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Date   : Sat, 03 Oct 1998 11:53:35 +0100
From   : hick@... (gARetH baBB)
Subject: Re: The Universal Teletext Adaptor

In message <27.199810030906.KAA26397@...>,
          chris@... (Chris Richardson) wrote:

> I have a Universal Teletext Adaptor. It requires a program called TTX to
> run it. It apparently is compatible with the ATS ROM but there are no
> tuning dials on it and so I assume the tuning must be done through the
> TTX software.

Yes. There's just a single programmable tuner, much more flexible.

> It also requires a lead to run from a five pin DIN on the unit to the
> User Port. Has anyone heard of this Teletext adaptor? Does anyone have
> the required software or lead/info for constructing a lead?

I've got one and I made up a lead - though I cheated with the lead by
keeping seperate I/O lines and modifying the ATS ROM slightly, this
probably isn't neccessary but I followed the same layout as GC used with
the parallel port lead.

Hmmm, this is what I've got.

1	blue	8	pb1
2	green	5	0v
4	red	20	pb7
5	white	6	pb0

I suspect pb0 is input, pb1 is output (on the Morley and what ATS expects
by default, these are both on pb0 as a tristate line - try it by ignoring
the pb1 connection) and pb7 is the clock.

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