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Date   : Sat, 30 Jul 2005 21:46:56 +0200
From   : "Eelco Huininga" <eelco@...>
Subject: Re: Getting BBC model B running again.

> Van: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] Namens Jo 
> Holbourn
> Verzonden: zaterdag 30 juli 2005 19:48
> Aan: bbc-micro@...
> Onderwerp: [BBC-Micro] Getting BBC model B running again.
> Hi
> I have been trying for a while to get my BBC computer running again.
> I have a model B, with sideways expansion board.
> When I switch it on, I get
> BBC model B 32K
> language?
> Any suggetions would be appriciated. 
> I have been doing some reading and according to the Watford Electronics
documentaiton for installing the sideways ROM/RAM board "language?" usually
appears when when the board is plugged in backwards at S21, however I have
had a look and the connector is keyed to only go in one way around so I
don't understand what the problem is.
> Thanks
> Jo
When the Language? message is displayed, the OS can't find the language ROM
(in most cases the BASIC ROM). When you've got a sideways RAM/ROM board
installed, this is usually caused when IC20 (74LS139) gets faulty input
signals. This is because most sideways RAM/ROM boards intercept the nCS
signals for the ROM sockets at links S20 and S22. Try fiddling with the
wires going to S20 and S22 and see if that helps. If that doesn't help,
remove the wires all together and put a jumper on S20 and S22 in the 'north'
position (this makes the beeb use it's default nCS signals).
If you have an oscilloscope, hook it up to pin20 of the BASIC ROM (usually
it's in the IC52 socket).
Hope this helps!


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