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Date   : Thu, 21 Dec 2006 15:07:11 -0600
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: BBC Micro connected to RM 380Z

Andrew Hancock wrote:
> Is there any documentation or software for this?
> I remember two or three BBC Micros at my school were connected via the User
> Port (I think) to RM 380Z machine before Econet came to the school.

Hmm. 380Z hardware had its own network - like Econet, but with less wires :-) 
All the machines had built-in terminal software in ROM, as well as being able 
to network-boot from an MP/M fileserver (when they had the network board 
fitted - not all machines did).

I'm pretty sure there was a mode where the 380Z could receive keyboard input 
from a remote system and use a remote system for display, too - however I 
thought that was only over the serial port and not something like parallel 
(which would be perhaps more logical to connect a BBC User port to).

But what you mention is interesting... what ran on the 380Z? Was it a 
fileserver, or some sort of custom game / educational app? If it was a 
fileserver, do you know if it was an RML product, or something third-party?

I can see what docs I have over the next few days, anyway...



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