Date : Sun, 20 Aug 2000 15:28:30 +0000
From : Michael Foot <mikef@...>
Subject: Re: Elite-A
In message <9bf8f049%mikef@...> you wrote:
I found this timout problem with Elite-A on my emulator and pcBBC as well.
It's a problem that's been hastling me for a while.
Can anyone elaborate on what happens internally when this spin down happens?
ie. what signals are passed from the 8271 to the other ICs to signal this?
> In message <14746.60839.266000.515519@...> you
> Isabel Cisternas & Robert Schmidt writes:
> >It works under BeebEm, at least if you use a E00 DFS.
> >
> >I just tried a regular Acorn DFS which failed with "Not found" when
> >trying to launch from the space station.
> This is probably the same problem reported before, with BeebEm not emulating
> the 8271 controller's timeout to stop the disc spinning.
> a.
Michael Foot <mikef@... >