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Date   : Wed, 17 May 2006 23:49:07 +0100
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Master 128 with VFS and SCSI

> The Domesday Machine was originally developed on the BBC B as the
> Master wasn't out at the time and I have seen pictures in one of the
> Acorn magazines from c. 1984 with a BBC B connected up to a "top-
> loading" type of laserdisc player.

Aaaah, yes, I remember getting my grubby mitts on an old Philips
Professional LaserVision VP-835 about 15 years ago ex. BBC with a SCSI
connector bodged into a hole in the back.

It had a disc in it that had some kind of "virtual tour demo" and "BBC
Micro" written in pen. I could play the disc, but couldn't use the program
as I hadn't got the SCSI interface or the LV-ROM software.

Unfortunately, the SCSI card and BBC Micro weren't in the lot, although
there was a genlock that accepted a TTL input which had the same connector
as the Beeb that was mounted in the top right - I could play Super Invaders
over the top of Close Encounters... and I could control it via the RS232
port too.

I think it pre-dates the beige business box style LV series by a number of
years. I got rid of it when a number of discs I had bought wouldn't work
with it, I vaguely remember it was a combination of AC-3 and CLV discs. I
remember it was very solidly constructed, fanatically laid out inside and
exceedingly heavy, felt like it was made from lead or DU! If you ever see
one on eBay it'll certainly be buyer collects!

I did a bit of Googling and found this set of pics...

Dave ;)

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