December 2001 |
1 December: Bebel Gilberto, House Of Blues, Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, California, USA |
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DetailsDJ Date with Bebel Gilberto 9pm Bossa nova heiress Bebel Gilberto turned over her album "Tanto Tempo" to a bunch of studio wizards, who came back with the tracks for the new "Tanto Tempo Remixes." Sustaining that spirit, the Brazilian singer has enlisted English dance-music star A Guy Called Gerald to mix beats in her touring band and to open the show with a DJ set. Bebel Gilberto, with A Guy Called Gerald, House of Blues, 8430 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, 9 p.m. $27.50. (323) 848-5100. More info at LA Times here. |
November 2001 |
30 November: Bebel Gilberto, Belly Up, Solana Beach, San Diego, USA |
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DetailsDJ Date with Bebel Gilberto Belly Up, 143 South Cedros Ave., Solana Beach, CA 92075, San Diego,USA |
28 November: Bebel Gilberto, The Fillmore, San Francisco, California, USA |
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DetailsDJ Date with Bebel Gilberto The Fillmore, 1805 Geary Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94115, USA |
27 November: Bebel Gilberto, Mystic Theater, McNear's, North Petaluma, California, USA |
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DetailsMcNear's Restaurant and Mystic Theatre are located at Bebel Gilberto with special guest A Guy Called Gerald |
25 November: Bebel Gilberto, Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
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DetailsDJ Date with Bebel Gilberto Commodore Ballroom, 868 Granville St., Vancouver, BC V6Z 1K3, Canada "On her West Coast tour that includes Vancouver, the artist known as A Guy Called Gerald will open the shows and join Gilberto for some tunes. The Manchester-born DJ is a veteran house, techno and drum 'n' bass pioneer who has worked with everyone from David Bowie to Herbie Hancock. " From this site |
24 November: Bebel Gilberto, Aladdin Theater, Portland, Oregon, USA |
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DetailsDJ Date with Bebel Gilberto Aladdin, 3017 SE Milwaukie, PORTLAND, OR, Portland, USA DOORS & BOX OFFICE |
23 November: Bebel Gilberto, The Showbox, Seattle, Washington, USA |
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DetailsDJ Date with Bebel Gilberto The Showbox, 1426 1st Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, USA BEBEL GILBERTO, A GUY CALLED GERALD (Showbox) A Guy Called Gerald first came into fame with a house song called "Voodoo Ray" back in 1989. I'm not certain how popular this song became in America, but in Britain--where I lived at the time--it was massive. It reached the top spheres of the singles chart, and was played at every party I was dragged to by a North London junkie. A Guy Called Gerald was also the mastermind behind 808 State's seminal Euro-techno song "Pacific State." Though he's dropped out of the music scene several times, his returns from silence (such as last year's CD, Essence) have been musical events of the first order. See also preview this issue. CHARLES MUDEDE From here |
20 November: Flavorpill, Fun, Manhatten, New York, USA |
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DetailsFlavorpill, Fun, 130 Madison Street at Pike Street, New York, USA Solid Featuring Scott Hardkiss & Guy Called Gerald Solid is a new Friday night party hosted by the promotion team of Tom Mello and Alan Sanctuary at the former auto-repair shop turned interactive lounge, FUN. The party is being billed as a "no holds barred... take no prisoners musical throwdown" and we tend to believe them, with DJs Scott Hardkiss, A Guy Called Gerald and David Hollands manning the decks for the evening. At the very least this trio should deliver a knockout with a barrage of house, breaks, and eclectic beats to keep the crowd bobbing and weaving. (SL) |
9-11 November: Cosmic Beach, Annual Electronic Music Festival, Montego Bay, Jamaica |
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DetailsWith Gus Gus, Deep Sky, Binary Finary, Skylab 2000, Wunmi, Princess Superstar, Darude, Dahlia + DJ's. |
September 2001 |
25 September: Hip-Hop Benefit, Joe's Pub, Manhattan, New York City, USA |
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DetailsPublic Theater, Joe's Pub, 425 LAFAYETTE STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10003, USA From the following webpage: Joe's Pub Benefit Joe's Pub holds a benefit to assist those affected by the World Trade Center disaster. ALL PROCEEDS will benefit Active Element Foundation and Mercy Corps. The Active Element Foundation is a national, non-profit organization that builds relationships between grassroots youth organizers, donors, scholars and artists. The foundation?s Peaceful Action Initiative is designed to support peace vigils for those who have lost their lives, fundraisers for firefighters and rescue workers, efforts for the Arab American and Muslim communities that are now being attacked and boycotted, watchdog efforts to protect the civil liberties of all Americans, and international calls for a judicial-non-military response. Mercy Corps supports organizations that provide counseling for survivors, emergency personnel, and families of the victims. They also support organizations that provide scholarship funds for children who lost parents in the attacks. Also from this webpage: -11:30p Joe's Pub: Hip-hop benefit - minimum donation $15* cash at door, 425 Lafayette St. 212-539-8778 - Presented by Joe's Pub in association with Caseroc Productions, Livewire Press, and Lyricist Lounge. Hosted by Danny Hoch & Baby Power. Music by DJ Ski Hi (spinning Soulful Classics & Old School Hip Hop). Featuring: The Ancients, J.Soze, Panamaction, Sheila Anozier, Belinda Becker, bonga, Suheir Hammad, WUNMI, Infinitee, A Guy Called, Gerald, featuring Heather Mabin and More!!!! |
August 2001 |
31 August: Sola Luna Festival 2001, Samothraki Island, Greece |
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WILD FROGZ (UK) , bONE (GR) , AVI CAL (ISR) Info Samothraki is an emerald-green island in the northeast part of the Aegean Sea, in Greece. Samothraki is noted for its beauty.The most dominant feature of the island is its massive mountains of which the highest peak is called Location SAMOTHRAKI ISLAND (municipal camping) Organizer Sola Luna Entertainments Hotline OO30 946923404 Web |
25 August: OM, DNA Lounge, San Francisco, California, USA |
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DetailsOM, DNA Lounge, 375 Eleventh Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA Main Room: A Guy Called Gerald (Studio K7) Lounge: J Boogie (OM) |
July 2001 |
13 July: Global Rotation, Shine, Manhatten, New York, USA |
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DetailsGlobal Rotation, Shine, 285 West Broadway (cnr Canal), New York, USA Global Rotation 7/13/2001 DJ PATHAAN A Guy Called Gerald will be exclusively featuring for Global Rotation his latest studio wizardries, and playing a live set with his throbbing drum machines..!!! TOUCH (now known as the "Canal Room") |
June 2001 |
14 June: Grind, Metro Hall Square, Ontario, Canada |
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DetailsJune 16th,2001 Ontario Federation of Labour presents GRIND: *a free concert against the 60 hour workweek* Terrence Parker (USA), A Guy Called Gerald (USA), DJ Ivan (USA), Kola, John Kumahara, Mike K and DJ Serious. Live performances by Nish Rawks, D-Sisive, DJ Dopey, Bag of Trix, Cryptik Souls, Sircuit Breaker and Lal. For more info: |
May 2001 |
5 May: Autechre / A Guy Called Gerald, The Bowery Ballroom, Manhatten, New York, USA |
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DetailsFri May 04, 2001 - Sat May 05, 2001 $15 Autechre / Guy Called Gerald |
4 May: Autechre / A Guy Called Gerald, The Bowery Ballroom, Manhatten, New York, USA |
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DetailsFri May 04, 2001 - Sat May 05, 2001 $15 Autechre / Guy Called Gerald |
4 May: Kab de l'Usine, Geneva, Switzerland |
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DetailsFriday 4th May 2001 at 22h A Guy Called Gerald, Kab de l'Usine, Geneva, Switzerland |
1 May: Cave du Bleu Lezard, Lausanne, Switzerland |
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DetailsTuesday 1st May 2001 at 21h A Guy Called Gerald, Bleu Lezard, Lausanne, Switzerland Entree libre. |
April 2001 |
11 Apilr: Gaztemaniak! 2001, A Guy Called Gerald / Heinz Allöt, Donostia Gazteszena, Spain |
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Gaztemaniak!, Gazteszena, Anoeta 28, Donostia 20.004, Spain La programación Gaztemaniak! siempre hace extraños compañeros de cama y esta ocasión no fue una excepción. El nico nexo en común de las dos propuestas presentadas es que ambos son proyectos unipersonales. Para abrir boca tuvimos la ocasión de disfrutar del directo de Heinz Allöt, el grupo que comanda el donostiarra Ander Vidaur (guitarra acústica, voz y, supongo, que programaciones), que estuvo acompañado en el escenario por El Conde (guitarra electrica, armónica y voces) y el Capit�n Harris (aparatitos diversos y voces). La propuesta de H.A. es cuando menos arriesgada en su proposito de mezclar a Neil Young con bases electronicas, algo que por cierto ya hizo el ex-Buffalo Springfield en su disco Trans (1982, eran otros tiempos), y al que se hizo multiples alusiones tanto en forma de versi�n como con un tema propio "Me gusta el country desde que escuch "a Neil Young") y las preguntas al p�blico: �A vosotros tambion os gusta Neil Young?. Como es habitual en los directos de los grupos de 9CDR, el aspecto visual fue cuidado al máximo. En definitiva, un concierto sin muchos alicientes en los que pudimos ver de una tacada diferentes ideas para un mismo concepto. Por: "Manchesterretik iritsi da A GUY CALLED GERALD, Gerald Simpsonen izen artistikoa, gaur egungo musikako artistarik berritzaileena. Hastapeneko esperimentuak “techno” eta “acid house” estiloetan egin zituen eta “drum & bass” musikari ekarpen apurtzaileak egin ondoren genero horren barruan jarraitu du lanean. Bere azken diskoan, Essence, “drum & bass” eta “dub”eko osagaien nahasketa handizaleak eskaintzen dizkigu, baita doinu bikainak ere. Gaztemaniak! programak gonbitea luzatzen dizu “dance” musikako nazioarteko zirkuitoko aintzindarietako bat zuzenean entzuteko. Heinz Allöt Ander Vidaur donostiarraren proiektu pertsonala da eta musika akustikoa osagai elektronikoekin nahasten du. " From here |
10 April: Apollo, Barcelona, Spain |
7 April: Springparty 01, Influx, The Point, Dublin, Ireland |
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DetailsDJ Date (supporting Laurent Garnier) "Carl Cox to headline Dublin's Spring Party |
6 April: Sonic Mook Experiment: Sold, ICA, The Mall, London, England |
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DetailsSonic Mook Experiment Featuring Tonight's line-up includes: DJ A Guy Called Gerald, Max Tundra , PP Roy, Kirsten Reynolds, Disastronaut, Kieran Hebdan, and Sean McLusky. Live performances from Hairy Butter, The Channel 6, British Sea Power. In the Cinematheque: 11pm-12.30am a retrospective of short films by VITO Halloween. Visual installations by Eyecon. Art & Photography by Martin Tickner By post: Send a cheque payable to ICA Ltd or your credit card details with an sae [or add 50p to the total amount to cover postage] to: ICA Box Office, Sonic Mook Experiment A GUY CALLED GERALD |
5 April: Laurent Garnier (Live) / A Guy Called Gerald, The Astoria, London, England |
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DetailsLaurent Garnier, The Astoria, 157 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2 8EN, England Smirnoff DJ Date (supporting Laurent Garnier) |
4 April: Laurent Garnier (Live) / A Guy Called Gerald, Concorde 2, Brighton, Sussex. England |
DetailsDJ Date (supporting Laurent Garnier Concorde 2, Madeira Shelter Hall, Madeira Drive, Brighton, BN2 1EN, England |
March 2001 |
27 March: OM Records & Studio K7, WMC 2001, Goddess Night Club, Miami, Florida, USA |
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DetailsWMC, Shadow Lounge, 1520 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, Florida, Miami, USA Goddess 2 Rooms w/ @ Sound Systems Line-up (not in this order): MARK FARINA, SOULSTICE (live 7 piece band), MARQUES WYATT, AFRO-MYSTIK/DJ FLUID, MING & FS, J BOOGIE 10pm - 5am On the COMPOST FLOOR Plus on the K7 Floor ?Kruder & Dorfmeister - A Guy Called Gerald Live w/ Kier and Louise Rhodes - The Smith & Mighty Soundsystem - Stereo MC's - Terranova - Monday March 27th 2000 OM RECORDS & STUDIO K7! WMC SHOWCASE Featuring Om: Soulstice, aFRO-mYSTIK, Ming & FS, Mark Farina, Marques Wyatt, J Boogie, Juan Atkins and Rithma. K7!: A Guy Called Gerald, Mark Rae, Shantel, Ian Simmonds, Herbert and Stefan Struver. OM RECORDS & STUDIO K7! WMC SHOWCASE PERFORMERS: Om: Soulstice, aFRO-mYSTIK, Ming & FS, Mark Farina, Marques Wyatt, J Boogie, Juan Atkins, & Rithma. K7: A Guy Called Gerald, Mark Rae, Shantel, Ian Simmonds, Herbert, Stefan Struver & more TBA LOCATION: GODDESS, 681 Washington Ave., 2 Rooms w/ 2 Sound Systems & 4 bars TIME: 10pm - 5am INFO: Free Admission to WMC Attendees/Guest List or VIP card, $10 w/o WMC Badge, Guest List or VIP Card, No Dress Code CONTACT:, Do not email guest list inquiries to this address. |
February 2001 |
16 February: Global Rotation, Manhatten, New York, USA |
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DetailsGlobal Rotation, 130 Madison Street at Pike Street, New York, USA The monthly event Global Rotation embraces the "world music" fusion of the ethno/tech sound (Asian, African influences and back) with modern electronic experimentalism. The result is a laid back, highly palatable sound, which has already become the hip sound of London, Dublin, Ibiza and now NYC. Global Rotation and !K7 Records present a night of musical eclecticism, ethnic sounds and dance floor beats. Bringing you rare appearances by DJ Pathaan (Stoned Asia Music, UK), A Guy Called Gerald (!K7) and Tim 'Love' Lee (Tummy Touch, UK) while celebrating Gerald's birthday with all of us. UK's much loved DJs as well as New York favourite, DJ Cavo, will be bringing the sound of the underground and grooves of global flavours. Look forward to a night of tabla breaks, drum n' bass and world beats to groove your multicultural spirit. Arrive early for open bar and free giveaways courtesy of our sponsors, Flyer and XLR8R Magazine. |
10 February: Babylon, Istanbul, Turkey |
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DetailsBabylon, Seyhbender Sokak No: 3, Tunel, Asmalimescit, Beyoglu, 80040 Istanbul, Turkey |
9 February: Babylon, Istanbul, Turkey |
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DetailsBabylon, Seyhbender Sokak No: 3, Tunel, Asmalimescit, Beyoglu, 80040 Istanbul, Turkey "gerald was here 9th and 10th of feb. in istanbul. Gigs were held in Babylon and sponsored by Mavi Jeans. From: tyler durden on the message board Mavi Jeans�in sponsorluğunda Babylon�da ger�ekleştirilen Mavi M�zik konserlerinin konuğu bu kez A Guy Called Gerald. Techno, drum'n bass ve dub t�rlerinde yaptığı �zg�n �alışmalarıyla m�zikseverleri �oşturacak. Gerald, Techno ve acid house t�rlerindeki ilk denemelerinden (1990�ların �Automanikk� alb�m�) drum�n bass m�ziğinde �arpıcı yeniliklere damgasını vuran �alışmalarına dek (1993 yılında yayınlanan �28 Gun Bad Boy� ve �Black Street Technology� alb�mleri) uzanan s�re� i�inde Gerald s�rekli bir gelişme g�sterdi. Gerald�ın m�zikteki becersisi Tricky, The Stone Roses, Goldie, Roy Ayers, Herbie Hancock ve David Bowie�nin par�alarına da yansıdı. Drum�n bass ve dub t�rlerine �zg� �ğeleri kusursuz melodi ve tınılarla incelikli bir bi�imde harmanlayan A Guy Called Gerald drum�n bass sound�una yeni bir soluk kazandırarak breakbeat m�ziğinin lirik ve bestelerini akıcı ve duygu y�kl� yapıtlarla geliştirmeyi umut ediyor. Tarih : 09-10 Şubat |