Date : Sat, 03 Oct 1998 10:13:07 +0100
From : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: Re: [None]
At 00:39 03/10/98 +0100, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>I have some utilities that let you write the source file using 'you text
>editor of choice', and then use Basic's assembler to assemble from the
>file direct to disk or memory. I'll have to tidy up the documentation if
>anybody wants it...
I used to use the Lancaster assembler, which was a sideways ROM image. It
let you write the code in a text editor (I wrote mine in "View") and then
compile it. Unfortunately it doesn't do multi-line commands like this gent
wanted. The BBC BASIC assembler will (AFAICR).
Joel Rowbottom BSc (Hons) - Opinions are not necessarily those of others
Technical Director, Mailbox Internet Ltd, UK - Self-confessed Unix geek
Email: joel@... Fax: 0171 736 9253 Web: