Date : Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:54:01 +0100
From : sai2791@... (Steve Inglis)
Subject: Teletext
Ceefax pages are available online at, a number
of widgets for the mac parse the output from this site and display it
directly on screen. It should therefore be possible to capture the
feed and save this to disc giving you 5 months worth of recent
stuff. I dunno what is going to happen when the analogue signal
finally dies.
As to the software that was available in the long and distant past, i
am sure that at least some of it is available from the site run by Jon
Welsh (Mac Beebem3 maintainer).
On 2 Jun 2009, at 10:50, Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> Thanks for this, I will check it can record SVHS before I buy
> anything. I
> appreciate that the machine might not work for this purpose anyway,
> but
> spending a few bob to try it out is preferable to hiding myself in a
> cave (with
> an aerial) for 5 months grabbing everything I can before it goes off.
> I downloaded all the Teletext pages relating to the 2003 Local
> Elections which
> took about 7 hours over two sessions. I have all the pages on an
> ADFS disc
> somewhere. If I can do this kind of thing at my leisure using video
> recordings
> it would be a great help.
> Best wishes,
> Ian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jason Flynn G7OCD [mailto:flynnjs@...]
> To: bbc-micro@...,
> Sent: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 23:04:05 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Teletext
>> Thanks for the replies. I might
>> try to get an SVHS video recorder,
>> there are a few floating about on E-Bay.
> Be careful, there are some VHS sets that will playback SVHS
> but not record.
> Also, SVHS spec does not guarantee to record teletext but
> it often does work. I bought one specifically so my wife
> could get recordings with subtitles without spending a
> fortune on specialised gear. It worked well enough for
> the human to read (occasional glitches) but I'm wouldn't
> call it archival quality :p
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