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Date   : Mon, 18 Oct 2004 14:49:31 +0100
From   : "Charles Blackburn" <charlesb@...>
Subject: Re: BBC buggies and robot arms

you'll probably find that any rubber ring will do as long as the size (ID 
and OD) are correct. the reasoning behind this will most likely be because 
of how it calculates how far it's gone. it's like the speedo in a car, if 
you go from normal size tyres to low profile tyres, your speedo will be out 
unless a) u get the speedo reset, or b) you get the correct proportional 
sized LP tyres.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ben Newsam" <ben@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC buggies and robot arms

> In message <1098014668.3170.24.camel@...>, Jules Richardson 
> <julesrichardsonuk@...> writes
>>Where do BBC buggies and robot arms (unilab?) fit into the scheme of
>>desirable / not desirable Acorn items?
>>I'd quite like to get both for the museum sometime, but I've never even
>>seen either let alone had the chance to get hold of them (for some
>>reason we have the manual for a buggy at the museum, but not the thing
>>I guess they were like Domesday setups, in that a school probably never
>>had more than one of each - but whilst a few Domesday setups survive
>>there don't seem to be any buggies or robot arms about. Both would make
>>quite visual hands-on museum displays!
> I have a Buggy, plus some extra Buggy electronics of various kinds. The 
> Buggy is missing a few small parts that are pretty well unobtainable now 
> (I know this because I know the fischertechnik importer). The black tyres 
> are missing, and I am still trying to find a source of them. Any old black 
> ring will *not* work correctly, the profile of the tyre and the hardness 
> of the rubber are fairly important, ISTR.
> -- 
> Ben Newsam

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