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Date   : Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:58:53 -0000
From   : Richard.Hobbis@... (Richard Hobbis)
Subject: Screen garbage and program crashes

My 'new' Beeb appeared to work fine the first night I tried it, but now
it is having 'issues'.

For example, if I do a *CAT the file list will be displayed fine, If I
do *CAT again, say two or three times, the listing gets corrupted.
Sometimes it's as if I had done a *DIR G for example and all the files
are prefixed with $. Other times not all the files are listed.

If the disk does boot successfully into the menu and I select a game to
play sometimes it will crash with a syntax error, other times it will
just hang. If the game does load OK it might play for a couple of
minutes before crashing, usually leaving it in mode 5 with keypresses
going to screen. Sometimes the game loads but the screen text is garbled
or random patterns appear.

It is an issue 4 Beeb, with Watford DFS 1.44, Sir 12ROM board, and
Cumana single 80track disk drive.

Any ideas where the problem lies?


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