Date : Mon, 22 Jan 2007 14:33:37 +0000
From : Charlie.Robson@... (
Subject: Electronics Advice Needed for Beeb Project
Thanks everyone!
I spent a fruitful lunch hour building the circuit on a breadboard and
after some tense fiddling (ooerr!) got it going. HURRAH!
No more 3.5/5.25 worries for me! I'm solid state from now on!
> Why not ask Martin ?
I did. He 'must be on holiday' - my euphamism for people who invite
conversation then don't respond when you try :)
No reply? Must be on holiday.
So I heartily recommend this project. I've cooked up a more compact vero
layout and I'll get soldering on that tonight or tomorrow. I'll keep you
all posted - thanks for the input so far. Like I said in my first mail I
expected it to work - I'm just not sure why!