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Date   : Sat, 19 Aug 2000 13:28:52 +0100
From   : Mark Scholes <mark@...>
Subject: Re: Second Processor Elite

In message <F2705OMQ7CWWBMPJLed00004831@...> you wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> the 2nd processor is initialising - I get the "Acorn TUBE 6502 64K" message.
> I saved my DFS 1.2 rom to disc and *DUMPed it, part of the header reads 
> 'DFS,NET'.
That sounds correct
> Is it possible that HiBasic doesn't work because I'm loading it into one of 
> the sideways ram banks on the solidisk 2meg 128?
Yes, you need to load it into the 2nd processor's RAM, eg *LOAD HIBASIC B800
then *GO B800

Or load it into sideways RAM and then do some magic (ie I can't remember) to
run HiBasic instead of BASIC (As they both had the same command *BASIC),
unless you can make HiBASIC a higher priority that BASIC.

Then you can have programs with 44K of RAM from 0800 to B800 in any screen
mode, plus still use the memory on the BBC if you're clever.

And you can run 2nd Processor Elite, it should recognise you have a 2ndP, but
as I had Solidisk (which had some nice features, but broke most protection,
damn Acorn for using the 8271) I had to run it some other way.

What's the difference between 2ndP elite, and Master Elite?, they look the
same to me.

Mark Scholes
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