Date : Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:28:30
From : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: MDFS bankrupt accounts
Hi Ian,
On Wed 11 Apr, Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> I think all this must mean that the disc name goes at the
> end, so try:
> *CREDIT <acc number> <amount> <disc name>
We both came to the same conclusion then.
> If you credit an account with 65535K then you will never run
> out of space on that account as it is the maximum MDFS
> disc partition size. Deliberately bankrupting accounts is a
> way of effectively giving users with those accounts read-only
> access to the server since they don't own any space to save
> any files.
That was clear enough to me from the manual. But I could have misinterpreted,
but no way to check of course when *CREDIT/*DEBIT don't work at all! :-)
So the first thing I checked was: is bankrupt the same as zero. Because
bankrupt feels/sounds so disastrous. But yes, setting an account to zero, the
bankrupt remains. And a setting of 1, just sets it to one. So bankrupt is not
a serious error, but just a normal state.
It can be read from the manual. But as English is /not/ my native language,
there will be doubts in details if you can't verify for absolute certainty.
But now I feel at ease with the basics of the account system.
Up to the next level! :-)
Johan Heuseveldt <johan@... >
aka waarland
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at the end just the Cliche. - Stanislaw J. Lec
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