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Date   : Thu, 18 May 2006 15:22:32 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Master 128 with VFS and SCSI

Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> It was advertised by Chris as a Genlock
> card for video titling but it is the same as the "Domesday" one.

The Domesday genlock boards and the Cox630B are completely different...

I don't think the Cox board supports different overlay modes either like the 
Domesday one - but that's from half-remembered memories of tracing the wiring 
in the Master that I have with that board.

> The article about the Domesday Project was in July 1985 edition of
> A&B Computing.  I have put the images here:

Brilliant - thanks! That definitely looks like what I'm thinking of as a VP405 
too (unless I'm getting my model numbers screwed up)

Given what Dave's said about his hacked player, I suppose it's possible they 
staged that photo and put that player in as an example of a Philips LVROM...

> www.BeebMaster.co.uk/Downloads/Photo of all internals.jpg

Yep, that's exactly the board that I have too - except in my Master the 
external connector's a circular multi-way thing rather than a single BNC 
(making me think at this stage that it's not related - but OTOH it's odd that 
it came from a school with 7 Domesday systems that seemed to have close ties 
with Acorn)

> Curiously it has the System ROM on the little carrier board and a video
> output from the Genlock board fitted to the back of the casing.

Hmm, I'll find out what that ROM's about when I get back to the UK I guess. I 
presume that BNC to the genlock is actually the input from the player, and 
output is via the BBC's normal video circuitry - unless there's another socket 
somewhere that we can't see...



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