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Date   : Sat, 30 Jul 2005 19:25:18 +0100
From   : Joe N <ng22311@...>
Subject: Re: Chuckie Egg

John Abbey wrote:

>Having spent the past twenty years trying to perfect my Chuckie Egg style, I
>can confirm that the fourth wave is the duck (?) out of the cage and MORE
>chickens strutting around.  IIRC, there are two more than in wave three...
>Never managed to get past level 32 and a score of around 230,000.
>That would take a seriously hard-core Chuckie Egg-er!
>Any of you twiddle-fingers ever seen a fifth/sixth/? wave?
I got onto level 81 or 82 once with a score in the order of 1.3 million 
- yes, you can all take it in turns to call me names, and yes girls hate 
me - and I seem to rememember that after a while things settle down to a 
steady state of equilibrium. I mean (IIRC) you have the chickens, then 
the bird, then the chickens and the bird, then extra chickens and the 
bird, then the chickens go at double speed. Eventually it gets to the 
stage where it doesn't seem to get any faster and there don't appear to 
be any more chickens.

And what was I reading about someone having a cheat for Chickie Egg? 
Doesn't that rather negate the whole point of being born in the first 
place? :-)


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