Date : Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:49:49
From : Andrew Benham <adsb@...>
Subject: Re: Writing / invoking assembler on the beeb
Joel Rowbottom wrote:
> At 12:05 10/07/2006, Jules Richardson wrote:
>> I'm looking for good recommendations for BBC micro assembler software,
>> if anyone has any.
> Lancaster ASM - takes textfile input, throws code out the other side and
> does macros, etc. Very versatile, very useful.
Seconded. The work I did for Beebug on some of their ROMs was using the
Lancaster Macro Assembler. I found it much better than using the assembler
embedded in BBC Basic: fast, no memory problems, does what you'd expect
from a good macro assembler.
Andrew Benham adsb@...
Southgate, London N14, United Kingdom
The gates in my computer are AND OR and NOT, not "Bill".