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Date   : Mon, 21 Jan 2008 22:43:47 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Z80 CP/M Software Discs

Michael Howard wrote:
> Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> > Almost. They are double-sided 80 track DFS disks, on side 0 is a
> >
> Uhm! I'm getting confused now, which you might say is not unusual for me.
> The reason I asked the question originally is that I'm in the process of
> archiving my floppies and the Z80 CP/M disks are giving me problems.
> Steve Bass stated in an earlier reply that only discc 1 was DFS, the
To clarify, the are *all* *not* DFS disks. They are formatted to
256*10*80*2, which is the same format that DFS disks use, but
they have a CPM filesystem on them, not a DFS filesystem.
There may or may not be a DFS catalog in the first two sectors.
The existance or nonexistance of a DFS catalogue has absolutely no
bearing on whether they are CPM disks or not.
The first 30 sectors (the first three tracks) may or may not have
CPM system code.
Any program that will duplicate a 256*10*80*2 floppy disk with
duplicate an Acorn CPM floppy disk.
> Having said that, Omniflop is steadfastly refusing to read them if I
> tell it they are Acorn CP/M format (hence my confusion). My aim is just
I was sure OmniFlop could do 256*10*80*2, but reading single
density disks relies on the floppy hardware being able to read
single density disks, so it could be you computer, not OmniFlop,
that is the problem.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
The most perfect world is an imperfect world as the imperfections
give people a reason to strive to change it.

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