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Date   : Thu, 21 Dec 2006 21:35:54 -0000
From   : andrew.hancock@... (Andrew Hancock)
Subject: BBC Micro connected to RM 380Z

My memory is a little sketchy, it's been over 20 years, but from what I
remember, the three BBC Micros' where connected to the 380Z via User Port
cables, and had roms called MACE, the Beebs saved/loaded programs from the
380z which were stored on the floppy discs in the 380z.

I don't remember how the Beebs connected to the 380z, or what was needed to
run the file server component on the 380z.

The Beebs did not have any Disc File systems fitted, this was pre-DFS days
at the school. I've always assumed it was a quick and dirty way, for pupils
to store their work centrally.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: bbc-micro-bounces+andrew.hancock=cyrus-
> consultants.co.uk@... [mailto:bbc-micro-
> bounces+andrew.hancock=cyrus-consultants.co.uk@...] On
> Behalf Of Jules Richardson
> Sent: 21 December 2006 21:07
> To: 'bbc-micro List'
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] BBC Micro connected to RM 380Z
> Andrew Hancock wrote:
> > Is there any documentation or software for this?
> >
> > I remember two or three BBC Micros at my school were connected via the
> User
> > Port (I think) to RM 380Z machine before Econet came to the school.
> Hmm. 380Z hardware had its own network - like Econet, but with less wires
> :-)
> All the machines had built-in terminal software in ROM, as well as being
> able
> to network-boot from an MP/M fileserver (when they had the network board
> fitted - not all machines did).
> I'm pretty sure there was a mode where the 380Z could receive keyboard
> input
> from a remote system and use a remote system for display, too - however I
> thought that was only over the serial port and not something like parallel
> (which would be perhaps more logical to connect a BBC User port to).
> But what you mention is interesting... what ran on the 380Z? Was it a
> fileserver, or some sort of custom game / educational app? If it was a
> fileserver, do you know if it was an RML product, or something third-
> party?
> I can see what docs I have over the next few days, anyway...
> cheers
> Jules
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