Date : Thu, 14 Oct 1982 02:02:36-PDT (Thu)
From : UCBARPA.dag at Ucb-C70
Subject: modem
Will the new modem 7 stuff work with the Osborne OTERM 3.03?
What files constitute a full modem7 set?
Finally, here's my problem...I have been using modem926 for a while
and am now trying to get it to talk with the Osborne. I can get
the programs to talk together beautifully in terminal mode, but can't
seem to do file transfers between my modem926 and either oterm303 or
the modem216 in the osborne subdirectory. Since I can talk in terminal
mode both ways, I assume that the modem programs are set up correctly
for ports and masks and such, but I can't send files.
HELP..I have to return the Osborne by Saturday and need to test
my system.
Thanks in advance,