Date : Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:14:59
From : "Mike" <profpep@...>
Subject: Re: Writing / invoking assembler on the beeb
> Did Acorn ever do their own 6502 assembler? I don't believe I've seen
> one - yet they did for the Z80 and 32016, so that seems surprising. My
> other option would be to compile on the PC, spit data across to the beeb
> via xfer, and run there I suppose. Can't decide if that's any easier or
> not!
The BBC one was called 'The 6502 Development system', and IIRC needed the
second processor to run. It was a full macro assembler too.
I've got another one in ROM, which came with my Mijas Small C, this will do
the 740 as well, and has a debugger. I can second the Lancaster one by the
way. To use the Mijas, you do (I think), need a text editor. It worked well
on my M128. You could use it to insert assembler routines into the Small C.
I do have the manual somewhere too.
There was a very flash system by Crash Barrier called 'meta', which would
cross assemble a lot of other micros from the BBC, but I've only ever seen
the ROMs on line, and there is a Disc and a serious manual too. The PC
version, (which I still use, though I'd love the later upgraded copy,
provided it would work with my 'dongle'), will do very good disassembly, and
I've used it ,(a long time ago), on some BBC ROMs.
I've also got the stand alone generators for Pascal and BCPL if they would
help. Pascal is no good for bit twiddling, but I found didn't find BCPL code
to be that slow compared with assembler, and actually more compact. You can
also target it at stand alone boards, according to the manual, though I
never tried that. I must dig them uot and scan off their manual if no-one
has done that yet.