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Date   : Fri, 18 Jan 2008 14:33:40 +0000
From   : mike@... (Michael Howard)
Subject: Z80 CP/M Software Discs

Michael Howard wrote:
> Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>>> Message-ID: <47888A1D.4040209@...>
>> Michael Howard wrote:
>>> Am I correct in believing that the set of 7 discs for the Z80
>>> co-processor are simply 80 track DFS discs each containing a CP?M 'image'?
>> Almost. They are double-sided 80 track DFS disks, on side 0 is a
>> dummy file called CPMDISC that occupies the whole of side 0, but
>> does not contain the whole of the CPM filesystem.
>> The CPM filesystem starts at track 0 sector 0 (ie, the DFS
>> catalogue). Part of the CPM filesystem has some space reserved in
>> it to contain the DFS catalogue. CPM doesn't look fo the CPMDISC
>> file, it accesses sectors directly.
>> See http://mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/Disk/Format
> Uhm! I'm getting confused now, which you might say is not unusual for me.
> The reason I asked the question originally is that I'm in the process of 
> archiving my floppies and the Z80 CP/M disks are giving me problems. 
> These discs were not mine from scratch, so I don't know their history.
> Disc 1, is recognised by my BBC (and Acorn with !DFSReader) as a DFS 
> disc, the remaining 6 discs are not recognised either natively (no 
> surprise) or with  !DFSReader. If, however I use !CPMFS, they are all 
> recognised and I can see (catalogue) the contents.
> Steve Bass stated in an earlier reply that only discc 1 was DFS, the 
> remainder are Acorn CP/M format which would explain why they are not 
> recognised.
> Having said that, Omniflop is steadfastly refusing to read them if I 
> tell it they are Acorn CP/M format (hence my confusion). My aim is just 
> to get reliable images that I can write back if need be. I did suspect 
> the discs were at fault initially, but as I say, I can read them using 
> I've seen the images at http://mdfs.net/Mirror/Image/AcornCPM/ and 
> thought I'd try writing these to disc with Omniflop but no joy, though I 
> think I have only tried to write to Acorn CP/M format discs with the 
> CPM2 image. Could somebody inform me of the best way to get these to disk?
> I will get the Z80 out of the loft this evening and try booting 
> everything up natively to double check the discs.
> Cheers,
> Mike.
Appologies for following up my own post but the penny has begun to drop 
at last.

I got the Z80 out, tested and copied my set of discs using it and all 
worked perfectly, so the discs are good.

I have also imaged them using Johnathon Harston's 'DiskToImg' and 
written them back, successfully, to disk with 'ImgToDisk'. So goal achieved.

Thanks to everybody that helped.


Michael Howard         mike at dewberryfields dot co dot uk

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