Date : Mon, 10 Jul 2006 15:59:46
From : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Writing / invoking assembler on the beeb
At 15:24 10/07/2006, Jules Richardson wrote:
>Joel - was it you who was possibly looking at modifying xfer to work
>with the user port? One of the things I need out of this is
>bidirectional parallel comms between the BBC/SBC and a PC-style
>parallel port - I was going to just use the same handshaking as
>SCSI, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if you (or whoever) has
>done work on parallel comms already; it'd make sense to use the same
>signals for the same stuff I expect.
Is John Kortink's 65Link cable suitable for your needs? Since that
wheel has already been invented.. :-)
(cable spec is within the "Guide" text file within the archives.
...I really must make one of these up sometime...