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Date   : Mon, 18 Oct 2004 12:28:57 +0100
From   : Ben Newsam <ben@...>
Subject: Re: BBC buggies and robot arms

In message <1098014668.3170.24.camel@...>, Jules Richardson 
<julesrichardsonuk@...> writes
>Where do BBC buggies and robot arms (unilab?) fit into the scheme of
>desirable / not desirable Acorn items?
>I'd quite like to get both for the museum sometime, but I've never even
>seen either let alone had the chance to get hold of them (for some
>reason we have the manual for a buggy at the museum, but not the thing
>I guess they were like Domesday setups, in that a school probably never
>had more than one of each - but whilst a few Domesday setups survive
>there don't seem to be any buggies or robot arms about. Both would make
>quite visual hands-on museum displays!

I have a Buggy, plus some extra Buggy electronics of various kinds. The 
Buggy is missing a few small parts that are pretty well unobtainable now 
(I know this because I know the fischertechnik importer). The black 
tyres are missing, and I am still trying to find a source of them. Any 
old black ring will *not* work correctly, the profile of the tyre and 
the hardness of the rubber are fairly important, ISTR.

Ben Newsam

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