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Date   : Wed, 14 Feb 2007 09:47:01 -0000
From   : Richard.Hobbis@... (Richard Hobbis)
Subject: Electron power supply

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Steve.Lancaster@...
Sent: 14 February 2007 09:19
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Electron power supply

Hello all. 

Whilst browsing round a local car boot sale over the weekend. I spied a
loose Acorn Electron with no cables.   

Obviously, I have no knowledge of whether it works or not, and I have no
knowledge of the Electron other than remembering it from the early 80's
as the BBC's little brother. 

Does anybody know the answer as to how I can get hold of a power supply
to test that the thing works, or if there is any other way of testing


I had a similar situationa while back - Electron but no PSU.

I think the standard Electron psu is 21v AC but the closest I could find
at our local surplus electronics store was 18v AC. I bought it anyway
(it was a cheap experiment and I figured too little voltage wouldn't
damage the Elk). I had to change the plug at the Electron end with one
of the correct size, but on switching on the Electron it all seems to
work fine!
I haven't tried using it with the Plus1 or Plus3 attached though so it
may not be up to the job with the extra load they may demand from the


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