there very own creativity without selling out or giving any other meaning to their art besides expressing/unfolding themselves. For this reason the young collective „3eck“ developed a concept in cooperation with „Stattbad Wedding“ urban arts gallery to make that happen. Promoter / Stattbad Exhibition 20:00 - late 'Rampenlicht' | 3ECK Room 1 12:00 – 04:00 Cinthie Room 2 01:00 – 04:00 Agaric Room 3 02:00 – 04:00 Fresh Meat |
4 Feb: Funkenflug's Sender Night, Terrace Hill, Hamburg, Germany |
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DetailsFUNKENFLUG´S SENDER NIGHT Funkenflug auf Sendung – live aus dem Bunker Erstmal noch vorweg einen Dank an die tollen 24 Std mit Euch am 1.1 gaaanz großes KINO....daher geht´s gleich weiter mit: Das erste Fernseh, die Jüngeren werden sich noch erinnern, kam aus dem Bunker Feldstrasse, da saß der NDR drin, nach’m Krieg. Weil schön hoch, super Sender, das Ding. Zur selben Zeit (gefühlt, in Wirklichkeit: vor 12 Jahren) gründete BENNO BLOME in Köln mit Blick auf den Fernsehturm das Label SENDER und zog damit um nach Berlin. Wer Herz und Verstand und sehr guten, strammen Techno auf Tasche hatte, sendete von da an auf SENDER RECORDS. So liest sich der Releases-Katalog wie das Wer-is’n-wer der deutschen Elektro-Geschichte. Mit dabei A GUY CALLED GERALD, PAN/TONE und BENNO BLOME, die ihren Sender am 4. Februar in Terrace Hill aufbauen und die alte Sendestation Bunker wieder zum Strahlen bringen, hast du nich gesehn! Der Typ, der Gerald genannt wird, ist seit 1988 dabei, also von Anfang an. Sid LeRock, der sich auch Pan/Tone nennen lässt, war einer der ersten auf Sender, ist also auch ein alter Hase im Geschäft. Benno Blome will Benno Blome genannt werden. Was die drei Jungs verbindet: Sie laufen keinem Trend hinterher. Und das hört man. Da werden Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht! Samstag 4.2.12 Terrace Hill, Bunker Feldstraße, auf Sendung: |
3 Feb: Debaser, Stockholm, Sweden |
DetailsSound of Manchester feat A Guy Called Gerald & Jon Dasilva + Drunken Buffoons (Malmö) Fre 3 Feb A Guy Called Gerald (Perlon, Labratory Instinct, !K7) är en av få inom den elektroniska världen som bär titlarna legend och pionjär med lika rakryggad som ödmjuk hållning. Hans epokgörande ”Voodoo Ray” tillhör de mest bootleggade skivorna i dansmusikens historia och formar ett stycke acid house historia levererad från Manchester i konserverad form, när han var en del av lika legendariska 808 State. Geralds innovativa period under senare delen av 2000-talet för honom ständigt på turnér till Japan, USA och regelbundna gigs på Berghain, Fabric och många andra av världens största klubbar. Han är albumaktuell med sin åttonde fullängdare ”Tronic Jazz – The Berlin Sessions” utgiven på tyska Labratory Instinct, och albumet har fått lysande kritik i Mixmag, DJ Mag, BBC Music Online, Boomkat och många fler. Genom sina nätbaserade labels SUGOI och PROTECHSHON fortsätter Gerald släppa nya och exklusiva låtar, SUGOI med en fokus på experimentell dance och PROTECHSHON med fokus på jungle och breakbeat. Gerald har utvecklat en unik metod att använda sig av programmet Reason på två laptops under sina live-set, där han som en Picasso väljer ”färg” ur sina två ”burkar” och mixar dem live, en oerhörd dynamisk och innovativ teknik. A Guy Called Gerald är en legend som inte får missas! JON DASILVA Fac 51 betecknar katalognumret Factory 51, som avser just klubben Haçienda, och visar på hur intimt förbunden klubben Haçienda var med mytomspunna skivbolaget Factory Records med bolagsbossen Tony Wilson och monsterproducenten Martin Hannett som spjutspetsar. Vi ska kanske droppa att Joy Division, New Order, Happy Mondays, Primal Scream, Madonna, Laurent Garnier, Sasha med flera gjorde några av sina första bejublade framträden på Haçienda, som började som en konstkulturlokal och växte till världens största och, enligt många, bästa klubb och det är även därifrån som genren Madchester kommer. De har fortsatt att inspirera artister, DJs och producenter världen över och att vi får äran att presentera ingen mindre än Jon Dasilva, som var resident på Haçienda fram till klubben slutligen stängdes 1997. Jon turnerar flitigt världen över med Haçienda World Tour och egna projekt, remixar och remixas och har tjugo års skivspelande bakom sig. På senaste fullängdaren ”Love Is All We Need” som utkommer i Juli tar Jon hjälp av sångaren Donald Vaugh för att innovera och återupptäcka sina rötter inom house och göra en houseklassiker som aldrig fanns. Genom ett öppet och äventyrlig sinne bibehåller Jon Dasilva ett fräscht sound av acid house som slipats till perfektion genom hans aldrig sinande engagemang för musiken, så bring on ya danceshoes, mate! Obs, tiderna är ej exakta, kom i tid! 23:00 A Guy Called Gerald (UK) 22:00 Jon Dasilva (UK) |
January 2012 |
28 Jan: WYSIWYG, Berlin. Germany |
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25 Jan: UR Wedding, Panke, Berlin. Germany |
DetailsUr Wedding at Panke Line-up / Promoter / De:Bug, Panke A Guy Called Gerald beehrt uns für eins seiner Killersets, die mindestens so legendär sind wie A Guy Called Gerald überhaupt. Und damit nicht genug, denn obendrein feiern wir Mias Geburtstag. Geschenke mitbringen ist logischerweise herzlich willkommen. Also, kommt vorbei um 22 Uhr in der Panke in der Gerichtstr. 23 im Wedding oder schaltet hier an und dann bekommt ihr nur ein visuelles Stück vom Geburtstagskuchen. |
27 Jan: Redsonic (Gig), The Red Gallery, London, England |
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DetailsRedsonic Festival, The Red Gallery, London |
27 Jan: Redsonic (Lecture), The Red Gallery, London, England |
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DetailsRedsonic Festival, The Red Gallery, London Day 9 - 27 - Friday |
18 Jan: Q-Tips, Hakuba, Japan |
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NORTH COUNTRY AUDIO and BUTTER BAR continue in our quest to bring the highest quality music to Hakuba. Following the recent HESSLE AUDIO tour with Pearson Sound and Pangea and VELOCITY'S E.P. launch party, we proudly present one of dance music's leading innovators: A GUY CALLED GERALD C_OLVRIN (Continental drift/Mariana – Hakuba/Canada) A GUY CALLED GERALD イギリス、マンチェスター出身で現在はベルリンを拠点とするA Guy Called Gerald。25年に及ぶキャリアで9枚のアルバムをリリースし、DJ/ライブアクトとして世界各地で活躍するベテランアーティストである。reggaeやjazzをバックグラウンドに、detroitやchicagoから影響を受けたGeraldのサウンドは一度聴けば感情が刺激され、体をゆさぶられるエネルギーに満ちている。 初期808 Stateの一員としての活動、更には名作“Voodoo Ray”のリリースによりイギリスにacid houseムーブメントを巻き起こしたGerald。黎明期のhouse/technoシーンを支えた後にはdrum 'n' bassの源流ともいえる“28 Gun Bad Boy”をリリースし新たなサウンドを切り拓いてきた。また、最近ではPerlonやSender、Beatstreetといったレーベルから新作をリリースする傍らで、自身のレーベルの初期作品をオンラインで配信するなど、現在も現在進行形のアーティストとしてシーンの先頭をひた走っている。2010年にリリースしたアルバム“Tronic Jazz: The Berlin Sessions“は最新のソフトウェアを駆使しつつも80〜90年代のテイストを随所に感じさせる作品に仕上がっており、時代を越えて活躍し続けるアーティストとしての力量が存分に発揮された力作である。 An innovator, still innovating. A musician, still resonating. From ‘Voodoo Ray’, the track that practically defines acid house, to modern day live gigs that will become the template for DJing of the future, this Berlin-based, Manchester-born pioneer, with 9 artist albums in a 25 year career, is an international name that has defied genres and continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of electronic music, both in the studio and in the club. Music is a way of life for A Guy Called Gerald, an individualist since childhood, when he refused to conform to how a piano should be played, he instead began a personal adventure exploring new rhythms and sounds as well as testing the often disregarded relationship between sound and body. In other words discovering and challenging the shared moods and emotions of people in a club, who are quite literally on the same frequency each time a different pulse, rhythm or tone is introduced. His genre busting reputation traces back to his heritage in black dance music, particularly reggae, jazz and electro funk. Of course his early contributions to acid house and techno cemented his place in dance music culture folklore but his sphere of influence also went deep into the beginnings of drum ‘n’ bass, before coming full circle to today and his proto-acid sound, descended directly from Detroit and Chicago. On top of releases on seminal labels like Perlon, Sender and Beatstreet over the past 2 years, Gerald continues to release exclusives and rare back catalogue via his web-based labels A GUY CALLED GERALD RECORDS, SUGOI and PROTECHSHON. An iconic name worldwide for sure, but it is as a forward-thinking pioneer that 20 years later A Guy Called Gerald is still leading the way, one step ahead of the pack, shaping the future just like he shaped the past. |
16 Jan: Apple Store, Ginza, Japan |
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DetailsApple Store, Ginza, Japan |
14 Jan: Eleven, Tokyo, Japan |
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DetailsBunka Vibe 'beatport presents A Guy Called Gerald' Plus Josh, Sayonara Party at eleven Line-up / Live: A Guy Called Gerald DJ: Daia Taguch, iAma & Genki Lounge: Ryo Tsutsui, Dani Savant, Kusda, Julien Sato Promoter / Real Grooves A true pioneer of the electronic music scene touches down on Tokyo to present an extended session 3 HOUR LIVE SET!!! 2012.1.14 SAT GENRE -Techno/House- EVENT DATA Live: A Guy Called Gerald(Laboratory Instinct, Perlon, Sender/UK)-Exclusive 3 Hour Set- DJ: Daia Taguchi(Real Grooves) 2012年の始まりにあたり、長年に渡ってエレクトロニック ミュージックのシーン を牽引してきたパイオニアA Guy Called Geraldが登場します。Beatportのサ ポートを受けて実現する、3時間のスペシャルライブをお見逃しなく!また、今 回は新たな挑戦に向けて日本 から旅立つこととなる私の送別会も兼ねたパー ティです。みなさんの参加をお待ちしていま す!! (Josh Child -Real Grooves) ARTIST A Guy Called Gerald: ア・ガイ・コールド・ジェラルド イギリス、マンチェスター出身で現在はベルリンを拠点とするA Guy Called Gerald。25年に及ぶキャリアで9枚のアルバムをリリースし、DJ/ライブアクトとして世界各地で活躍するベテランアーティストである。レゲエやジャズをバックグラウンドに、デトロイトやシカゴから影響を受けたGeraldのサウンドは一度聴けば感情が刺激され、体をゆさぶられるエネルギーに満ちている。初期808 Stateの一員としての活動、更には名作「Voodoo Ray」のリリースによりイギリスにアシッド・ハウス・ムーブメントを巻き起こしたGerald。黎明期のハウス・テクノシーンを支えた後にはドラムンベースの源流ともいえる「28 Gun Bad Boy」をリリースし新たなサウンドを切り拓いてきた。また、最近では [Perlon]や[Sender]、[Beatstreet]といったレーベルから新作をリリースする 傍らで、自身のレーベルの初期作品をオンラインで配信するなど、現在も現在進行形のアーティストとしてシーンの先頭をひた走っている。2010年にリリースしたアルバム『Tronic Jazz: The Berlin Sessions』は最新のソフトウェアを駆使しつつも80〜90年代のテイストを随所に感じさせる作品に仕上がっており、時代を越えて活躍し続けるアーティストとしての力量が存分に発揮された力作で ある。 ttp:// |
6 Jan: The Book Club, Shoreditch, London, England |
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DetailsNauti.Cool By Nature feat A Guy Called Gerald at The Book Club Line-up / by nature return for their monthly veritable rave off, with a feminine twist on the 90s revival, keeping it more trainspotter paradise than club fromage. Tonight, joining their 90s house party is the legend that is A Guy Called Gerald. With a career spanning more the 20 years and having dipped his toe, very successfully & influentially, into pretty much every genre going from acid house to techno to jungle to breakbeat to electronica, who better to take it back to the 90s and play some of the tunes that have influenced him over the last 2 decades. This musically Manc hit the big time with acid tune Voodoo Ray in the late 80s and since then has been unstoppable. This is a very rare chance to catch him in this 200 capacity basement hub and get up close and personal with one of dance musics finest pioneers. and Hamish Pritchard are also on hand to get you warmed up with some new jack swing, rnb, hip hop and pop. |