Date : Fri, 12 Jun 1998 19:01:47 +0200
From : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Micro Modem & Internet use?
OK, just tried it. No problems at all. The BBC works fine connected up to my
US Robotics Courier I-Modem. ISDN and all, obviously I have to use it as an
analogue modem but then the BBC's serial can't do 64K anyway.
So you don't have to look for an old piece of kit, although the maximum you
can hope to have any success with is 9600 baud or 19200 if you're really
So a 14.4 modem should do the job nicely. As for internet, forget it at the
moment. I think the nearest we'll get is telneting, but then I may be proved