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Date   : Tue, 16 Mar 2004 20:42:45 GMT 
From   : "Thomas Harte " <thomasharte@...>
Subject: Re: CLI then SEI


Of course, looking
again I see I got
the cycle breakdown
incorrect, and it
should be:

1) read cli
2) read sei,
throwaway, check for
3) execult cli, read
4) read byte after
sei, throwaway,
notice interrupt and
stop filling
5) execute sei,
begin IRQ (read
break vector low)

But I'm sure you
realise that, and
the knockon effect -
an interrupt with I
set on stack - is
the same.


message ------- 
Date: Mon, 15 Mar
2004 22:36:45 -0000 
Subject: Re:
[BBC-Micro] Re: CLI
then SEI 

On 14 Mar 2004 at
23:22, Thomas Harte

>Therefore, as far
as I can tell, a
CLI/SEI pair should
result in the 
> following:    

> 1) read cli
> 2) read sei
instruction, clear
interrupt flag
> 3) spot pending
interrupt, wait for
end of sei to
execute it
> 4) complete sei

I'd not noticed that
bit of 64doc -- that
would have saved me
heartache. I was
handling the IRQ at
between points 2 and
3, counting 
that as "after CLI"
rather than
"starting SEI" as I
should have done. 
And since the I flag
was clear at that
point, the CPU did
took the 
interrupt there and
then, causing all
the problems.  

> Implied by that,
shouldn't cli/sei
(with interrupt
pending) result in
> an interrupt in
which the P left on
the stack has the I
flag set? In
> which case you get
the 'interrupt after
the instruction
> behaviour that Tom
notes, whilst
maintaining the
behaviour jgh
> mentions (i.e.
cli/sei used to let
in a single
interrupt) whilst
> suggesting a new
emulator bug which
might have been
preventing Empire
> Strike Back from
executing correctly?

Yes, I'm pretty sure
that's exactly whan
happens. That's what
does now, anyway,
and it seems to work
(!); on a real Beeb,
though, I 
only checked the
return address on
the stack. But if I
wasn't set in 
the copy of P on the
stack, you'd get the
IRQ again straight
RTI. I didn't get
that in my test
program, but rather
one IRQ for 
each CLI:SEI.

> Has the interrupt
routine been checked
to see that it isn't
> trivially
rejecting any
interrupt that
leaves a P with I
set on the
> stack? 

Empire Strikes Back
is weird... it
doesn't have its own
IRQ handler. 
Just uses the
standard OS one. It
doesn't check the
stacked P other 
than to see if B is

(Interestingly, now
I've fixed this
problem, Brian Jacks
started working, and
Uridium doesn't
randomly mess itself
up any 
more. So it seems
this is helping more
than just Empire


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