Date : Fri, 12 Jun 1998 15:08:30 +0100
From : Chris Richardson <chris@...>
Subject: Re: Re: BBC Micro Modem & Internet use?
Have a look at the 8BS pages. Follow the link below. I have 2 modems for
sale in the 8BS advert
Robert Schmidt wrote:
> Mike Chapman wrote:
> >
> > Hi Robert,
> >
> > I have been looking over your great BBC Lives! pages trying to find an
> > answer to a question for my neighbour.
> >
> > Basically, he was wondering that if he can track down an original BBC
> > modem is there any software available to allow him to use email and the
> > internet (a browser)?
> Getting or building an adapter so that he can use any old RS-232 modem
> in the BBC's RS-432 should not be a problem. He'll probably be
> restricted to using BBS'es though, but reading Internet mail and news
> should not be a problem. Browsing the web, however, requires support
> for the HTTP protocol, which requires something like a TCP/IP stack,
> which to my knowledge does not exist for the BBC. One person (was it
> Mark Usher?) wrote to the BBC micro mailing list that he was toying with
> the idea of implementing one, but it sounds like a heavy task.
> I guess part of the question is now how old a modem does he have to
> track down? Can he still get the cable ready-made? What software is
> recommended to use?
> I don't know, though the software and ROM archives contain some comms
> software...
> I've forwarded this reply to the list. If any readers wish to
> follow-up, please also CC: Mike.
> --
> Robert Schmidt <rsc@...>
> Software Developer / Vingmed Sound tel +47 67124237 fax +47 67124355
> Private tel +47 22606076 WWW
> jeg lukker et oye og ser halvt
> jeg lukker begge og ser alt -- seigmen
Chris Richardson 8-Bit Software
The BBC and Master Computer User Group and Public Domain Library