Date : Sun, 28 Dec 2008 10:32:43 -0600
From : jules.richardson99@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: OT: ZX80 ROM ?
Phill Harvey-Smith wrote:
> The other thing that is worth noting is that the ZX81 rom will work fine
> in a ZX80, when I first had my 80, it didn't have a rom, so to verify
> that it worked, I dropped an 81 rom in ther and it fired up first time,
> though obviously as a ZX81.
I think the key mappings get a little changed around in doing that, though.
ISTR I've got both ZX80 and ZX81 ROMs for my machine, but also have a
ZX81-style keyboard template which fits over the top of the original ZX80 one
for use with the ZX81 ROM.