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Date   : Sun, 17 Oct 2004 12:04:28 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: BBC buggies and robot arms

Where do BBC buggies and robot arms (unilab?) fit into the scheme of
desirable / not desirable Acorn items?

I'd quite like to get both for the museum sometime, but I've never even
seen either let alone had the chance to get hold of them (for some
reason we have the manual for a buggy at the museum, but not the thing

I guess they were like Domesday setups, in that a school probably never
had more than one of each - but whilst a few Domesday setups survive
there don't seem to be any buggies or robot arms about. Both would make
quite visual hands-on museum displays!



"We've had a lot of loonies around this place, but you're the first one
who thought the sunrise was made out of stale beer. Now are you going to
pick up your flute and leave, or shall I part your hair with this

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