| Task Usage enables the Processor Usage to be monitored for each Task running.
| ArmSort enables easy, fast and flexible sorting of BASIC Arrays.
| Compare enables files to be compared in a variety of ways and the differences listed.
| Reporter enables program development by allowing text and variable values to be easily displayed in a debugging window.
| Pluto is the very versatile application for reading, storing and writing emails and newsgroup posts.
| eSpeak enables text to be spoken, often used with Pluto.
| Rover enables tracking of installed and available versions of programs.
| RapIDErom enables customisation of the RapIDE32 interface from Yellowstone Educational Solutions.
Note that all the applications above have full !Help documentation, which is now provided in StrongHelp format because it is easier to use than a large text file. If you do not have StrongHelp, it is freely available from
| Crunchie An update of Steve Drain's last version to crunch BASIC programs.
| QuickFiler enables the Filer to use many keyboard shortcuts.
| ZPdebug extracts information from ZeroPain logs for BASIC programs, and displays details of the BASIC line likely to be the cause of the error.
| AcornSSLsh v0.04 is a draft Stronghelp manual for the AcornSSL module.
| BackBoot enables directories to be !Booted in the background.
| WordCount enables word frequencies to be counted in files.
| DiscTest is a simple program to test writing files to disc.
| SortTest is a program to test integer sort programs.
| StopClose0 is a module to notify if CLOSE#0 or *CLOSE will close all files.
| ListCache is a small program to analyse the Netsurf !Cache files.
| BasicPF v0.04 is a test program to produce PROC/FN analysis of BASIC programs.
| ColDef2 is a temporary home for Rosemary Miskin's program to help providing colour values in various formats.
| FileSpeed is a small, simple program for checking file/disc access speeds.
| RegExTest is a program for testing RegEx search strings.