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Date   : Sat, 03 Oct 1998 09:59:05 +0100
From   : "Thomas Elliott" <teejay@...>
Subject: Re: The Universal Teletext Adaptor

On this subject.... has anyone out there got a teletext adaptor and rom
that I could purchase?

I Thank You
Tom                                            Live Dangerously...
\\||||// From the desk of _____        _____ ... and have fun!! 
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\__/      ICQ# 8018364           teejay(at)netexecutive.com  
http://www.listen.to/abba  http://wwp.mirabilis.com/8018364  
AIM Screen Name: me2teejay  Yahoo! Pager ID: teejay_england
Useless Invention: Avalanche prevention goggles.
The thoughts above are probably those of someone! Perhaps even myself,
and are (c) October 3, 1998 Thomas James Elliott

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mike_Tomlinson@... <Mike_Tomlinson@rockliff.co.uk>
    To: Chris Richardson <chris@...>
    Cc: bbc-micro@... <bbc-micro@cloud9.co.uk>
    Date: 02 October 1998 20:25
    Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] The Universal Teletext Adaptor
    I think it was made by Ground Control.  Is it in a beige box with
    black/brown panels?
    If it does connect to the user port I doubt the Acorn ATS rom would
    with it, as the Acorn unit connected
    to the 1Mhz bus.  It may have been a modified version of the ATS
    The Ground Control unit was auto-tuning, whereas the Acorn unit had
to be
    manually tuned (and a pain it was too.)
    If I remember correctly, the same unit could also be connected to
    Archimedes using a cable which plugged
    into one of the backplane slots.
    To:   BBC Micro Mail List <bbc-micro@...>
    cc:    (bcc: Mike Tomlinson/MP/Rockliff)
    Subject:  [BBC-Micro] The Universal Teletext Adaptor
    I have a Universal Teletext Adaptor. It requires a program called
TTX to
    run it. It apparently is compatible with the ATS ROM but there are
    tuning dials on it and so I assume the tuning must be done through
    TTX software.
    It also requires a lead to run from a five pin DIN on the unit to
    User Port. Has anyone heard of this Teletext adaptor? Does anyone
    the required software or lead/info for constructing a lead?
    Chris Richardson 8-Bit Software
    The BBC and Master Computer User Group and Public Domain Library

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