Date : Sun, 28 Dec 2008 22:21:03 -0000
From : jumbos.bazzar@... (Mark Haysman)
Subject: OT: ZX80 ROM ?
Oops, just need to correct myself there, the TMS2532 has A11 on pin 18
instead of 21 compared to a 2732, and some other programming/select pins are
messed with. But according to the diagram I have for the ZX80, the 2732 is
the correct type.
If for some reason my diagram is wonky, and you DO need a TMS2532, then let
me know, I've got those as well.
> a TMS-2732, which is tri-voltage, the TMS-2532 is a single voltage device,
> identical to the
> (non-TMS) 2732. TI and Intel really messed with peoples heads with their
> numbering at that time!
> Mark.
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