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Date   : Sun, 17 Oct 2004 11:58:47 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: MIO64 board (plus other goodies)

Quite a day for BBC-related finds yesterday. The one that's puzzling me
is a small professional board by Musbury Consultants, badged as an
'MIO64' and with the (designer's?) name 'Mike Cook' on the reverse side.

It's got a 20 pin IDC socket on one edge, and a 96-way euroconnector on
the other, with a handful of LS logic inbetween.

It came with what appears to be a home-made board with a corresponding
96-way socket on it, which takes the connector out to a pair of trailing
IDC cables, each with both a 25 way D plug *and* socket on them
(suggesting pass-through to me - parallel connection to a PC maybe?)

Anyone come across one of these before? I'll try and grab a photo later.
Possible that it's not even beeb-related, though...

In the same batch of stuff there's a *boxed* Marconi trackerball, two
light pens, a Morley eprom programmer, Morley teletext adapter, Prestel
Adapter, a bunch of CARE Electronics ROM cartridges, and a Cumana
Touchpad (with polystyrene packaging, but no cardboard sleeve). Plus
several mundane items like a Cub screen, modem, floppy drives etc.

I haven't even got to the BBC that came with this to see if there's
anything interesting inside yet (it's got the socket fitted into the
'ashtray' for the CARE cartridges), nor the bags full of manuals (I did
spot a Solidisk twomeg / fourmeg RAM/ROM manual, suggesting that the
Beeb's probably got one fitted inside)

The touchpad looks pretty amazing - world's smallest graphics
tablet? :-)



I'm sorry for all the times I intentionally ducked underneath the sneeze
guard at a salad bar and sneezed on everything until I couldn't sneeze
any more. I have a problem.

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