Date : Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:06:15
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Writing / invoking assembler on the beeb
Rob wrote:
>> Joel - was it you who was possibly looking at modifying xfer to work
>> with the user port?
> Is John Kortink's 65Link cable suitable for your needs? Since that
> wheel has already been invented.. :-)
> (cable spec is within the "Guide" text file within the archives.
aha, yep, that'd be ideal. Unfortunately the actual handshaking protocol isn't
documented anywhere I've seen, and the source doesn't seem to be available, so
I'd still have to invent something there which would possibly turn out to be
different. (I say possibly because there's probably only a limited number of
ways for transferring bytes and initialising the VIA on the BBC to use both
CB1 and CB2 lines)
I can wire the cable the same way, at least.
John - you reading? Any plans to open-source the code, or at least publish
details of the protocol?