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Date   : Mon, 15 Mar 2004 22:36:45 -0000
From   : tom@...
Subject: Re: CLI then SEI

On 14 Mar 2004 at 23:22, Thomas Harte wrote:

>Therefore, as far as I can tell, a CLI/SEI pair should result in the 
> following:    

> 1) read cli instruction
> 2) read sei instruction, clear interrupt flag
> 3) spot pending interrupt, wait for end of sei to execute it
> 4) complete sei

I'd not noticed that bit of 64doc -- that would have saved me some 
heartache. I was handling the IRQ at between points 2 and 3, counting 
that as "after CLI" rather than "starting SEI" as I should have done. 
And since the I flag was clear at that point, the CPU did took the 
interrupt there and then, causing all the problems.  

> Implied by that, shouldn't cli/sei (with interrupt pending) result in
> an interrupt in which the P left on the stack has the I flag set? In
> which case you get the 'interrupt after the instruction after'
> behaviour that Tom notes, whilst maintaining the behaviour jgh
> mentions (i.e. cli/sei used to let in a single interrupt) whilst
> suggesting a new emulator bug which might have been preventing Empire
> Strike Back from executing correctly? 

Yes, I'm pretty sure that's exactly whan happens. That's what model-b 
does now, anyway, and it seems to work (!); on a real Beeb, though, I 
only checked the return address on the stack. But if I wasn't set in 
the copy of P on the stack, you'd get the IRQ again straight after 
RTI. I didn't get that in my test program, but rather one IRQ for 
each CLI:SEI.

> Has the interrupt routine been checked to see that it isn't just
> trivially rejecting any interrupt that leaves a P with I set on the
> stack? 

Empire Strikes Back is weird... it doesn't have its own IRQ handler. 
Just uses the standard OS one. It doesn't check the stacked P other 
than to see if B is set.

(Interestingly, now I've fixed this problem, Brian Jacks magically 
started working, and Uridium doesn't randomly mess itself up any 
more. So it seems this is helping more than just Empire Strikes 


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