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Date   : Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:24:19
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Writing / invoking assembler on the beeb

Joel Rowbottom wrote:
> At 12:40 10/07/2006, Jules Richardson wrote:
>> Sounds good. I don't have a copy here, and unfortunately I can't see
>> it over on the BBC Lives! website - might well be pestering you for a
>> copy at some point (I'll see what others say about alternatives first!)
> Well, I've just found it almost in its old Hensa resting place :)
> http://www.mirror.ac.uk/mirror/ftp.uni-stuttgart.

Great - ta!

I've just paid a visit to the library (erm, cupboard) and am now armed with
the following books:

6502 Applications Book
Beyond BASIC
Discovering BBC Micro Machine Code
6502 Assembly Language Programming
Assembly Language Programming for the BBC Microcomputer
Programming the 6502
Interfacing the BBC Microcomputer

... so plenty of reading to be done there. Anyone have any particular
recommendations out of that lot? Otherwise I'll just pick one of the 6502
assembler ones (and the 'Interfacing' book looks useful too) - as said I last
did any assembler many years ago, and that was all Z80 / 68k / x86, never any

Joel - was it you who was possibly looking at modifying xfer to work with the
user port? One of the things I need out of this is bidirectional parallel
comms between the BBC/SBC and a PC-style parallel port - I was going to just
use the same handshaking as SCSI, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if
you (or whoever) has done work on parallel comms already; it'd make sense to
use the same signals for the same stuff I expect.


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