Date : Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:45:41 +0100
From : darren.grant@... (Darren Grant)
Subject: BBC Master SCSI
On 02/06/2009 11:39, "afra@..." <>
> Does anyone have the schematic, to see if it would be possible to fit in a
> CPLD ?
Schematic is here
I realised this morning that I'm way out of date in electronics these days.
I had a go with building a CPLD design but found myself way out of my depth.
There was a time when I would have enjoyed figuring it out but now I realise
I don't have the patience or inclination anymore.
Feeling a bit grumpy now having wasted the entire morning trying to figure
out the software for Altera CPLD's and failing miserably.