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Date   : Mon, 21 Aug 2000 10:23:54 GMT
From   : "Julian Stenning" <julian_stenning@...>
Subject: Re: Second Processor Elite

Hi Mike,

I made some progress last night.

For starters, I was using the wrong HiBASIC, I needed HiBasic3 from the BBC 
Lives! archive.

Tube Elite wouldn't load because of the DFS I was using (STL 2.2 N iss 2). 
If I use an earlier version (2.1) it seems to load, although it doesn't 
actually work!

I don't think the STL DFS 2.2N is fully compatible with the 2nd processor, 
*INFO doesn't work correctly when the 2nd proc is on, for example.

Thanks for your help. Now, if I could just get Elite to work fully !



>From: Mike Tomlinson <mike@...>
>To: bbc-micro@...
>Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Second Processor Elite
>Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 06:57:29 +0100
>In article <F2705OMQ7CWWBMPJLed00004831@...>, Julian Stenning
><julian_stenning@...> writes
> >Hi Mike,
> >
> >the 2nd processor is initialising - I get the "Acorn TUBE 6502 64K" 
> >I saved my DFS 1.2 rom to disc and *DUMPed it, part of the header reads
> >'DFS,NET'.
>Yes, that's the Acorn DNFS.  (combined disc and network FS ROM.  The
>network bit doesn't do anything if the Econet upgrade isn't fitted)
> >Is it possible that HiBasic doesnt work because I'm loading it into one 
> >the sideways ram banks on the solidisk 2meg 128?
>It's been a long time since I used it, but I don't think you load it
>into a sideways ROM bank.  Try typing */HIBASIC.
>You can check it's working by pressing ctrl-break and typing P.~HIMEM -
>this should be &8000 when the SP is on.  Then run HIBASIC and type
>P.~HIMEM again - it should have risen to &B800, i.e. you've gained
>another 14k of memory by loading the BASIC ROM high.
>Mike Tomlinson

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