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Date   : Sat, 30 Jul 2005 20:37:54 +0100
From   : "Samwise" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: Chuckie Egg

> I got onto level 81 or 82 once with a score in the order of 
> 1.3 million 
> - yes, you can all take it in turns to call me names, and yes 
> girls hate 
> me - and I seem to rememember that after a while things 
> settle down to a 
> steady state of equilibrium. I mean (IIRC) you have the 
> chickens, then 
> the bird, then the chickens and the bird, then extra chickens and the 
> bird, then the chickens go at double speed. Eventually it gets to the 
> stage where it doesn't seem to get any faster and there don't 
> appear to 
> be any more chickens.

"... the real killer ... kicks in from (I think) level 48 onwards - the
initial clock time decreases. You have 100 fewer ticks each time around the
level cycle, until eventually from about level 120 there are only 100 ticks
before the Harry loses a life. That makes the game tough even without any
bad guys..."
- Mike Elson (author of retro remake, DirectX Chuckie Egg), March 2005

Basically, if you reach level 40 you've seen most of what the game has to
offer - it just gets harder to complete within the time limit.

> And what was I reading about someone having a cheat for Chickie Egg? 
> Doesn't that rather negate the whole point of being born in the first 
> place? :-)
> Joe.

Ah, unfortunately, my research uncovered to my surprise that apparently not
everyone has the time or inclination to hone their skills as we have ... :)

I have heard of scores in excess of 2 million, but that was unsubstantiated


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