Date : Wed, 17 May 2006 23:23:07 +0100
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Master 128 with VFS and SCSI
The Genlock card is in a shoebox but I can't remember which shoebox. I
don't think there is any software with it but there is a CD with fitting
instructions and photographs. It was advertised by Chris as a Genlock
card for video titling but it is the same as the "Domesday" one.
The article about the Domesday Project was in July 1985 edition of
A&B Computing. I have put the images here:
If have also found that I already have some images of the same Master AIV
from E-Bay and here is one of the pictures showing the Genlock board: of all internals.jpg
Curiously it has the System ROM on the little carrier board and a video
output from the Genlock board fitted to the back of the casing.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Wed, 17 May 2006 20:28:02 +0100
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC Master 128 with VFS and SCSI
Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> I have a Genlock card identical to this
> which I bought from Chris at 8BS
wow. Did you get any other stuff (docs, software) with it? That makes the
total number of known people with one of those genlocks a whopping four :-)
> The Domesday Machine was originally developed on the BBC B as the
> Master wasn't out at the time and I have seen pictures in one of the
> Acorn magazines from c. 1984 with a BBC B connected up to a "top-
> loading" type of laserdisc player.
Interesting - any idea which mag? I could scour the collection at Bletchley
then and scan the article (I've done that with a few Domesday-related bits,
but don't remember a pic of the top-loader)
If I'm getting my model numbers right though the VP405 is a top-loader, and I
believe we have a stash of those at Bletchley - they're pretty basic compared
to the later players. Would take me a while to trawl email archives to check
who told me that the 405's served as the first dev systems...
> There would be no way of connecting a standard VP410 to a Beeb so
> presumably the SCSI section was always intended to be bolted on to
> the player but maybe the idea of putting the Genlock in there as well
> was a late decision.
Yep, that sounds a fair assumption - maybe they had trouble with overheating
issues or signal quality with the genlock in the beeb...