v0.96 (31 Jan 2025)
Crunchie is a Utility written in BASIC to crunch BASIC files, written by the late Steve Drain and first released in 2018. It was updated by him until v0.93 in April 2021. The main features are...
- delete comments, blank lines, empty statements and spaces.
- shorten variable, procedure and function names.
- convert SWI names after SYS/SWI to numbers.
- convert ASC with literal strings to numbers.
- convert constant variables to literal values.
- remove debugging statements.
- remove unwanted routines.
- concatenate lines.
- crunch multiple library files to same values.
- append crunched libraries to the main program.
An updated Crunchie v0.96 has now been released, based on v0.93. The main changes are...:
- Fixed several simple errors.
- Removed duplicated or unused code and files.
- Corrected Analysis list for Literals and source files.
- Improved some error messages.
- Removed assumption that programs and Libraries start with REM.
- Avoided redundant colons at start/end of line.
- Moved all available releases and recent changes to RISC OS Git.
Many may question whether a BASIC cruncher is of any use. I would suggest that for large programs it can be very useful. Crunchie takes 6 seconds to process a 1.5GB program spread over 43 source files. The 76% reduction gives real benefits in size and performance.
How to obtain Crunchie
To download v0.96 please click on
!Crunchie v0.96 (90 kByte Zip Archive)
After Steve sadly died in December 2022, it was his wish that his Kappa website and software remained available, and there is a full copy of his website available here, and Crunchie v0.93 is available here.
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Last updated: Fri 31st January 2025
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