Date : Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:57:48
From : "Alan Paton" <ap007h5122@...>
Subject: OMNIFLOP help
Hi Jason Could you help with this one please?
I have an Interak - homebrew Z80 computer CP/M - which uses standard 3.5
inch floppies. Exactly the same type as fitted to IBM PC's.
I am using the 720KB type disks (with one hole) and the Omniflop program
says I have a normal DOS disk when it tries to identify my CP/M disk.
Although I can see some data when it is saved as a PC file I cannot read
individual files.
I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction or
(better still) add the Interak format to your list, details as
Physically - the disk is double sided with 10 x 512byte sectors per
track i.e 20 x 512bytes per cylinder.
It is formatted with a skew (or interleave) of 2
When running STAT DSK: under CP/M the following Drive Characteristics...
6240: 128 Byte Record capacity
780: KiloByte Drive capacity
256: 32 Byte Directory entries
64: Checked Directory entries
512: Records per Extent
32: Records per Block
80: Sectors per track
2: Reserved Tracks