Date : Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:39:30 +0100
From : afra@... (
Subject: BBC Master SCSI
Quoting Charlie Robson <Charlie.Robson@...>:
> AAMOI - wouldn't the cpld way cost more than the discrete logic approach?
Don't be so sure of this :) Farnell has XC9572PC44 at ?5.45 each,
these are 5V chips so should work without problems on the BBC, there
are also XC9572XL, which are 3.3V chips but with 5V tollerent inputs,
which are ?2.12 each, they also do the 84 pin version of the 5V for
Dunno how much the LS chips would cost, but would also be less hassle
due to being a single chip rather than severl different ones.
Does anyone have the schematic, to see if it would be possible to fit in a
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