Date : Thu, 14 Oct 1982 00:24:00-CDT
From : alt at Utexas-11
Subject: Reply to: telecon "c" compiler
I think this problem should addressed:
Many C compilers claim V7 UNIX compatible. In many cases this is
not as great as it seems, and in some cases an inaccurate statement.
For example, Whitesmiths C claims v7 compatibility, but there are
subtle differences that make porting very time consuming. If
I bought a compiler that said V7 UNIX compatible, I would expect
the stdio library (standard i/o) and the printf and the 30 or
40 other things that people expect in a V7 C library to work
without change. It is not acceptable to edit every printf
in a 3000 line program to make it work right. I expect to be
able to take a program off a V7 system and have it compile and run
(Of course this excludes UNIX specific things like syscalls),
all the math libraris
all the math libraries should work etc, etc. I haven't seen a
compiler for a micro that will do this. I am assuming machine
independent code of course.
Howard Alt...