Date : Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:50:57
From : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: MDFS bankrupt accounts [THANKS]
Hi all,
On Wed 11 Apr, Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> I think all this must mean that the disc name goes at the
> end, so try:
> *CREDIT <acc number> <amount> <disc name>
My sincere thanks to all of you who contributed the the solution of
problems with *CREDIT (and *DEBIT).
First of all the feedback was nice and encouraging, and gave me enough
pleasure to continue my efforts and even trying out some dirty things,
which I now seem to be inpired to! It gives ideas I never had before.
A third parameter was needed. I figured that out. But nothing was pointing
to the disc name (yet, for me), as I didn't realize the accounts are /per/
disc. Although I had seen it when using the 'A' parameter with *STATEMENT.
So a few remarks for the inclusion of a disc name, did trigger some grey
cells, and I then remember the output of *STATEMENT A, giving a full view
per disc of all the accounts.
After that is was within a minute I found the correct sysntax, probably at
the same time as you, Ian, did. So
thank you all for
your inpiring posts,
helpfull remarks,
and confirmation of the correct syntax.
Johan Heuseveldt <johan@... >
aka waarland
The best place is a Riscy place
Don't crush that dwarf; hand me the pliers.
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