Date : Fri, 12 Jun 1998 18:11:12 +0200
From : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Micro Modem & Internet use?
> Getting or building an adapter so that he can use any old RS-232 modem
> in the BBC's RS-432 should not be a problem. He'll probably be
> restricted to using BBS'es though, but reading Internet mail and news
> should not be a problem. Browsing the web, however, requires support
> for the HTTP protocol, which requires something like a TCP/IP stack,
> which to my knowledge does not exist for the BBC. One person (was it
> Mark Usher?) wrote to the BBC micro mailing list that he was toying with
> the idea of implementing one, but it sounds like a heavy task.
Correct. There is an implementation of the TCP/IP stack available for the
BBC. Though as yet I haven't toyed with it.
> I guess part of the question is now how old a modem does he have to
> track down? Can he still get the cable ready-made? What software is
> recommended to use?
As far as my hardware knowledge goes he should be able to use any modem on
the BBC. In fact I've been meaning to try this for ages, I'll be back in
half an hour, I'm just going to make a cup of tea and connect my ISDN modem
to the Beeb. Now where was that bit of cable I had lying around for this....