Date : Tue, 23 Jan 2007 09:15:58 +0000
From : Charlie.Robson@... (
Subject: Electronics Advice Needed for Beeb Project
Martin wasn't on holiday :))
>I'm no eletronics expert, so the resistors are a result of guesswork,
>and meter readings!
>However, the SDO of an MMC card should be "pulled up" to 3.3V
>for the card to sink the current, thus the reason for the 47K resistor.
>I put the other 4K7 in just in case the CB2 is programmed as an output
>Also, the diode was also found by chance,
>because my Siemens MMC card doesn't work without it.
>However, my Intregal card doesn't care if the diode is there or not!
Thanks again everyone for your input. Now why isn't the veroboard version
that I built last night working... Hmm Cab Sav interference perhaps ;)